
A lot of people asked what powder milk Bella is on since I weaned her off from breast milk when she turned 1. This is it... S 26!! Coincidently Wyeth approached my husband to become their front face for S26! Apparently my husband was actually a S 26-er himself when he was a baby!! Haha.. … Continue reading S-26

Ho! Ho! Ho! I am NOT 51 !!

Some of you might know I drink Horlicks to helps with my milk production. This is because Horlick contains malt. I wrote an entry about how malts help to increase milk production some times ago. I notice with Horlick, my milk gets thicker as compared to the milk without it. I guess it must be more filling! … Continue reading Ho! Ho! Ho! I am NOT 51 !!

Breast Milk Storage

All this while, I've been keeping my milk stock in this pre-sterelized milk bag like this!! Really not-so-clever and not space savvy at all!! Silly me! Recently I have discovered a new (for-me, at least!!) way of storing my stock.. Flat on the surface.. soooo much better, I safe a lot of space in my … Continue reading Breast Milk Storage

Drama, Tears and Two Broken Hearts

Many of my friends said, to wean off a toddler from breast feeding involves a lot of drama and tears and definitely two broken hearts!! I have officially weaned off Bella from her so called "casual breast feeding".. that means she only take breast milk when she feels like it. I tried tandem breast feeding … Continue reading Drama, Tears and Two Broken Hearts

Weaning B Off Mommy’s Milk..

As off June 21, 2012.. B is already 11 month old 🙂 Besar dah anak dara I!! 😉 All this while, she was still breastfeeding. Even when I go to work and during oncall nights, my fridge is full of milk for B. Everyday I expressed milk at workplace religiously. Now I guess it's a … Continue reading Weaning B Off Mommy’s Milk..

More Milk??!

Dear readers, I promise some of you that I will write on how to increase your milk.. urrrmmm.. breast milk of course! I have been breastfeeding my baby for the past 4 months plus.. I have to agree that it is quite challenging for us mommies to keep producing enough milk for our little angels.. … Continue reading More Milk??!