Remember my previous entry about our perfume... It's gonna launch real soon, ladies and gentlemen! The soft launch event is gonna be at Fraser Residence, KL on June 4, 2016. That is in 1 week time!! All registered agents are invited! For those who are interested, you can contact LUC Empire Ventures at 012-235-1353. See you … Continue reading It’s Happening Real Soon!!
Tag: work
Inspire & Desire
This! Soon... InsyaAllah.. This is his favourite smell 😘 (minus that chanel logo.. obviously this is not the final photo but I'm just too excited 🙈) Currently we are looking for agents/distributor all around Malaysia to work with us. You can find more details on this FB page. There is also an event soon, Meet-and-Greet … Continue reading Inspire & Desire
I'm currently in Penang attending the Annual Scientific Congress of the Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologist. That's a mouthful of everything.. This is my first time way for the longest time ever from my family. Usually it's only one night at the hospital during oncall and I'll be home the next morning.. But this time.. 5 days … Continue reading Homesick!
I don't know about you but I always lost my notes. Especially when it is in a paper form. My notes will just magically disappear.. Haih.. But recently I found a solution! Write my notes in the iPad!! Yes, my own (ugly) handwriting where sometimes I can't even read it myself..! I found this app … Continue reading NoteShelf
They Wanted Daddy..!
Hi all.. My life has been upside down for the past two weeks. I spent so much time at work, had to do some readings.. and less time for family. By that, I mean my girls.. I only sent them to school in the morning while they are still sleeping and come back from work … Continue reading They Wanted Daddy..!
Because People Live When You Give..
Are you free next weekend? 😉 There's going to be a blood donation drive going on at the eCurve.. well, obviously to collect more blood for our Blood Bank. The reason I'm advertising for this is because.. I like blood..? Haha.. No, that's not what I meant.. It's just closely related to my work. I've … Continue reading Because People Live When You Give..
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day!! A day to celebrate all mothers out there for everything they have done for us!! Today I’m oncall in maternity theatre, seeing all these mothers in labour reminds me to write something to share with you.. Labour pain!! It’s crazy painful ok!! 20 bones getting fractured at the same time!! Can … Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day!!
Dengue. Let’s End This!!
Hi all.. I had a bad ICU call few days ago. It was horrible. I was just mega-exhausted. Our ICU is 22 bedded, and one person taking care of 22 beds during on call is mad. Really.. It's the Intensive Care Unit.. not the normal ward. if one patient collapsed is still do-able. But there … Continue reading Dengue. Let’s End This!!
While I’m Oncall..
I'm currently at the hospital while writing this.. While I'm serving the community (cheewahh..) My husband will be at home taking care of our children. I'm really thankful because I can rely on him to take care of the girls while I'm away and not worry a thing about them. Thank you, S... And my … Continue reading While I’m Oncall..
Come & Meet Us!!
Hi Barely Supermommy readers!! I wanna personally invite you to this Wyeth event in Alamanda Putrajaya on the August 31, 2013, this coming Saturday. There will be a lot of activities for your children like colouring contest, rocket making contest, face painting and a lot more. Healthy check up will be provided from Hospital An-Nur … Continue reading Come & Meet Us!!