Last Weekend in PD

After Bali, we were in PD for a short while because my husband had to attend an event there. And again, this time he brought along his little entourage!! Hehe.. Mommy, Bella and Tasha and my parents. We stayed in a resort by the beach and our room in exactly above the sea water. Bella and Tasha doesn’t seem too excited about that somehow.. Haha.. Mommy yang over😀

There’s a small pet farm at the resort, which is good for children. Since in KL she only sees chicken as nuggets, I think it’s a good idea for her to get to know how a real chicken looks like!

That’s Bella impressed by the chicken. Babatok, her grandfather is in-charge of chasing the chicken since that seems to be his forte. Hehe..

Another Bella’s favorite toy-stuffed animal, now in real life!

She likes rabbit the most.. she kept chasing the rabbit round and round the pet farm..

and kept feeding them with long beans..

Owh.. and here is Tasha. Since she’s not yet running around chasing the animals.. Here’s her picture on the bed..

The next morning, daddy woke us up early in the morning to bring us on a boat ride. On our way to the jetty, we saw this…

Peacock’s butt!! Haha.. yup, we’ve seen the front too often.. now we change view😉

Here’s us on the boat with my mom and my youngest brother..

And Bella got to know another new sea creature..


So, in this trip, we have covered rabbit, chicken, turtle, peacock and crab!! Haha.. Good for Bella!!


Latest Apps Obsession.. Keek!

OK, I’ve been receiving a lot of complaint through my twitter lately.. that I’m not updating my blog!!😀

Hehe.. You know why?

It’s because of this..


I’m so addicted to this new social media apps. It’s not really new but somehow I just discovered it. My intention was to follow Kim Kardashian!! Hahaha.. yeah, I know.. kinda bimbo😀 But I ending up keek-ing myself!!

Basicly, Keek is like twitter but only video in it. Maximum video length is 36 seconds. You can update anything. Whatever you feel like putting up in the cyber world. I’ve been updating videos on Bella and Tasha for quite a few.. Kinda fun you know. Even Siti Nurhaliza just started her Keek account 2 days ago!! Haha..

See you in my Keek world, Keek-ers!!


Romantika OR Romantik Ke?

We are back!

More tired than ever!! Haha.. Travelling with two kids under 2 is no joke. But we had fun.. family kind of fun!

Our flight was at 0905H, that means we have to be at the airport at least 2 hours before the take off. To wake the girls up and get them ready in the morning is not easy as both of them decided to sleep at 0200H the night before. Haha.. even the mommy also had a tough time waking up! All luggages are already checked in by my husband’s PR, Miss Wany. But we are still late! Hehe.. The airport personnel even announced our name looking for us. Maaluuuuu jer! But we made it!!

Smile!!! (tp sebenarnya mengah!! Hehe..)

Tasha slept half way through the journey..

And Bella.. here she is..

We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel.

Yeah, I know it’s hot.. kesian Tasha. Don’t worry, it was just for few seconds!😀 The weather is really really hot there!

Our Kid Suite is awesome! Bella had a fun time staying in her little bunk bed!

They even have PlayStation with Guitar Hero in that room for the kids!! So thoughtful! Unfortunately we didn’t have the chance to try it. No time, or when we have the time, the baby is sleeping!

Anyway, we went to many places in Bali, from the beaches to the volcano area, to the shopping place, and a few beautiful sites by the sea..

That’s our dinner by the sea at Jimbaran.

This beautiful place is called Tanah Lot. It’s a must-go place if you come to Bali. No wonder all my friends who went to Bali have this picture in their FB album. Now I wanna put mine too!! Heheh.. Memang cantik.. MasyaAllah!

Kintamani is the name of this area where the volcano is located. I didn’t manage to snap the pictures of the mountain because I was busy breastfeeding Tasha.. tapi depan restaurant sempat😀

That’s Bella fooling around with daddy’s goggle..

That’s B with her daddy doing their TV interview by the pool in their matchy-matchy Adidas jumpsuit…

OK, back to Romantika story!!

Disclaimer: I am definitely not made for TV!!

First, obviously the camera will add extra 10pounds!! Thanks but I have more than enough pounds on my body!!

Secondly, I dunno which camera to look at! Hahah.. It is so confusing with 3 cameras around you. You’ll see my wandering eyes!! And HD camera makes everything super clear and by that I mean double chin and a little flabby areas here and there!!

Thirdly, it’s really hard to express feelings to each other while the cameras are staring at you!! Hahaha.. I feel awkward. And I look silly!😀 I dunno how the Kardashians can live with cameras in their house!

Watch this unromantically happy couple on Astro Ria 104 and Astro Mustika HD 134

.. Tuesday April 9 at 9pm!

Away For A While..

We are leaving to Bali tomorrow morning to shoot for our Romantika episode in Astro Ria.

We will try to be as romantic as possible on the show with our children around😉 Hahaha..

While we are away, I leave you with Tasha’s sleep smile photo..

Till then..

Love, X

Ho! Ho! Ho! I am NOT 51 !!

Some of you might know I drink Horlicks to helps with my milk production.

This is because Horlick contains malt. I wrote an entry about how malts help to increase milk production some times ago. I notice with Horlick, my milk gets thicker as compared to the milk without it. I guess it must be more filling!

My Horlick is quite concentrated..

4 teaspoon of Horlicks + 1 teaspoon of powder milk = super nice and thick Horlicks drink!!

Thats my Horlick drink pretending to be Starbucks Coffee😉

Anyway, the other day, I ran out of powder milk. I usually add some Anlene powder milk into my Horlick. And since my husband is going out (and I’m lazy to go out!!) I got him to buy me the Anlene powder milk.

Look what he got for me!!

Anlene Gold for 51 year and above!!!

WTH!! I am not 51, okay!! Hahahha

I’m only 25+3²-(3×2)+√4+2!!

So, I confronted him..

Me: S, why you bought for me this Anlene Gold??!! It’s for 51 and above!! Didn’t you read the packaging??

Hubby: Yeah, I saw that.. I thot maybe the elderly one would be more nutritious than the usual one.. *straight face*

He actually convinced that he’s right!!! Haha.. Unbelievable!!

Guys, it’s not about nutrition that I am concern. It’s the age!!

I am not 51 (yet!!)

Love, X



“The moment a child is born, a mother is also born”

Yes, it’s true, we women find the bond with our baby immediately. The moment baby was born, when she first held the baby, the bond is created. When a woman breastfeed her baby, a hormone called “oxytocin” released. It triggers more milk production. It also nicknamed as “love hormone” because it’s also produced during affectionate moment. It makes us feel good. Even just by gazing at your baby’s eyes while bottle feeding him/her, massaging your baby and snuggling also releases oxytocin.

That’s how easy for us mommies to bond with our child.

But it’s a different story with the daddies..

I remember when Tasha was only 1 week old, my husband said “I belum bond lagi lar dengan Tasha.” I tried very hard not to ask him every day whether he has bonded with our little girl or not!! Hahaha.. Kepoci:)

And finally, last week, when Tasha is about 6 weeks old, he told me “I rasa I dah bonding dgn Tasha dah!!” Yesss!!!! It took awhile for daddies to bond with their baby. I guess because most of the job dealing with infants are done by us, mommies.. From giving birth (isn’t it obvious!!) to breast feeding (duhh!), changing diapers.. Urrm.. yes, that’s all babies need I guess:)

What I did was I let my husband bottle feed Tasha especially at night, so I’ll get to sleep a little bit more😉 Don’t worry mommies, daddy and baby will do fine without you. I have some my friends who is scared to let their husband takes care of their baby. Just because they afraid something might happen. As far as I’m concern, the fact that daddy wants to help is enough to show that they care for their child. Let them spend time together, bottle-feed and some snuggling tome with the baby while we… rest!

And the result.. the bonding between them!!

And don’t forget your other children too!!

That’s Bella bonding with Tasha when she was just a few days old..

Love, X

Thank You Notes

I received this parcel yesterday..

Somehow, every time my parcels arrived, it’s always my husband who received it. I always get caught!! Huh..

But this time, I’m innocent😉 I didn’t buy anything yet this week and it’s already Friday

*pat on my back*

Hubby: Aper pulak you beli nih? Makin lama makin besar parcel you I tengok..

Me: No! No! I didn’t buy anything (yet this week!!) *innocent face*

I checked the slip on the box, it’s from SuperMak Shop.

Must be a gift!


Hamper for little Tasha and Bella! Yay!!

Cute stuffs they sent to my girls..

And this is my favourite..

Cute kan!! And it’s perfect size for Tasha and Bella!

Suka! Suka!

And this is really unexpected..

Cute little future bantal busuk!! Hahah.. so comfy, I’ve tried it myself!!

This is my little thank you note for SuperMak Shop.

Check out their cute baby stuff on FB: Supermak Shop

Thank you again!!

Love, X