We finally have a name for B’s little sister!!! It doesnt took us long to decided on her name this time..
We think the name suits her well 🙂 insyaAllah..
Daddy went to Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara today to register her. To those who doesn’t know, you have to register newborns within 14 days after the baby is born. If you took more than 14 days, you’ll be fine!!!
Malu lar kan kalu kena denda.. Haha..
So, we have decided to name our daughter..
Sophea Natasha
(insert fireworks here)
Almost like her sister..
Sophea Isabella.
We love the name ‘Sophea’ so much.. It means ‘wise and beautiful’
we decided to keep it..
and daddy chose ‘Natasha’ because it means ‘strong’. This baby is a strong baby.. after all ups and downs during pregnancy and delivery, she made it through!!
And ‘Natasha’ also means ‘gift of God’.. Which she truly is 🙂
Owh.. And btw, B and daddy is in Kosmo newspaper today!!!
Check them out!!
Where’s Tasha’s pic? Nanti ok 😉 X
Beautiful name… 🙂
sounds suit to her 🙂 tasha.. baby T 😀
aha… baru nk tya doc .. awak dah sebut baby T 😀
welcome, baby Tasha.. Can’t wait to see your pict 😉
Congrats, Dr.Halina and Dr Mus..
love that name
tahniah dr..;)
salam doc.. hehehe..
nnt short name utk natasha ape plak ye… ??
kalau bella called as little B, klau tasha?? 🙂
little T le..nafisya! hehe
congratulation!!may ALLAH bless your family always..
ingatkan dah ada gambar sophea natasha… laju je sya tekan link ke entry nie..hehe btw… nama yg cantik… seindah maksudnya 🙂
sweet name! ❤
Nice and meaningful name. 😀
Wow! Such a beautiful name:-)
baby N….
Cantik nama tu 🙂
Baby T
Bella is 100% mini YOU! cute gila!! Beautiful name, LIKE!
Beautiful name & makna nya pon ssgat baik… :
love your daughter name. same like my name too. strong. 🙂 go for no3 .
sweet name…luv it..!!!!
wah…sophea natasha! nice name….hehe 🙂 same mcm name kakak die…sophea isabella…. dua2 sedap namenye…tpi, saya x sabar le nk tatap wajah comel baby tasha ni…heheh hrp cpt2 le Kak Na upload ye…Kak Na,plez hugged ur two princess to me…. 🙂
kak Na,plez hugged ur two princess for me…hehe
sophia bermaksud kebijaksanaan dalam falsafah . kehkeh .
philos + sophia = mencintai kebijaksanaan .
Sophea Jane utk anak no. 3, itupun kalau girl jugak.
hehehe. kidding.. btw tak sabar nak tengok pic Tasha.. =)
Congrates dr . .nice and beautiful name 🙂
Really nice name….can’t wait to see ur picca baby Tasha..hee 😉
Cantiknya nama!!!
Askm..amboi..nama glame no..hehe.. Natasha… panggil short name=Tasha ke? 🙂 May she make both of u proud someday.Amin.
beautiful name.. semoga both bella and newborn sofea natasha jd anak yg solehah pd both Dr Halina & Dr SMS.. amin
nice name.luv it.
congrats doc..
i thought Sophea Isadora ^^ btw nice name too dr!
So cute B’s baca buku dgn daddy….
Tahniah.Anak diberi nama yang mempunyai makna yang mulia…mana gambar baby
semoga dgn kehadiran”tasha” dpt memeriahkan lagi keluarga dr.halina
hensemnya daddy baby T 🙂
bella copycat u la drH. ..
Ish, pandai Doctor buat suspen tau, excited betul saya, ehheeh ingat dah dpt tengok sophea natasha (what a beatiful name).. may Allah bless Doctor n family.. till Jannah..amin
waaa..tahniah dr..sama nama mcm kakak saya..melur natasha.. 🙂
so we are going to call her Tasha! Tasha, Tasha…be a good girl okay 😀 congrats Dr. May Allah bless your family, always.
Cant wait nak tgk sophea natasha!!!!! Cepat cepat la sophea’s mummy upload pleaseeee!!!!:)
Awesome name! 😀 Mommy and Daddy will look even sweeter now with two Sophea princesses. Can’t wait for the four of you to be featured together!
Good luck finishing pantang 😉
sedapnya nama..mesti semanis dan secomel babynya…tak sabarnya nak tengok baby tasha
Tak lama lagi mesti ada no 3 nikan dr…… nak dapatkan boy pulak…hehe..
kurang gambar la Doc 🙂
indahnye nama baby…semoga Sophea Isabella & Sophea Natasha akan menjadi anak yang solehah..amin. 🙂
I thought Sophea Isadora.. hehe.. read somewhere on Dr SMS saying 2nd child will be that name.. hehe by the way Sophea Natasha also a nice name.. congrats sis!!
Syukur alhamdulillah dan tahniah upon the arrival of natasha..
doc..y ur princess dont have ‘sharifah’ since daddy got ‘sheikh’..hheheh just wonder..
Sharifah is for syed family.. Not sheikh..
look forward lil sophea natasha’s 1st photo. 🙂
woweee beautiful name indeed.
can’t wait to see Sophea Natasha’s photos. she must be as cute as her big sister. i thought your second baby will be Sophea Isadora. But the chosen name also nice and very meaningful. the first one called B and this one will call T..he..he…lets wait what her mummy will call her. of course mummy knows best of what to call her baby. i wish the baby to be fine and happy confinement for you. send my hugs n kisses to cute B.
Hi Sophea Isabella & Sophea Natasha. Hugs and kisses from Sophia Jarvia here. =) ♥
Tahniah Dr Halina dan suami…cantik nama sophea tu…mcm berkenan pulak…hehe. Tak sabar to get pregnant again…InsyaAllah.
Tahniah Dr. suami isteri. Sedap nama tu…Sophea Natasha…
Same as me! My name is natasha too
very proud. Thsnks Dr!
beautiful name 🙂
cute name.Congrats..:)
wahhh , anak akk natasha? my nama is antasya ! my birthday 18 january natasha 19 january? wahh 😉 hampir kembar ! haha
The nick name is going to be ‘T’ for Tasha.. Haha
Both girls have nice and girlish yet meaningful name.
Sound lovely too!:)
Btw, B looks so girlish in that picture. Most of the time she looks kinda ‘tomboyish’ from the pictures:)
aik nama je kluar,nak tgk pic. Sedap nama dan meaningnya. Cepat le kluar pic…tak sabar ni…
Saya tumpang bahagia doc……….tahniah.
nice name..really like it..love to read ur writing..awesome!!
nama anak itu adalah doa ibu bapa buat anaknya.. tahniah dr halina, its such a lovely name. 🙂
lovely name.. same like mine.. 🙂
muka bella ikut muka dr..