Pantang Day 45!!

Acah jer, I only pantang until 44 days!! No day 45!

So, today I’m officially free!!

Guess what I did today?

Running on the treadmill :)

I have to do this.. I can’t be gaining 5 kg for every child I gave birth to!! Kalu anak 10, nak add lagi 50kg ke?? -.-Besides, fitness is definitely an issue. It was quite tiring during my second pregnancy as compared to the first one. I definitely have to work on that.

Dieting is not an option because I’m still breastfeeding. Tasha needs her nutrients. So, compromising her meal is a big N.O. I don’t believe in those commercial supplements that claims you can lose weight. Most probably you’re just losing water. Besides, again I’m breastfeeding, no funny drugs should go into my body. The only option that I have is exercise!! And liposuction!! ;) But I’m scared of any surgical procedure..

So, back to square one.. Exercise!! Dgn hati yg cekal (dan berat and malas!!) I forced myself to run today.. it has been a while since I last run.. Lucky I still remember what button to press on the treadmill :D

I run for 2.87km in 25minutes today!! Yay!

(Somehow I just couldn’t finish until 3km, already half dead by that time)

I cheated a bit. I didn’t run the whole 25minutes, I slowdown on running quite a few times.. or shall I call it “power walk” ;)

So, wish me luck mommies.

Who wants to be my trainer? But you must train with me ok!!

Love, X

Growth Spurts

Today I wanna share something with mommies out there.. it’s about growth spurts. Some of us may or may not realize this is happening to our baby. But for sure, it is on going!!

Growth spurts is a time where baby grow physically.. (isn’t that obvious?!) Well, our baby is actually growing everyday but at these certain times, the growth spurts (hence the name)

What happens during this growth spurt?

Usually during these times, babies will need more milk than usual, especially the breastfeeding babies, sometimes it can go up to hourly feeding..! They will treat the breastfeeding time like all-day-long-all-you-can-eat-buffet!! No worry mommies.. it’s only temporary ;) Babies can be supercranky at this time, during breastfeeding, they will latch and unlatch to you.. why they do that? Because they want more milk. But don’t worry, not to freak out. Don’t supply them with formula, increase frequency of feeding will actually increase your milk production. Or if you’re lucky, there are some babies will just sleep for a long time after feeding, that’s because growth hormone is taking its action during our sleep. And they will still grow..

So when does this happen?

Bad news!!

It usually happens 5 times in your baby’s first year of life!!

1st-3rd week, 6th-8th week, 3rd month, 6th month and 9th month of life..

Good news!!

It only lasted for about 3 to 5 days!! ;) Not too bad, right?!

I think Tasha is going through this phase now.. No, she’s not the sleep type, she’s more of the i-want-more-milk type, almost every 2 hour… That’s 12 feedings a day!! Definitely she’s having a 24/7 milk buffet!!

and she loves to sleep on the chest after feeding..

And Bella will happily sit in Tasha’s carrier, pretending she’s a baby..

So cheeky!!