My Unborn Baby..

Remember I told you about my baby is small when I did the scan about 2 weeks ago..?

So, yesterday I went again for my check up. I’m currently at my 35 weeks and hoping that my baby will grow some more.

2 weeks ago, the baby was only about 1.5kg

*insert loud mommy cry here*

In about 2 weeks, the baby only grew about 100g. That makes 1.6kg as off yesterday..

When I was pregnant with Bella, she was already 3.0kg at 35 weeks!! How can I catch up with so much weight gain with sooo little time!!

I’m so depressed because if this baby is born less than 1.8kg, she/he will be admitted to NICU for weight gain monitoring.

Too small baby is difficult to handle. I don’t want my baby to drink milk via tiny tubes in NICU

*louder mommy cry here!!*

In my case, there are many causes that could contribute to my small baby..

1) Stress

2) Not enough rest

3) Not eating well

4) Placenta insuffuciency due to mommy’s high-ish BP most likely secondary to (1) and (2)

And somehow, despite my baby is so small, I’m so big.. I retained so much water in my body thanks to the progestrogen!!

My husband said I reminded him of puffer fish!! Hahaha.. How sweet ;)

Guess what my ObGyn did??

She put me off from work from now on!! She prescribed me enough rest and high calorie intake (sounds heaven to me!!)

Well, of course that means healthy food, not just ice-cream :)

So, I’m on MC till my next visit to see her next week..

Till then, gotta go get my rest and elevate my super swollen legs, peeps..

Can’t be puffer fish forever.. I miss my 3-inch heels already!!

And that’s B enjoying her visit to IKEA. She was so amazed with the star lights and canopy and just refused to leave the bed.. Adoihhh… X

P/S: NICU = Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It’s like ICU for infants and babies..

Guilty Mommy

I went for ultrasound scan for my second baby last week, and to my shock,he/she is underweight and looks small for his/her age. At 33 weeks, the parameters are only at par with a 29 week size baby!! Oh my God!! Have I been a bad mommy?? I know it’s not the end of the world but I guess there are few factors that I would like to share with all of you mommies out there..

Up until now, I’m still breastfeeding Lil B, not regularly but usually at night before she goes to sleep. The nutrition that should go to the new baby might have been taken by the breast milk… Well, I just can’t say “No” when Bella said she wanted “shushu”. She did it with the cutest face ever!!

Besides, I’m not eating very well during this pregnancy, that’s the different between this current and previous pregnancy. I just don’t have that much appetite like before. I just eat for the sake of eating.. Alhamdullilah there was no vomiting or feeling nauseous but my appetite is just so-so. Besides, taking care of a toddler and carrying a baby at the same time is really no joke. Work is as demanding as ever. We moved house, packing and unpacking.. A lot of crazy stuff is going on during this current pregnancy. There was just not enough time to lie down and put my feet up. Husband has been a great partner. He helped me in every way he can but I guess progestrogen really effects your body more as you get older.. It makes you tired and sleepy, it retains water, makes you forget things, stretches your ligaments (OMG!! Thats the worst!! Sometimes I feel like I left my pinggang on the chair when I tried to get up!! Hahahha… Husband comes handy around this time to pull you up without complaining I’m too heavy!! Haha..) My weight gain is good coz my body retains water easily (thanks to progestrogen!! I’m like a sponge retaining water!!) but baby’s weight gain is a little lagging..

My point is.. (not to blame anything here!) I missed taking my multivitamins!! *insert regret face here!*

Don’t get me wrong, I love this hectic life.. I just hate the progestrogen!! Hahah..

From now on, I have to force myself to eat and takes my multivits regularly..

To expecting mommies out there.. do NOT take things for granted. Take your nutritious food regularly, multivitamins. Just do it for your unborn child. No excuse!!’

P/S: Pic credit goes to Hasninuraini Hasan who we met at Pavilion wandering around with her canggih camera. Thank you!!

Benjol Management *wink*

Being a mommy to a toddler is definitely more challenging. They just walk around like Energizer Bunny and try to grab everything they can. MasyaAllah.. and Bella is one of them too. I’m not complaining. I’m very happy she’s healthy and active but I’m just worried about her safety.

Last night, when we were out of the house, she tripped herself on a carpet and accidentally bang her forehead on to the corner of the wooden table. My heart skipped 2 beats. She cried and I immediately checked her face making sure there was not cut or bleeding area.

While I was doing my “tu ku takal muka pintu, fuh.. fuh..” charm on her forehead..

(hahha, yes I know it’s against medical ethics but Bella loves it when she’s faking her cries!! Hehe..) This time it doesnt work! I know it is something serious! Then I saw a benjol spot emerging from her forehead.. I ran to her daddy.. “Bella jatuh.. Benjol!! What to do??” *insert panic tone here*

~ in my defense, she never had benjol before, this is my first time, panic lar sket kan.. ;)

Then her daddy checked her forehead, “Go get ice cubes..”

“Owhh.. I forgot they taught that in orthopaedic before.. Silly me..” Hehehe…

So we put ice cubes on her benjol spot. It turned red for a while and it disappeared after that..

And today, no more benjol spot on her forehead :)

So mommies, our take home message today.. Immediate benjol management is to put ice cubes immediately before further damage happens to the soft tissue and vessels underneath the skin :)

Panic Mommy!!

On a telephone conversation with my husband:

Hubby: Bella demam. She drank only 1oz milk this morning. Makan pun tak byk.. Coughing still..

Me: *panic button pushed* OMG!! We must bring her to the doctor!! *in a high-pitched tone*

Hubby: We are doctors, aren’t we? *blur*

Me: *gulp* Lupaaa!!! I was totally in my mommy mode. Forgot I’m a doctor.. Hahahha..

Hubby: ….

Little B’s First Fever!!

Maybe some of my Twitter follower knew that B had high-grade fever a few days ago :( For a doctor, fever is easy to treat.. simple and straight forward.. I know what to do.. But!! When my own child has fever.. I was SAD and WORRY!! That was my first “mommy reaction”. I prayed to God to just let me have the fever instead of Bella. She doesn’t have to go through this. She is just a baby.. (again, my emo mommy moment!!)

She was OK the whole day, very active and eating well, until about 10pm, I noticed her whole body was really hot (insert SAD and WORRY feelings here). Normally, if someone has fever, a doctor would have check the temperature straight away.. but me, emo mommy went straight to my husband mengadu Bella is feverish and busy worrying about her.. After a lengthy talk about how worried I am, then my husband said “What’s the temperature?” Gulp. Lupa nak check!!

I took her temperature using ear canal thermometer.. she was 38.6′C *almost fainted!* What?? Why? Then I look for any signs of infection (doctor mode is ON!)

  • Cough and runny nose.. checked!!
  • Skin.. checked!!
  • Ear, mouth (tonsils).. checked!!
  • I listened to her lung (yes we have stethoscope at home).. checked!
  • Tummy feels soft.. checked!!
  • Urine colour looks clear.. checked!!
  • Last time vaccinated was almost 3 weeks ago.. impossible for her to get fever now.. checked!!

So what’s wrong with her?? Almost blaming her play school dah at that time :D I double checked with her teacher, she said all her babies were well.. so, checked!!

Then she said, maybe teething kot.. usually teething demam malam…

Owh ye ke? Heheheh.. So, that’s the culprit… Blame it on teething!! Hahaha…

OK, the most likely culprit recognized.. Now I have to bring down the temperature as most of you have already know.. high-grade temperature can cause a child to have fit!! It’s called febrile fit..

So what to do when you have a febrile child in front of you?

Remove all clothing that can make her warm.. I only left Bella in her diapers.. This is to allow heat to escape from her body. Keep the room cold (air-cond on!)

See, she doesn’t look sick at all!! Happily playing and babbling to us.. Trying to chew the thermometer..

Then I took a few ice cubes.. and added with some water.. and cover her with cloth soaked with cold water. That is actually not advisable to do anymore as immediate drop in temperature can also cause fit in children. So I only put the cold cloth on certain areas like the forehead, underarms, neck and groins. And constantly check her body temperature..

Do not leave the cloth at one site for too long as it actually trap the heat inside her body.. What you should do is just lap, lap, and lap.. After half and hour on lap-ping.. I took again her temperature and it has dropped to 38.2′C.. and mommy feels better ;)

After that, I feed her with more milk because fever cause increase in metabolic rate, and of course she will be hungry. As long as she is drinking milk or water, I should be happy..

That is Bella enjoying she ice-cold sponge bath..

After almost 4 hours of frequent intermittent sponging, fever still hasn’t subsided.. we decided to give her Paracetamol (PCM) via suppository. I just don’t want to disturb her sleep to give her the syrup version. Besides, the suppository supposed to work faster than syrup PCM… and her temperature slowly cools down after that.. but Bella didn’t had a good sleep that night. She woke up quite a few times, feeling disturbed by the temperature probably, and demanded continuous feeding.. I was just glad she still wants to drink. That’s a good sign..

The next day, there were only low grade temperature but otherwise she is a happy baby. Slightly tired because she didn’t have a good sleep the night before. Owh, and yeah, didn’t go to school of course!! By evening, her body temperature is back to normal :) Alhamdullilah..

That was our first experience with Bella having fever (fever jer.. symptoms lain tader pun.. :D) Semoga Bella dikurniakan tubuh badan yg sihat, dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah SWT..