My “what-have-i-done” Moment

Before I start talking (or blogging..) non-stop, let me tell you my definition of my “what-have-i-done” moment..

Imagine this.. you’re lack of sleep for days, physically exhausted from all things, caffeine-deprived, one child is crying and screaming, pulling your shirt, the other one screaming for milk, you haven’t bathe, haven’t check your twitter timeline for hours (ok, that is unnecessary but i love to read my twitter timeline!) and all you want to do is just rest preferably in a quiet environment which is almost impossible!!
Admit it, you have had that moment before.. me and my husband, we call it a “what-have-i-done” moment! Haha..
I’m just a human. I’m not perfect, I love my children to bits but still I had my breakdown occasionally especially when I’m super exhausted. It’s ok to feel like that. It’s acceptable and only temporary. We are not angels. As long as we know how to manage it. It should be fine.
Knowing the triggering factor helps your a lot in managing your breakdown. At least you can try to avoid. Another important thing is to let your other half know. My husband, he’s my partner-in-crime (well, we’re not exactly committing a crime here but literally..) My husband has been a great support to me. He knows when I started to look like zombie walking around the house, he will take charge of the children and let me rest. And I do the same for him too.
Sometimes when he’s not around, what I do is I just go somewhere quiet. Usually that will be the toilet! Hahaha… Close my eyes, take deep breath in and out until I feel better, then I switched back to my mommy mode.
If deep breathing doesn’t work.. retail therapy will definitely helps!! They didn’t call it retail therapy for no reason!! Expect parcels to arrive in the next few days😀
Another option that I do to reduce stress is exercise. I knew the fact that exercise will release endorphin, that is the hormone that makes you feel happy. But I only put up to practice recently. It really makes you feel good about yourself and happy in general.
Or, you can also blog about it and let the whole world know!!
Whatever they do, despite all the crying and sleepless night and screaming and the demands driving me crazy.. my children are my life! I know my “what-have-I-done” moment is just temporary.. it will go away! But my children are forever! And yes, 10 children is still in the plan😀
My respect goes to all stay-at-home-mom out there. They are just amazing doing same routine day in and day out (and no lunch break, no weekends off, no overtime claim). I’m a type of person who needs to work to become a better mom. I’m telling you being a stay-at-home-mom is much more demanding than being a doctor!!
But as for now, I’m just gonna enjoy my leave while I can..

Meet Aamina..

Hi all..

Bella received something wonderful yesterday.. a gift from Super Muslim Kids.

Meet Aamina, people..

Aamina is a Muslim doll (who wears tudung!!) that can sneeze when you press her nose, then she’ll say “Alhamdullillah”.

If you press her right hand, she can recite Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas with translation in English. Left hand, she’ll give salam, Bismillah, the syahadah.. Both right and left foot also will teaching our children (and ourselves!!) something!!

That’s Bella discovering Aamina. Not just Bella was impressed with her, I also played with the doll!!😀 It’s really a good quality, educational doll. And apparently there’s also a muslim boy version of this doll and his name is Yousuf. My husband dah suruh I order dah Yousuf.. I think he’s also impressed with the doll! Haha..

Thank you Afifah from Super Muslim Kids for introducing this to us. Whoever is interested in this doll can email Super Muslim Kids at or you can check their FB page.

The reason I’m sharing this with you because I think this is a good fun educational doll for our children. It’s not easy to find toys that teach children to recite AL-Fatihah, not even Bismillah. So, why lose the opportunity, right?

So, no more Dora for Bella. Aamina is her doll now..


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Hello all!!

To cheer up your Monday morning.. here is B’s version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Sorry there’s no picture in the video because it was taken in the dark, before she goes to sleep. Yes, she sings for us.. not the other way round! Haha.. Most of the time we fall asleep first before she does.. and the only word she can pronounce properly is “diamond”!! Hahahha..


My Lucky Day!!

I have been a Nike person all this while. All my sport attires are from Nike. Unlike my husband.. he’s definitely an Adidas person. But today, I’m a convert!! Hahaha.. I’ve converted from Nike to Adidas!!

Wanna know why…😉 Here’s the story..

This afternoon, I went to The Curve to go to Nike Women there.. Since I’ve been doing some training on my own, I need to buy new socks. That’s all I want!! (That’s what I always tell myself before going into a boutique/shop.. hahaha) Little that I know now there’s no more Nike Women. The shop has been replaced by Adidas Women!! OK, as long as it’s for women.. I don’t mind.. After all, I was just looking for socks.

So, I got this…

Then I saw their sports attire.. It’s all in bright, happy colours.. they have bright yellow, bright pink, bright purple.. OMG!! How can I resist..

So I ended up with these too…

Biaser lar.. pompuan..

Then the salesgirl told me, “Akak, akak dah beli lebih RM300 ni, buleh ambik lucky draw. Akak pilih je mana2 card kat board ni *while pointing at a board in front of the counter* ada amount 50 ringgit sampai 500 ringgit Adidas voucher. Akak buleh pilih satu jer card “

Me: ” OK, ambik jer kan…”

Salesgirl: “Ambik je kak.. RM500 belum ada org menang lagi.. RM300 pun ada lagi..”

Me: OK.. *I took one of the card on the board* saya nak yg ni..

So the salesgirl opened the card that I chose.. “Akak menang RM500!!”

Me: Ah.. Awak jgn main2 dik..

So, she showed me the amount on the card. Sorry I forgot to snap it because I was too excited😀

Yes!!! I won RM500 voucher for FREE!!

*chicken dance*

After that, I happily walked away with this..

Adidas Women Adizero F50 Runner 3 in yellow!! Woot! Woot!!

Hahaha.. I am one happy Adidas woman y’all!!!


A Little Thank You

I want to thank all of you for your kind messages and well wishes I get from this blog, to my email, Twitter, Facebook and even Keek after our Romantika episodes last night. I’m sorry I can’t reply to each and everyone of you. Thank you again for your love and support.

We love you too!!


Our date!!

Dont forget our date!!

Tonight, April 9, 2013 at 9pm on Astro Mustika HD 132 & Astro Ria 104.

The chaotically romantic!! Haha..

P/s: I don’t think we will be watching this show.. Haha.. Malu!!😀


Photos credit to CST Production, Kak Akmar of Astro & Miss Wany Idris