I think.. He forgot about it!

I think my husband forgot our anniversary! It's today.. our 5th year wedding anniversary.. OMG! It's only 5 years and he has forgotten?? Hahahahaha... Up until third year I received flowers, 4th year I got a wish.. and 5th year.. forgotten? I wished him "Happy Anniversary, S" early this morning before he left for work.. … Continue reading I think.. He forgot about it!

33 Years

Today, April 5, 2013 marked the 33rd year my parents were married. And yesterday was my mom's birthday and this year is extra special. After more than 30 years of teaching, now she's no more going to school!! (She's a teacher, y'all) She's officially a pensioner!! My dad is really happy he finally has my … Continue reading 33 Years

Our Wakil to a Wedding..

We have a wedding to attend today with my parents.. unfortunately B's daddy is having an event in KL and mommy had a bad oncall last night.. So, both of us couldn't make it.. So, we sent our little wakil to go with my parents.. Thanks B teman mamatok dgn babatok 😉

Another Wedding in the Family

My baby sister finally is married to her long time boyfriend of 10 years!! They have been together since their highschool days in MRSM Jasin, Kolej MARA Banting then further studies together in Dublin, Ireland. 10 years is a long time.. Congrats to those two lovebirds 😉 We definite knew they are getting married, it's … Continue reading Another Wedding in the Family

Our First Year

It's our first wedding anniversary!!! We survived our first year being married!! Hahahhaha... It has been a year of learning and adapting for both of us I guess.. Courting and being married is totally different. Marriage life is a lot more AWESOME!! 😉 Congratulations to my baby sister, Hamizah who got married yesterday (9/10/11) to … Continue reading Our First Year