Deepavali 2010 is special to me.. That was about one month plus after we got married.. It was somewhere in early November.. In my lifetime, I never had any headache before. Trust me.. Never! But a week before Deepavali.. I started to have headache.. morning, day and night.. and crazy mood swing (How can a … Continue reading Deepavali 2010
Tag: baby talk
B is Turning 2!!
Hi all.. Today is B's 2nd birthday!! MasyaAllah.. Time flies really fast. My baby girl is already two years old.. (Or 2 ers yold, according to Bella..! Haha..) Alhamdullilah, I am really blessed having her and Little Tasha in my live. They are my source of joy and happiness and occasionally makes me crazy. But … Continue reading B is Turning 2!!
When Tasha Sneezes…
Bella was sitting with Tasha at the backseat of our car in their own carseat.. Suddenly Tasha sneeze.. Acchooo... Bella : Hamdulillah Then Tasha sneeze again.. Bella: Hamdullilah some more.. Ekekekke..
Bella Says..
This morning in bed.. Bella sneezed... Then she said "hamdulilah" (yes, she missed the al- but its ok..) Daddy: Very good Bella. You said Alhamdullilah.. *mommy feel super proud!* Daddy: What do you say when you want to eat? (We're expecting a Bismillah answer from her..) Bella: Yummy. Yummy.. Erkkk...
This One Makes Me Happy..
Despite having said what I said in my previous entry, this never fails to make me smile..Probably some of you have seen coz I've put this up on my Keek..Hope you love this one too.."Rain, rain go away.. come again another day..."X
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Hello all!! To cheer up your Monday morning.. here is B's version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Sorry there's no picture in the video because it was taken in the dark, before she goes to sleep. Yes, she sings for us.. not the other way round! Haha.. Most of the time we fall asleep first … Continue reading Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
"The moment a child is born, a mother is also born" Yes, it's true, we women find the bond with our baby immediately. The moment baby was born, when she first held the baby, the bond is created. When a woman breastfeed her baby, a hormone called "oxytocin" released. It triggers more milk production. It … Continue reading Bonding
Growth Spurts
Today I wanna share something with mommies out there.. it's about growth spurts. Some of us may or may not realize this is happening to our baby. But for sure, it is on going!! Growth spurts is a time where baby grow physically.. (isn't that obvious?!) Well, our baby is actually growing everyday but at … Continue reading Growth Spurts
Our Newborn Daughter
We finally have a name for B's little sister!!! It doesnt took us long to decided on her name this time.. We think the name suits her well 🙂 insyaAllah.. Daddy went to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara today to register her. To those who doesn't know, you have to register newborns within 14 days after the … Continue reading Our Newborn Daughter
B and Keropok..
B loves keropok!! Keropok ikan.. keropok udang.. and her latest discovery.. keropok bayam!! She really loves munching them. But she can't pronounce 'keropok' properly.. it always comes out as 'opokok' or sometimes 'pokok'.. Hahaha.. super funny!! She always goes.. "pokok, more.. pokok.." Check this out!!