OK, I’ve been receiving a lot of complaint through my twitter lately.. that I’m not updating my blog!! 😀
Hehe.. You know why?
It’s because of this..
I’m so addicted to this new social media apps. It’s not really new but somehow I just discovered it. My intention was to follow Kim Kardashian!! Hahaha.. yeah, I know.. kinda bimbo 😀 But I ending up keek-ing myself!!
Basicly, Keek is like twitter but only video in it. Maximum video length is 36 seconds. You can update anything. Whatever you feel like putting up in the cyber world. I’ve been updating videos on Bella and Tasha for quite a few.. Kinda fun you know. Even Siti Nurhaliza just started her Keek account 2 days ago!! Haha..
See you in my Keek world, Keek-ers!!
mcm2 sekarang, instagram pun saya tak terbuat lagi, ni dah ada keek pulak.. sungguh outdated saya..
seronok dapat tgok Bella n Tasha dalam Keek ! 😀 Rajin-rajin update ya doc 🙂
I really need to go with this. Haha thanks DR !
Dr, I dont even know about this Keek Apps. Looks cool. Wanna watch Bella and Tasha.
Tqs for the info Doc!
no wonder la dr. bila saya check email tak da pon story baru. ok nt sy follow dr pny keek yer..happy to see you happy..
i follow … hehehe….
Dr, could not find your username..hu..hu
OK…dapat dah 🙂
ok doctor.. i follow…………… 🙂
dah tgk… suka tgk Bella pok pek pok pek… hehehehe…
wow I am so gonna try this..second person I have seen using it. Thanks doc
KEEK pulak…mcm2 skang ni yer…anyway its good to explore new things…:-) https://bilazuebukamulut.wordpress.com
Thank you. I want to try it too.
doc, to change the topic, where do u normally get ur shawl? i found that all ur shawls r sooo prettty
Online shopping lar.. Tu kan kegemaran saya 😉
i know, which site?
Keek..so goooooddd…im addicted to..
nak follow jugak lah..heeee..tp kena update jugak blog je Dr…hheeee
Aaaaa.. Ok.. Ok… Hahha..
hahhaa kita xde keek laa 😦
yeahhh..pas nih make sure satu hari satu keek ok!! 😉 ahahaha
let’s keeking!
Can I make a request ? Dah lama dr tak update psl food recipe. Dah ada Keek pulokkk 😀
Please.. Please.. Cite psl makanan pulak, hehe
Baru aje tgkvid Bella with the stering wheel dlm keek kawan sy,imah..hehe..ok lar Doc,keek,keek jugak,tapi sini mesti update jugak tau:-)
wah…ni sign up juga.. just to watch these two lil princess..
but still dont get any idea what am i suppose to keek-ing ..muahahaha..
Dr ni cute jgk kan..hehe.. even I never know about this Keek apps, mujur Dr perkenalkan, baru lah saya tau ( jakunnya saya) ..haha..I will try after this..
now i know apa it keek…kekeke…
adei..keek..ok, kena download apps ini segera utk tgk bella yg sgt comel n lil sis tasha. jom pakat2 like page FB Gorgeous Plus Size Outlet =)
doctor!! your shawl sgt awesome until I wanna buy it.. 🙂
please la sharing sikit with me the website/blog?
Yes. dah follow dr di keek. suka tengok bella and tasha. update selalu ye, dan jgn lupe blog juga. hehe.:)
Hi hi hi It’s so great to see the girls on video! Bella is adorable! Don’t leave the blog alone please 😉
hehe… saya dah follow dah kak na punye keek’s account…. as the same date you create keek account…. 🙂
it is about what https://jitendrasandhu.wordpress.com
Wanna start my ‘keek’ as soon as posibble but i hv not enough time…its all about the time… Hahaha..
More story abt b n her sista…i like to read them.. 😉
Tq drhalina, coz mempkenalkn keek, sy br je join laman sosial tu smlm, . . Seronok. . . .
Yup..dah followed Dr. Halina @ keek.
Suka tgk first video Dr. Halina tu…
walaupun beberapa second aje…
tapi suka tgk Dr. berckp kat video…sweet je 🙂
ada cute baby Tasha kat depan & Bella kat belakang dgn ‘bahasa German’ dia….
comel sangatttt!!!
Always heard bout keek but no intension to install it butttt..once i know dr ade keek,cepat2 install n follow dr ( dr orng first yang i follow..hihihi)..suke sangat baca your blog
Timaseh!! Timaseh!!
Ok..fine…install keek sbb semata nk follow dr harlina jewww…**hi keek-ers!! 😛 nk gelak tgok keek doc yg 1st skli part yang bella tu…dia sgt comel dengan rambut like little girl yang dalam cite Monster Inc. Tu…but doc…keep update blog tau…:-) heeeeee
mcmn nak join KEEK tu?
Adoi baru uploading youtube, keek plak 🙂
Dr…I start suka keek as I installed it. First install keek sbb nak tengok Bella & Tasha … 😀
Hahah.. Thanks Zenu!!