Happy Mother’s Day!

I have to admit I am not a perfect mother. Sometimes I refused to spend time with my kids because I was too tired, even when I tried, I fell asleep during our play time. Sometimes I raised my voice to them when they were making mess even when I knew it was part of … Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day!


I believe cancer awareness is important. The public should be educated and at least have basic knowledge about cancer.. Im writing this on behalf on my Surgical colleagues in Selayang Hospital. All of you are invited to a health public forum conducted by doctors and surgeons this coming December 10th, 2015! That is this coming … Continue reading Cancer!!

Erny’s Baby Shower

At PiecesByRaeesa Anonymous meeting.. "Hi, I'm Halina. I'm addicted to PBR's clothes.." Hehehehehe... Not just me, I found out that a few of my colleagues are also PBR addicts. We are... up to the extend that the owner of PBR becomes our good friend! One of my colleagues, senior during UKM days organised a baby … Continue reading Erny’s Baby Shower


I'm currently in Penang attending the Annual Scientific Congress of the Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologist. That's a mouthful of everything.. This is my first time way for the longest time ever from my family. Usually it's only one night at the hospital during oncall and I'll be home the next morning.. But this time.. 5 days … Continue reading Homesick!

First Oncall

Last Sunday was my first time in UMMC. Obstetric theatre to be exact. It was only my day two going into the theatre and I was already oncall. First four days in UMMC was the orientation days.. (Yup, we were so disorientated, UM and UMMC is so big and we are so lost!) Then Friday … Continue reading First Oncall

Hello UMMC!

Hi all!! Guess what.. I'm starting my old new life, as a student! But this time, even worse, working and studying at the same time. *insert cry here* .. as if my plate is not full enough. I've moved to UMMC to further my study. This is my first week, orientation week to be exact, … Continue reading Hello UMMC!

Tasha is Unwell

Tasha is not well since middle of last week.. She was ok initially until the weekend where she turned super clingy like UHU glue. She only wanted me to carry her. I literally spent the weekend carrying her around. She's not eating well. Only half of her usual milk. And a a few sips of … Continue reading Tasha is Unwell

They Wanted Daddy..!

Hi all.. My life has been upside down for the past two weeks. I spent so much time at work, had to do some readings.. and less time for family. By that, I mean my girls.. I only sent them to school in the morning while they are still sleeping and come back from work … Continue reading They Wanted Daddy..!

Why Anti-Oxidant?

OK.. this is a super mega major late entry!! I promised to you I'll write about the extra skin care regime I'm consuming orally.. it's this one!! Manja tak? Hahahha... I've been taking this supplement for almost 6 month now.. and I like it. I was just a consumer until the supplier find out about … Continue reading Why Anti-Oxidant?

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day!! A day to celebrate all mothers out there for everything they have done for us!! Today I’m oncall in maternity theatre, seeing all these mothers in labour reminds me to write something to share with you.. Labour pain!! It’s crazy painful ok!! 20 bones getting fractured at the same time!! Can … Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day!!