Raya 2016

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.. Hope I'm not too late! Anyway, hope everybody is enjoying their Syawal and open houses and puasa 6 and catching up with family and friends! Ours was great to our likings. We had a quiet raya time after a hectic Ramadhan. Raya morning.. we missed solat sunat. B … Continue reading Raya 2016

To KB..

I’m writing this from a flying aeroplane, but probably posted this from my hotel room later. I’m currently flying to Kota Bharu for my exam. This year, USM is the host for our exam so all candidates from other universities will be in Kota Bharu USM campus. I’m flying with Firefly now. Travelling alone... Haven’t … Continue reading To KB..

Short Getaway : Langkawi

Hi all!! Hope all of you are doing great! Since next week is a long holiday, Chinese New Year, school break and all.. We decided to go for a quick holiday prior to the long holiday. Less people, less crowded. Haha... We chose Langkawi this time. We wanted to bring the girls to the beach. … Continue reading Short Getaway : Langkawi

Umrah Part 1

Alhamdullillah.. We are back from our umrah trip. It was a short one but I believe a visit to the Holy Kaabah will always be memorable for me. We brought Bella and Tasha along with us. I have to admit, they can be quite handful sometimes but the thought of leaving them behind is... unthinkable! … Continue reading Umrah Part 1

Leaving On a Jet Plane

Insyaallah, we will be leaving for Umrah this coming Thursday.. We = Bella + Tasha + daddy + mommy This is my first time bringing these two girls there. Last time we were there, B was about Tasha's age and Tasha was about 6 month in my womb. So, my first time handling two toddlers … Continue reading Leaving On a Jet Plane

Welcoming Another Doctor..

Dear BarelySupermommy readers.. I've been away for quite some time... Currently I'm in Dublin with Bella and Tasha attending my brother's graduation. Unfortunately my husband couldn't make it due to some work and he is currently in Riyadh. InsyaAllah we will be back in KL on June 13th..   This is my first time flying … Continue reading Welcoming Another Doctor..

BaitulMaqdis : Part II

I'm back! Sorry to keep you waiting.. So, after the Dead Sea visit, our tour bus brought us to Prophet Musa A.S mosque and shrine, which is situated nearby. It's a small an old mosque on top of a hill, in a middle of a desert. This is the picture of the inside of the … Continue reading BaitulMaqdis : Part II

BaitulMaqdis : Part 1

Hi all! We've arrived safely from our Jerusalem trip yesterday. Both my girls are sleeping, my husband is already in JB for an event and here I am, blogging while doing my laundry! Haha.. Over all, it was an amazing trip. I heard a lot of stories about Muslim people and Muslim tourists not allowed … Continue reading BaitulMaqdis : Part 1

Our date!!

Dont forget our date!! Tonight, April 9, 2013 at 9pm on Astro Mustika HD 132 & Astro Ria 104. The chaotically romantic!! Haha.. P/s: I don't think we will be watching this show.. Haha.. Malu!! 😀 XO Photos credit to CST Production, Kak Akmar of Astro & Miss Wany Idris

Romantika Preview

Here's our Romantika preview as seen in Astro. Don't forget, this coming Tuesday, April 9 on Astro Mustika HD (132) and Astro Ria (104) at 9pm. Huurmmm.. malu sebenarnyer y'all tgk ni.. Haha.. tapi, urmm.. takpe lar.. Enjoy!! XOXO