B’s Busy Busy Day!!

Today is a very busy day for B.. She entertained mamatok and babatok who came and visit her late morning..

Then off to her music class with mommy..

Hang out at the Starbucks while waiting for daddy to pick us up..

Later, swimming with daddy..

Had dinner around 7pm..

and this is what happened at 7.30pm..

Busy B!! Poor little Bella…

48 thoughts on “B’s Busy Busy Day!!

  1. aww! active b!! bestnye b can sleep by her self like that..wish can do this to my baby…she never go to sleep by her self! i guess have to squeeze out her super baby energy then! where’d u sent her to the music class doc?

  2. doc..im really impressed….kecik2 lg da involve mcm2…n i think thats the best way to educate children….kata org melentur buluh biarlah dri rebungnye…ble bce blog doctor tntg Bella..series…ase cm xsabar nk kawen n ade anak..hehehe

    1. saya pernah dengar ustaz ceramah tidur meniarap ni cara tidur ahli neraka…syaitan suka pada org yg tidur meniarap..ustaz ckp kalau anak tidur meniarap, bila dia dah tidur kita telentangkan dia jgn biar dia terus tidur meniarap…wallahua’lam.. if tido mniarap xbagus utk pernafasan..betul ke?

      beberapa hadith yg saya jumpa..

      “Nabi telah melihat seorang lelaki tidur sambil meniarap, lantas Bagindapun bersabda: Inilah cara berbaring yang dibenci Allah.” (Tarmizi)

      “Apabila kamu mendatangi tempat tidurmu hendaklah kamu mengambil wuduk seperti wuduk untuk bersembahyang. Kemudian baringlah di sebelah kanan.” (Bukhari-Muslim)

      Berkata ‘Abbad ibn Tamim:

      “Aku melihat Rasulullah di dalam masjid tidur menelentang sambil menyilangkan kaki Baginda.” (Bukhari-Muslim)

  3. Dr, Ms Bella swim kat pool biasa je ke? Saya ingat nk bawa baby saya swim jugak ( He was born 2 days later after Ms Bella) tapi takut tak sesuai untuk die kat pool biase.

  4. so bz baby B….

    doc, can ask sumthing ??

    wanna know where’s baby B music class ??

    my baby rite now interested with music.. can share ?

    love ur blog !!! dh try baby B menu… mmg sedap.. 🙂


  5. Cute yet funny! (”,) Dr, how do u train B to sleep by herself? Share with me the tips pls.. Thanks!

    P/S: Luv B’s high chair..Where to find?

  6. Just found out about your blog doc. Not only informative but fun to read ! Cant wait for next update of the adorable B ! More of Lil B ! ;DD *excuse me for being too excited here, hee*

  7. If I m not mistaken, in most of DR SMS views he always ‘meluahkan’ the words syukur, alhamdulillah an so on, to show how his thankfull to ALLAH on what he got now. Beliau juga pernah memaklumkan betapa beliau ‘memilih seseorang wanita itu dari dalam dan luar jiwanya’. Ini memperlihatkan betapa beliau melihat dari sudut Keislaman Yang Sempurna dalam perjalanan hidupnya. BUT Dr. Halina your dairy sebaliknya. MENGAPA MESTI MENGHANTAR ANAK KE KELAS MUZIK ? bukankah lebih baik hantar ke kelas muqaddam? MENGAPA MESTI HANG UP DI STARBUCK? bukankah NGO US sendiri mengharamkan kerana STARBUCK menyokong LGBT? KENAPA MESTI tidorkan anak cara menangkup ITU ADALAH CARA TIDOR AHLI NERAKA? U better becareful….kita ada BUDAYA MELAYU ISLAM YANG LEBIH BAIK DARI BUDAYA BARAT……n lastly U are more beutiful with full TUDUNG not half scaf.

    1. If u see the schedule u ady know how tired bella is. Its not her intention thou. Theres no mom in this world want sth bad for her kids. Bella tertidur…holding her toys lagi… bkn ditidurkan.. -,-

      Music is good in its own way. classical music is proven to stimulate brain development. Meeting with bellas playdate/friends in the music class would help her to socialize with other babies. I think its time to think out of the box.

      The diary its just a summary of a daily life. Should dr halina capture every single moment with bella to prove the islamic way of life?

      Better be careful. In life, its not only with Allah, but we have to be nice with human being too..

      my 10cents.

      1. I 100% agree with you Nur Ershadiah (nice name, BTW) especially on bagaimana baby B ‘ter’tido…. and again, the word, ‘ter’ yer cik sitipayung…

        And again cik sitipayung…. how old is baby B?….. nak hantar kelas muqaddam?…. OMG… u’ve gotta be kidding right?
        ooppsss…. jangan lepas ni u nak kata suh Dr Halina masukkan cerita dalam blog, yang beliau pg belajar mengaji muqaddam sambil bwk baby B plak……

        haishh… i have no words to describe this kind of ppl laaa…..

    2. Allah. nak tergelak pun ada, kesian pun ada with your kind of people cit siti payung. how old is baby B? 5 tahun? 6 tahun? owhhh. months. tak sampai setahun and u expect she can even read rumi? hesh. sepatutnya sebelum kita komen apa2, fikir diri kita dulu. bersihkan hati, buang segala penyakit hati. i rasa kalau u tak minat dr halina u are not even enter this page and worse, posting something like 8 years old girl here. muhasabah diri. nk tegur boleh tapi ada cara. hubungan dengan manusia pun kena jaga juga. Allah lebh tahu perancangan dia utk setipa manusia, kita sbg manusia juga kena mendoakan yang terbaik. bukan membabi buta. renung-renungkan.

    3. cik siti payung… sila fikir sebelum menulis komen.. 1stly…bella is only 8 bulan.. and u expect her to pergi kelas muqaddam? die baru 8 bulan cik siti payung… cakap pun tak tahu..kalo hantar die kelas muqaddam entah2 dia ambik muqaddam masuk terus ke dalam mulutnya.. another thing.. bukankah gambar bella tertido itu satu gaya yg tidak sengaja..
      ada ke emak yg tidurkan anak seperti itu?? teronggeng and letak mainan di mulut?? tak perlu penjelasan pun semua org tahu itu sesuatu yg tidak sengaja… Dr Halina ambil gmbr nak menunjukkan betapa penatnya bella.. dan saya pasti dia akan ubah position bella itu… seeloknya kita berfikir sebelum memberi komen… like kak ratna said.. i have no word to describe this kind of people la…

  8. Little B already have 4 teeth, my baby still dont have any even though she’s a week earlier than little B, 12 July 2012. She already crawling and start to bangun and walk a few step sambil pegang sofa or other things that could let her to walk a few step la..

  9. jgn dilayan org sebegini…kata2 cik sitipayung ni menunjukkan isi hati yg seolah2 dengki dgn kehidupan dan kebahagiaan dr halina…just ignore her…kesian org mcm ni…kata islamik sgt…

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