I think my husband forgot our anniversary!
It’s today.. our 5th year wedding anniversary.. OMG! It’s only 5 years and he has forgotten?? Hahahahaha…
Up until third year I received flowers, 4th year I got a wish.. and 5th year.. forgotten?
I wished him “Happy Anniversary, S” early this morning before he left for work.. and suddenly I saw his face turning white a little with his jaw dropping on the floor… Hahaha.. Maybe not enough blood flow going to the head because he got a shock not remembering the wedding anniversary..!
Can’t help but laugh about it.. I guess this is real life marriage. We women remembering date and all the tiny details and the men.. they somehow keeps forgetting! Hahahha…
Last night I was awake from my sleep at around 4am, I heard him snoring.. I don’t know why I am not irritated with his snores. In fact, I feel blessed because I know he is still beside me, alive. Allah has given another day for us to be together.
Thank you Allah for this life, this man, these children..
I pray for rahmat and barakah in our marriage. I pray for good health, happiness, patience and wealth in our family.
I pray for our children, may they be a solehah, pious and obedient.
And I thank all of you for your well wishes all these while..
Happy 5th anniversary doc! ❤️
Happy 5th anniversary to you and to me too! Yea..it’s all about the 5th year phase..with two kids… What matters is everybody alive and survive 😬
shikin.my name is shikin n today is my 5th anniversary.wut the coincidence.hihi
Happy anniversary doc..!
Happy anniversary Dr Halina & hubby 🙂
hari ni anniversary saya & suami yg ke 5thn juga. Kawin 10okt 2010. Alhamdulilah dikurniakan sepasang cahayamata boy 4thn n girl 6 month..saya dah berangan akan terima wish dr hubby pagi ni sebelum dia flying tapi dia just kiss je n say takecare..pastu blah.. Omg..paling sadis dr smlm saya dah berangan nak hadiah apa ye dari hubby…bukan kata hadiah..wish pn tkde.. 😅😅 …mybe dia lupa..baru 5thn dah lupa….senasib la kite doc..
Takpe… marriage taught us about seeing the imperfection perfectly.. Thank Allah for the happiness that He gave us in marriage, the children… That is much more important that material stuff. I wish you a happy anniversary. May both of you stay together until Jannah..
I still remember watched your wedding ceremony live on tv…and i remember your anniversary.. Happy anniversary Dr Halina.
Happy 5th anniversary dr n hubby..may Allah bless till jannah insyaallah
Yes you are right! Saya slalu cek kalau husband saya tido tak berdengkur. Amik jari letak kt hidung die. To make sure he is alive. Hihi.
Happy wedding anniversary Doc Harlina & hubby may Allah grant u happiness till jannah ❤️❤️
Happy anniversary to both of you.. : )
Happy anniversary both of u
Happy aniversary dr ☺
Happy 5th anniversary doc shiekh & doc halina 😊
Hehe comel crita nih….happy anniversary doktor halina dan pasangan. Semoga terus bahagia dan didlm rahmatNYA .aameen.
Subhanallah- you are in a league of your own.Maybe, many are thinking how lucky you are to be married to the angkasawan. But I think he is the one who should consider himself lucky to be married to you!! Cheers, and may Allah bless your marriage with mawaddah and rahmah.
Thank you for your kind words Nadiah.. X
Happy anniversary.. keep humble..and you and your family always in our heart..
Alhamdulillah.. selamat ulang tahun Dr Halina n fmly.. Moga kekal hinggal je Jannatul Firdausi..
Salam Dr. Halina.. 5 years ago, saya pun bersanding pada tarikh yg sama.. 10.10.10.. nikah awal sehari… malam 10.10.10 tu… ada majlis potong kek.. & saya ingat lagi.. semua yg wanita2.. duduk depan tv (sebelah pelamin) tgk Dr bersanding… hehehe… saya pun sempat jeling2 juga… yg ada di depan pelamin cuma photographer aje.. hahahaha… & lagi best… saya lupa hari ni anniversary kami untill terbaca post Dr ni… huhuhu
My husband & I never remember our anniversary until it passes. Or when someone posted on the net about theirs.haha 4 years and we’ll laugh to each for forgetting the date.
Inshaallah. . Till Hannah. Happy Anniversary. .
Happy anniversary Dr H & Dr S. Semoga bahagia hingga ke Syurga!
Happy 5th anniversary to you and other half…hahahha funny…me, after 15yrs, 2 days ago, wife forgot n husband remember….
I am yet to achieve that kind of inner peace :p
happy 5th anniversary doc…
happy anniversary dr!!! it is my anniversary as well today..😊 hubby and i do remember our anniversary weeks ago but we thought of not doing anything and just let it passed..untill yesterday when i told one of my close fren that tmrw is our anniversary but i dont plan anything not even a card nor a gift..she then shared with me this tips..its ok if u r the one who start the romantic ideas he will then follow..apparently that was what she had been doing with his husband for the past 18 years of marriage..and mine only 5 years!!! so cut the story short i bought my husband a gift and put it on the bed first thing in the morning..he of course did not buy me anything..he was surprised that i make the first move this time..we then went outing with the kids as usual..he pull my hand to one of the watch shop and bought me the watch that i ve been wanting for the past 5 yrs!!! alhamdullillah Allah have answered my prayers… that short conversation with my friend had just open my eyes…my heart…alhmdullillah…
Happy 5th anniversary Doc ~
May the good things be with you and family.. always ~
Happy anniversary to both of you. May Allah bless you with happy marriage and will last till Jannah.
Happy 5th anny doc halina
Salam puan.
Tahun ni, sudah masuk 3 thn perkahwinan saya dan suami. Suami memang bukan jenis suka ingat tarikh2 kejadian termasuk hari lahir saya. Tapi saya tak pernah ambil kira. Asalkan kami setia bersama. Alhamdulillah, kami dikurniakan 2 cahaya mata dan bahagia hingga saat ini. Alhamdulillah untuk segalanya. Moga puan dan suami begitu juga. Aamiin.
Happy anniversary halina..take care dear
Happy anniversary 🙂
hepi anniversary doc! am alwez admire u! may Allah bless your marriage with mawaddah and rahmah. amin!!
*my husband also forgot our anniversary date n even my bufday! hahaha..men is alwez men 🙂
takpela janji bahgia itu lg penting, in shaa Allah 🙂
Happy 5th anniversary Dr & husband. Sy selalu igt Dr pnye wedding date 10.10.10 coz me & my husband kawen taun yg sama but mine was on june ..So sama 5 taun jgk dh. Wish u all the happiness and joy with your love one 😉 Always admire u..
sweet couple. Hepy anniversary to both of u.. 🙂
Hi Dr halina..
not too late to wish doc happy anni =)
doc da 5 tahun kahwin, saya baru 3 tahun tpi husband da lupa =(
We guys do that sometimes, lol. Congrats on the 5th year anniversary doc!
BLOGWALKING HERE….saya singgah tinggalkan jejak….kalo minat n komen boleh jenguk2 kat blog saya
May Allah grant you and your family till jannah. Happy anniversarry doc
Happy 5th anniversary doc Halina supermommy yg gorgeous! May Allah swt bless u n ur family always…U r one lucky woman..