Wanna Be A Genie??

I am one!! Hubsy's new project is finally launch. It's the https://www.aladdinstreet.com.my , the exclusive premium halal shopping portal where you can shop without worries. It is basically an online shopping portal for halal product with JAKIM approval. They have all sorts of categories from electrical stuff to jewellery to healthcare and food. Yes, food … Continue reading Wanna Be A Genie??


I believe cancer awareness is important. The public should be educated and at least have basic knowledge about cancer.. Im writing this on behalf on my Surgical colleagues in Selayang Hospital. All of you are invited to a health public forum conducted by doctors and surgeons this coming December 10th, 2015! That is this coming … Continue reading Cancer!!

His Next Book is Out!

For the past few months, my hubsy has been working on his new book.. He has been to many local and international schools, universities and colleges, and from his experience interacting with the students, he recognised common traits that makes an excellent student excel and relate it with his own experiences. Knowing him, always on … Continue reading His Next Book is Out!

Wanna go to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine?

Hi all!! Yesterday, I followed my husband to a press conference for "Jejak Tanah Suci BaitulMaqdis with.. urmm.. him" Guess what?!! This is your chance to go there. We are gonna go to Palestine to visit many Islamic historical places like the tomb of Nabi Musa, Nabi Shuib, Nabi Ibrahim, the mosque that was build … Continue reading Wanna go to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine?

Sisterhood :)

Natasha + Isabella equals to . . . . . . . . . . . . Natella!! (almost like this one!) Yummy!!

Another Lady in the House!!

My little Bella has shown her interest in beautifying herself!! 😉 We got this picture earlier on during our trip to Krabi/Phuket. Somehow she managed to climb and reach the dressing table and play with my... urmmm... "first aid kit"!! 😉 She pretended like she was putting on the moisturizer, played with the compact powder … Continue reading Another Lady in the House!!

3.6million viewers??

Dear BarelySupermommy readers, You have been an amazing supporters to my blog. I had 3.6million readers in 2012!! OMG!! Where did you guys came from?? Hahahah.. Anyway, I would like to extend my thank yous to all of you who have been supporting BarelySupermommy. It has been a great parenthood journey for me and my … Continue reading 3.6million viewers??

Money Is The Root of All Problems

A friend of mine showed me this equation. This must be created by a man!!

Barely Supermommy is 1!!

I dont even realized that until I saw a message on my FB page.. Barely Supermommy is ONE today!! Thank you for all your support, opinions, experiences that you have shared together with me on this page. It's really a new journey for me on being a mom and personally I think it's good to … Continue reading Barely Supermommy is 1!!

The New Generations..

  I found this on the internet.. and I thought it's super funny! I hope I don't have to answer this question from Bella..