It's B's 6th birthday today!! Time really flies ... While 6 years ago, at this moment, I was in labour room... labouring.. this year, I'm still waiting for my signs of labour. Nope, still pregnant. Occasionally I had Braxton Hick contractions (that is the rehearsal contraction minus the pain.. ) but thats all. I am … Continue reading Happy 6th Birthday B!!
Category: Family
Salam Ramadhan
Salam Ramadhan to all of you. To the Muslims, happy fasting. This is the best month of the year. Lets make full use of this month to be the best of ourselves and continue doing so.. To all non-muslims, enjoy bazaar ramadhan, food fest and all the buka puasa buffet! To be honest, I never … Continue reading Salam Ramadhan
T’s First Day of Big Girl School
Today is T's first day of school. She has been to other school before, but this time, she is joining B. She has been looking forward to join B's school since last year. I guess as the second child, she likes to follow her elder sister.. You probably would guess that I will be hanging … Continue reading T’s First Day of Big Girl School
Happy New Year!
New Year New Me!! Nah.. not exactly. Same old me. Hormonal but happy. Hehe.. 2016 has been a decent year for me. Busy with my kids but barely had time for myself! Having two toddlers in the house is really no joke. I noticed me and and my husband rarely have time for the two … Continue reading Happy New Year!
Raya 2016
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.. Hope I'm not too late! Anyway, hope everybody is enjoying their Syawal and open houses and puasa 6 and catching up with family and friends! Ours was great to our likings. We had a quiet raya time after a hectic Ramadhan. Raya morning.. we missed solat sunat. B … Continue reading Raya 2016
Bella’s Prayer
Yesterday, hubsy saw Bella looking up at the sky.. and she started talking to herself.. "Ya Allah, please give me more toys" Ameen.... My husband had to pretend like he didn't hear anything. That night, her prayer was granted. Daddy brought her to Toys'R'Us... X
Bag Tree
This is Bella and Tasha's bag tree.. They are not even entering primary school yet but the amount of their bags.. Haih.. From Frozen to My Little Pony to Didi & Friends!! (Yeah, Didi & Friends is the only Malay cartoon on Astro that they like!! Didi & Friends series sent their merchandise to my … Continue reading Bag Tree
Marry Me, Mommy..
Good morning!!! (Or afternoon or evening or night.. whenever you are reading this!) See, I said I will try to write more often.. Here's another story 😉 Kids have different perception about marriage and love.. or maybe it's just my kids.. The other day.. Hubby brought the girls to visit me during oncall. Just a … Continue reading Marry Me, Mommy..
Cakap Melayu
Last night, my husband told me.. "Bella doesn't understand Malay" and I was like.. "Come on.. That's ridiculous. She understands Malay! Not so bad you know.." "But she doesn't know what mata is!" Suddenly I feel dizzy... Then I went to her bedroom. "Bella, do you know what 'ainun' is? It's a arabic word" "Eyes, … Continue reading Cakap Melayu
Hi all!! If you followed me on Instagram, you probably noticed I posted about sending B and T for a ballet trial class about two weeks ago.. We just trying our best to expose them to new stuff, fill up the time and energy and who knows they might have talent in ballet (there's probably … Continue reading Balleri-NOT