Why Anti-Oxidant?

OK.. this is a super mega major late entry!! I promised to you I’ll write about the extra skin care regime I’m consuming orally.. it’s this one!!

Manja tak? Hahahha…

I’ve been taking this supplement for almost 6 month now.. and I like it. I was just a consumer until the supplier find out about it and put my face on the advertisement!! Hahah..

First of all, what is anti-oxidant?

Anti-oxidant is a natural compound in our food that helps neutralises free-radicals in our body.

*nerd mode on*

Free radicals are the “bad guy” and anti-oxidants are the “good guy”. A free radical is an atom with at least one unpaired electron in our body cell. Since it has lost an electron, it needs to stabilise itself by ‘stealing’ an electron from a nearby molecule.

Where does free-radicals come from?

Easy.. I found this from the internet..

Basicly, it’s all around us, in our environment!!

Now is the part where you should ask me.. “Is that my problem?”

My answer is “Yes, it is our problem!!” Haha.. This is because whatever the free radical touches and ‘steal’ the electron (please refer to the paragraph above!!), it will damage it!! (because one of the electron is stolen, remember?)

As an example, if the free radical touches the DNA, it can cause mutation that can lead to many diseases like cancer…

Do you get me?? It’s like a chain reaction, the more things free radical touches (and steal the electron!), the more cells will get damage.. until, it binds to… ANTIOXIDANT!!!

Taddaaaaaa…. Get it?!!

Thats why antioxidant is important!!

So basically, anti-oxidant is important as an anti-aging, anti-inflammatories, and it helps to boost the immune system.

To all the vain pots (and that includes me..) you must be wondering.. how does it helps with the skin, right? Easy, if you have healthy skin cells, you will have much less problems with pigmentations (hence the whitening effect and indirectly anti-oxidant will function as a sunblock!), fine lines and acne.

Get it??

Haaaaa.. that’s why we, mere mortals need anti-oxidant!

So, why I choose this oral anti-oxidant supplement?

It’s mainly because of the quality. It’s pre-packed into small sachets. If your anti-oxidant is in a jar, it will get destroys over time every time you open the jar. (Remember the free radicals in our environment?) So, pre-packed is to ensure the quality of the anti-oxidant is maintained!

Besides, it claims that it has so much anti-oxidant with super fruits and what not.. They just sounds good to me!! Haha…

and this one whole box will last me for 2 months :)

After 6 months of using it, I noticed my energy level is better.. and that means I needed less coffee everyday to keep me energised all day. Less frequent attack with flu symptoms, I believe it does help to build up the immune system as well, even if I fall sick, I recovered quite fast without antibiotics and my skin is less dry in general.

There’s a long list of the benefits of this product that comes with it if you bought this, and you will see, basically what it does is it helps to regulate the cells (whatever cells in our body) to function better.

Bear in mind, all anti-oxidant supplements must be taken continuously.. that is because the free radicals are also continuously produced in our body!! *duhh..*

OK, enough of this long lecture. Thank you for attending my science class today!!


PD Ostrich Farm

Remember I posted this up on my Instagram?

Last weekend was super fun!!

My husband insisted we go for a quick holiday. The girls needed a break from the city life!! Hahaha.. yeah, right! So, we decided to go for a short getaway in PD.

When we arrived there, my husband asked me to check out this place called “PD Ostrich Farm”. I was like…”Seriously there’s ostrich in PD?” So, I googled…
It was nearby to the hotel that we stayed, somewhere in Teluk Kemang.. After checked in, changed the girls diapers, then off we go to the ostrich farm…
My first impression..
“Hmmm… they could do better with the deco. Let’s give it a chance first..”
This place looks like kampung houses style, but with deco here and there. It gives you the kampung vibes.. Nice for a change..
We were greeted by ducks and geese (in a gated area, of course!!) and goats!! (I proudly fed the goat myself with my own bare hands!! That was part of my proud moment of the day!!)
Then there was also baby chicks and ducklings in their houses.. Oh my God… Bella went “Mommy, mommy I want baby chick!!” she actually wanted to bring it back!! She promised she will feed it, bathe it and sleep with the baby chick!! Hahaha… Dream on, Bella ;) And Tasha, as usual, she’s quite cool and calm..
There was also donkeys which were trained to take photograph with visitors. That means, they won’t kick you with their hind legs when you come near them ;)
That’s T watching the guy bathing the donkey..
And check this out!!! Haha..
She must have gotten it from her mommy!!
Except that Tasha looks super cool and mommy looks like chicken! Haha..
If you’re wondering where’s Bella..
That’s her favourite…
Too much of drama when we wanted to go home. She actually wanted to stay with the animals there.. Haha.. Don’t even think about it… balik!!
Is it worth going? Yes, it’s good for children.. very educational. And they get to pet and play with the animals. Much better than seeing on Youtube!!
How do you find it.. Go google PD Ostrich Farm!

Because People Live When You Give..

Are you free next weekend? ;)

There’s going to be a blood donation drive going on at the eCurve.. well, obviously to collect more blood for our Blood Bank.

The reason I’m advertising for this is because..

I like blood..? Haha..

No, that’s not what I meant.. It’s just closely related to my work.

I’ve seen bad polytrauma cases that needed 25 pints blood and blood products transfusion, pregnant mother that bled 12 litres while giving birth, dengue haemorrhagic fever that needed blood transfusion, liver transplant will have 30 pints pack cells and more blood products standby for transfusion. We drink blood here in the hospital, people!!

Seriously, your blood will save peoples life. Who knows today you help others, another day, someone else will help you, insyaAllah..

Lets donate some..

because people live when you give..


Pesan Tun Hasmah..

I was so lucky last night.. accompanied my husband to attend a dinner celebrating teachers in PWTC. (It’s Teachers Day today, peeps!!) And guess who was the guess of honour?? *wink*
Our beloved Tun Siti Hasmah!!
She was at the table in front of ours.. and I was already fidgety when I saw her.. then my husband asked me the most awaited question…
“You nak ambik selfie dgn Tun tak?”
Hehehe… “Yes, yes, yessss!!”
So, he introduced me to Tun Hasmah.. and I smiled like “kepah”. Hahaha..
We had a quick chat.. Tun Hasmah pesan..
“Jaga anak-anak, don’t miss the chance of seeing them grow. They grow up very fast”
Haaa… Ingat tu mommies. Tun Hasmah pesan macam tuh…
Owh, one more thing..
How can I miss this?
*pls ignore the guy who photobombed our selfie, ish!!*

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day!!
A day to celebrate all mothers out there for everything they have done for us!!
Today I’m oncall in maternity theatre, seeing all these mothers in labour reminds me to write something to share with you..
Labour pain!!
It’s crazy painful ok!!
20 bones getting fractured at the same time!!
Can you imagine??! NO, right!!
Trust me! It will be even worse if you need labour augmentation like intravenous oxytocin. I had that before during my second delivery. MasyaAllah.. All I did was praying for forgiveness and mercy from Allah and istighfar… That was what kept me going (before I asked the nurse to give me pethidine 10mg stat when the os opening was 8cm!! Haha..) Crazy, crazy, crazy intense pain.. I don’t even have a word to describe the pain.. Pain killers will only make me drowsy and it doesn’t really make the pain disappear. I woke up again every time the contraction started and that is 4 times in 10 minutes lasted for 30-40secs and all I can do is just pray for mercy from Allah…
The reason I’m writing this to all of you is because I wanna share with you the importance of learning what to expect during labour. I personally have met a few mothers that actually told me that they didn’t expect the pain was gonna be that bad!! My eyeballs almost popped out (literally speaking..) when I heard that statement.. Where did all these people came from? Masyaallah…
It’s important especially for new couples to attend antenatal classes during pregnancy. Learn how labour progress and how to at least ease the pain through breathing method.. Seriously, mommies!!
OK, I have a confession, I didn’t go to any antenatal classes because I kinda know what to expect during labour. I can still remember all these things that I learned during my housemanship in ObGyn. Until now, on and off when I see my pain in labour room before giving epidural, I still teach them the breathing method. So, I don’t really see the point of going to the antenatal classes.. Haha.. Until I was in labour myself..
I forgot to breathe!!
Yes, when it comes to my turn in labour, I forgot how to do it!! Hahaha.. Lucky my husband remembered!! He thought me how to breath in synchrony with my contractions!! (I secretly think he googled that on YouTube!! :D) Haha..
So, my point here is, every mommy should gain a little knowledge on what to expect in labour. You may not remember it all but at least the labour process doesn’t come to you as a surprise. And don’t forget to bring your partner who will be with you during labour, insyaAllah.. be it your husband, or your mother or your best friend.. Because if you can’t remember a thing, he/she better be!! Haha..
The beauty of giving birth is.. the pain just disappeared after you see your baby for the first time. When your baby look at you, when you hold your baby in your arms. You forgot about the pain.. totally! I’m not making it up.. Seriously. I don’t believe that before until I felt it myself. Subhanallah..
May Allah blessed all mommies out there for all their sacrifices, sweat, blood and tears going through labour pain..
Thank you, maaa.. I love you so much!!
Happy mother’s day to my dear maa, my mother-in-law.. and all mommies out there..