Some of you probably knew this from my IG.. Tasha got chicken pox! Second in our house after Bella.. (hence the title chicken pox 2.0) OMG! I freaked out the first time I saw the spot on her back. This photo went straight to my paediatrician and GP friends. Haha.. I need consultation stat!! About … Continue reading Chicken Pox 2.0
Tag: video
Premature Empty Nest Syndrome
Empty Nest Syndrome Definition: a feeling of grief and loneliness parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university. Premature You all know what premature is, right? Last night, Bella and her cousins decided to have a sleep over … Continue reading Premature Empty Nest Syndrome
B’s Chinese Name..
I'm post call today. A little bit cuckoo head.. didn't sleep much last night.. Earlier today, while I was chilling at home after work, I got a phone call from Bella's kindie teacher. She was just calling me to ask about few things, and one of it is whether Bella has Chinese name.. (Bella goes … Continue reading B’s Chinese Name..
Raya 2016
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.. Hope I'm not too late! Anyway, hope everybody is enjoying their Syawal and open houses and puasa 6 and catching up with family and friends! Ours was great to our likings. We had a quiet raya time after a hectic Ramadhan. Raya morning.. we missed solat sunat. B … Continue reading Raya 2016
Dry Shampoo
2 updates here.. #1 I'm officially hooked to Snapchat. Hahahah.. Been snapchatting like a 14-yr old girl. But it's nice. Or maybe this is just my midlife crisis 😝 #2 Yup, the video... that was taken from my Snapchat. Of course it has to be less than 10 second. I finally found the solution to … Continue reading Dry Shampoo
Barely Supermommy Update!!
Hi all!! OMG January 2015 is almost over! Believe it or not!! And Hi again.. I’m back! After two exams in December and last week. I’m back here. Writing. Missing all of you!! I hope 2015 is treating you well. After almost 3 months of disappearing, I have a lot to tell. OK, maybe not … Continue reading Barely Supermommy Update!!
I rarely follow my hubsy whenever he has a talk or event but I've seen the videos and I know the the story by heart. Last week, was the UKM in Space event held where 3 other astronauts from Japan, Germany and Russia came down to join the event. It was a success, alhamdullilah. UKM … Continue reading Kantoi!!
What’s In My Bag..
I went to Putrajaya this morning but when I reached there, I got lost because I didn't see the sign boards, it was raining heavily and my vision while driving was very poor. Suddenly I was near PICC (Hahaha.. nope, I wasn't supposed to go there!) Called up hubs for help.. then he asked me … Continue reading What’s In My Bag..
Ramadhan 2014!
It's time of the year again.. Ramadhan is here!! Alhamdulillah we are given another chance this time for another round of this holy month. I wanna wish all of your a happy Ramadhan. May Allah grant us goodness and protection during this holy month. May He bless us with health and happiness, and most of … Continue reading Ramadhan 2014!
PD Ostrich Farm
Remember I posted this up on my Instagram? Last weekend was super fun!! My husband insisted we go for a quick holiday. The girls needed a break from the city life!! Hahaha.. yeah, right! So, we decided to go for a short getaway in PD. When we arrived there, my husband asked me to check … Continue reading PD Ostrich Farm