Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.. Hope I'm not too late! Anyway, hope everybody is enjoying their Syawal and open houses and puasa 6 and catching up with family and friends! Ours was great to our likings. We had a quiet raya time after a hectic Ramadhan. Raya morning.. we missed solat sunat. B … Continue reading Raya 2016
Author: Dr Halina Mohd Yunos
It’s Happening Real Soon!!
Remember my previous entry about our perfume... It's gonna launch real soon, ladies and gentlemen! The soft launch event is gonna be at Fraser Residence, KL on June 4, 2016. That is in 1 week time!! All registered agents are invited! For those who are interested, you can contact LUC Empire Ventures at 012-235-1353. See you … Continue reading It’s Happening Real Soon!!
I'm on a mission!! Mission #1 To take lots of OOTD [#drhalinalookbook] for MyAdinda Mission #2 To turn my husband into #instagramhusband Hehe.. who else gonna help me with my OOTD, right? He is the only one available for me 24/7. Besides, he promised to do anything and everything for me. Well, he didn't exactly … Continue reading #instagramhusband
Inspire & Desire
This! Soon... InsyaAllah.. This is his favourite smell 😘 (minus that chanel logo.. obviously this is not the final photo but I'm just too excited 🙈) Currently we are looking for agents/distributor all around Malaysia to work with us. You can find more details on this FB page. There is also an event soon, Meet-and-Greet … Continue reading Inspire & Desire
Happy Mother’s Day!
I have to admit I am not a perfect mother. Sometimes I refused to spend time with my kids because I was too tired, even when I tried, I fell asleep during our play time. Sometimes I raised my voice to them when they were making mess even when I knew it was part of … Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day!
The Logic of a 3 Year Old
This cheeky girl... really has her own way of stealing her mommy's heart. Always smiling and teasing and really turning my world upside down (read: crazehhhh!) Last week, she asked me whether I bought a present for for like the day before that... Trying to be sensible, I said "Mommy can't be buying you present … Continue reading The Logic of a 3 Year Old
Only Until Tonight!!
MyAdinda is having a Labour Day Weekend Sale, peeps! And it's gonna end tonight (2/5/16) at midnight (Malaysian time!) 20% off on selected labels. We buruh deserves to treat ourselves! On behalf of MyAdinda & team... XOXO
Wanna Be A Genie??
I am one!! Hubsy's new project is finally launch. It's the , the exclusive premium halal shopping portal where you can shop without worries. It is basically an online shopping portal for halal product with JAKIM approval. They have all sorts of categories from electrical stuff to jewellery to healthcare and food. Yes, food … Continue reading Wanna Be A Genie??
To KB..
I’m writing this from a flying aeroplane, but probably posted this from my hotel room later. I’m currently flying to Kota Bharu for my exam. This year, USM is the host for our exam so all candidates from other universities will be in Kota Bharu USM campus. I’m flying with Firefly now. Travelling alone... Haven’t … Continue reading To KB..
I Need Help!
Help.. I can't take this off.. Bella decided Tasha has been a good girl and rewarded her with lots and lots of stamps on her legs.. both of her legs!! I don't dare to use any harsh soap or detergent obviously because Tasha is still a small kid. The thought of scrubbing it with berus … Continue reading I Need Help!