Maybe some of my Twitter follower knew that B had high-grade fever a few days ago :( For a doctor, fever is easy to treat.. simple and straight forward.. I know what to do.. But!! When my own child has fever.. I was SAD and WORRY!! That was my first “mommy reaction”. I prayed to God to just let me have the fever instead of Bella. She doesn’t have to go through this. She is just a baby.. (again, my emo mommy moment!!)
She was OK the whole day, very active and eating well, until about 10pm, I noticed her whole body was really hot (insert SAD and WORRY feelings here). Normally, if someone has fever, a doctor would have check the temperature straight away.. but me, emo mommy went straight to my husband mengadu Bella is feverish and busy worrying about her.. After a lengthy talk about how worried I am, then my husband said “What’s the temperature?” Gulp. Lupa nak check!!
I took her temperature using ear canal thermometer.. she was 38.6′C *almost fainted!* What?? Why? Then I look for any signs of infection (doctor mode is ON!)
- Cough and runny nose.. checked!!
- Skin.. checked!!
- Ear, mouth (tonsils).. checked!!
- I listened to her lung (yes we have stethoscope at home).. checked!
- Tummy feels soft.. checked!!
- Urine colour looks clear.. checked!!
- Last time vaccinated was almost 3 weeks ago.. impossible for her to get fever now.. checked!!
So what’s wrong with her?? Almost blaming her play school dah at that time :D I double checked with her teacher, she said all her babies were well.. so, checked!!
Then she said, maybe teething kot.. usually teething demam malam…
Owh ye ke? Heheheh.. So, that’s the culprit… Blame it on teething!! Hahaha…
OK, the most likely culprit recognized.. Now I have to bring down the temperature as most of you have already know.. high-grade temperature can cause a child to have fit!! It’s called febrile fit..
So what to do when you have a febrile child in front of you?
Remove all clothing that can make her warm.. I only left Bella in her diapers.. This is to allow heat to escape from her body. Keep the room cold (air-cond on!)
See, she doesn’t look sick at all!! Happily playing and babbling to us.. Trying to chew the thermometer..
Then I took a few ice cubes.. and added with some water.. and cover her with cloth soaked with cold water. That is actually not advisable to do anymore as immediate drop in temperature can also cause fit in children. So I only put the cold cloth on certain areas like the forehead, underarms, neck and groins. And constantly check her body temperature..
Do not leave the cloth at one site for too long as it actually trap the heat inside her body.. What you should do is just lap, lap, and lap.. After half and hour on lap-ping.. I took again her temperature and it has dropped to 38.2′C.. and mommy feels better ;)
After that, I feed her with more milk because fever cause increase in metabolic rate, and of course she will be hungry. As long as she is drinking milk or water, I should be happy..
That is Bella enjoying she ice-cold sponge bath..
After almost 4 hours of frequent intermittent sponging, fever still hasn’t subsided.. we decided to give her Paracetamol (PCM) via suppository. I just don’t want to disturb her sleep to give her the syrup version. Besides, the suppository supposed to work faster than syrup PCM… and her temperature slowly cools down after that.. but Bella didn’t had a good sleep that night. She woke up quite a few times, feeling disturbed by the temperature probably, and demanded continuous feeding.. I was just glad she still wants to drink. That’s a good sign..
The next day, there were only low grade temperature but otherwise she is a happy baby. Slightly tired because she didn’t have a good sleep the night before. Owh, and yeah, didn’t go to school of course!! By evening, her body temperature is back to normal :) Alhamdullilah..
That was our first experience with Bella having fever (fever jer.. symptoms lain tader pun.. :D) Semoga Bella dikurniakan tubuh badan yg sihat, dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah SWT..
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