3.6million viewers??

Dear BarelySupermommy readers,

You have been an amazing supporters to my blog. I had 3.6million readers in 2012!! OMG!! Where did you guys came from?? Hahahah.. Anyway, I would like to extend my thank yous to all of you who have been supporting BarelySupermommy. It has been a great parenthood journey for me and my husband. And Bella is growing really fast. We can’t wait for another addition in our family!! That one due in mid February, insyaAllah!! And we will be sharing our even-more crazy life with our new infant and growing toddler!! Sounds fun, eh? Haha.. To be honest, I can’t wait for that.

I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year. May 2013 brings us joy, happiness, wealth, beauty (YES!! you heard me right!!), and barakah!! God willing..


Here’s an excerpt:

About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 3,600,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 65 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe!

Click here to see the complete report.

Guilty Mommy

I went for ultrasound scan for my second baby last week, and to my shock,he/she is underweight and looks small for his/her age. At 33 weeks, the parameters are only at par with a 29 week size baby!! Oh my God!! Have I been a bad mommy?? I know it’s not the end of the world but I guess there are few factors that I would like to share with all of you mommies out there..

Up until now, I’m still breastfeeding Lil B, not regularly but usually at night before she goes to sleep. The nutrition that should go to the new baby might have been taken by the breast milk… Well, I just can’t say “No” when Bella said she wanted “shushu”. She did it with the cutest face ever!!

Besides, I’m not eating very well during this pregnancy, that’s the different between this current and previous pregnancy. I just don’t have that much appetite like before. I just eat for the sake of eating.. Alhamdullilah there was no vomiting or feeling nauseous but my appetite is just so-so. Besides, taking care of a toddler and carrying a baby at the same time is really no joke. Work is as demanding as ever. We moved house, packing and unpacking.. A lot of crazy stuff is going on during this current pregnancy. There was just not enough time to lie down and put my feet up. Husband has been a great partner. He helped me in every way he can but I guess progestrogen really effects your body more as you get older.. It makes you tired and sleepy, it retains water, makes you forget things, stretches your ligaments (OMG!! Thats the worst!! Sometimes I feel like I left my pinggang on the chair when I tried to get up!! Hahahha… Husband comes handy around this time to pull you up without complaining I’m too heavy!! Haha..) My weight gain is good coz my body retains water easily (thanks to progestrogen!! I’m like a sponge retaining water!!) but baby’s weight gain is a little lagging..

My point is.. (not to blame anything here!) I missed taking my multivitamins!! *insert regret face here!*

Don’t get me wrong, I love this hectic life.. I just hate the progestrogen!! Hahah..

From now on, I have to force myself to eat and takes my multivits regularly..

To expecting mommies out there.. do NOT take things for granted. Take your nutritious food regularly, multivitamins. Just do it for your unborn child. No excuse!!’

P/S: Pic credit goes to Hasninuraini Hasan who we met at Pavilion wandering around with her canggih camera. Thank you!!

B’s Latest Hobby..

Bella has developed new interest recently.. and that is “drawing” (nicely put there, huh!!) In adult world, it’s called “menyonteng”!! Hehe..

She’s slowly learning how to hold a marker pen.. and not to draw on her own body!!

Yes, I found out she’s quite concerned when she accidentally conteng on her hands or tummy.. Quite a neat-freak!!

We got her a non-toxic and washable marker from Toy’r’us.. quite cool with rounded point, easy for toddlers to hold and draw..

So far, the only color that she able to pronounce is blue.. and that comes out as “buuu”. That will do for now, B😉

Has she ‘draw’ on the wall, yet??

Yes, she did!! Hahah.. Takpe lar.. I’m sure more to come and I must get use to it!!😀

The Big Bad Wolf ~ Biggest Book Sale!!

Homaigawd!!! We just got back from the Big Bad Wolf book sale at The Mines.. and the crowd is madness!!

Today is the last day and as usual, we Malaysians just love last minute shopping!! Haha..Check out the huge hall and the queue at the cashier.. I think they have more that 10 cashier counter opened for the visitors. Im so proud knowing that we have a huge crowd of reading society!!

What did we buy? Books for Bella.. of course.. Those are the ones with huge fonts and lots of pictures..

And some for mommy..

Yes, I bought cook books!! Hahahha.. We’ll see how long I can finish reading these books!!

Maybe some cooking experiment during maternity leave??😉

Unfortunately daddy couldnt find the books that he wanted… Haih…

Anyway, we had fun!! New books to read for Bella tonight!! Yay!!

B and Keropok..

B loves keropok!! Keropok ikan.. keropok udang.. and her latest discovery.. keropok bayam!! She really loves munching them.

But she can’t pronounce ‘keropok’ properly.. it always comes out as ‘opokok’ or sometimes ‘pokok’.. Hahaha.. super funny!!

She always goes.. “pokok, more.. pokok..”

Check this out!!

Durian Feast!!

Guess what we did today???

Clue: …..

We went to Durian Feast at R&R Jejantas Sg Buloh!! Hahahah..

It was only for RM 12 per person, all you can eat local fruits buffet!! There were durians, mangosteen, rambutan, langsat for you to eat!! Heaven!

They have this event for two days, yesterday and today. Whoever gets the chance to stop by at R&R Jejantas Sg Buloh should drop by and belasah durian!!😉

This pakcik so semangat bukak kan durian for us!!

And thats our happy face dapat makan durian, Bella was a bit quiet coz it was almost her afternoon nap time.

Until she gets to taste the durian.. then only she makes noise!! Hahaha..

Sugar rush!!

Now we are back at home, kepanasan and pening kepala coz we ate too much!! Did we regret it? Urrmmm.. nope!

Money Is The Root of All Problems

A friend of mine showed me this equation.

This must be created by a man!!