Ramadhan 2014!

It’s time of the year again.. Ramadhan is here!! Alhamdulillah we are given another chance this time for another round of this holy month. I wanna wish all of your a happy Ramadhan. May Allah grant us goodness and protection during this holy month. May He bless us with health and happiness, and most of all, may He accept our good deeds and ibadah.

Here’s Bella after school, feeling excited looking at mirrors around her in a changing room at the tailor shop. May you get infected with her happiness :D

Take care..


Tasha is Unwell

Tasha is not well since middle of last week.. She was ok initially until the weekend where she turned super clingy like UHU glue. She only wanted me to carry her. I literally spent the weekend carrying her around. She’s not eating well. Only half of her usual milk. And a a few sips of Dutch Lady chocolate milk.. and mangoes!! Yes, mangoes. Haha.. Rice, porridge and all, she doesn’t want..

I suspected it was only viral fever and usually viral fever is self-limiting and it will heal by itself after 3 to 4 days.. but her fever persisted until day 5 and in the morning of the fifth day, she had nose bleed.. Literally a ball of blood clot obstructing her right nostril when she woke up from sleep.

So, what did mommy do?

I freaked out, of course.

Me: OMG! You think Tasha has dengue?? *cry a river*

S: Maybe it’s just the weather. Kan panas skarang ni.. or probably because high pressure from sneezing, then her small vessels break. Don’t panic..

Me: You think so?

S: It’s ok. We’ll go check her blood after this.

Me: (mumbling sambil doa) Please Allah, take away her illness. I’ll take her place. She’s a little girl. This is too much for her *drama queen is back!!*

So, we went to the hospital in the afternoon. To draw blood is another drama.

Initially the plan was mommy hold Tasha while my colleague, Dr Kogi draw her blood. But I was a such pain in the a**! Haha.. I kept asking her, “is it ok?”, “can you see the vessels?”, “you think get get blood in one shot?”, “can ah?”

Hahaha… I will slap myself too, you know!!

Since I had too many questions, my husband took over.

It was a success, single attempt. *Of course kan Kogi!! Haha..* ” Thank you for bearing with me :D

Later, the blood result came out. It doesn’t look like dengue. Phewwwww…. InsyaAllah, it’s just a viral non-dengue fever. Alhamdullilah..

Today I’m at home. Took EL. Hubsy has events in Putrajaya and JB, B is at school, the kakak that help me at home is also unwell. So, It’s just Tasha and mommy today. Hope she gets better..


The Bags Under My Eyes..

Yesterday, my hubsy put up a picture of me and B together at my friend’s wedding on his FB page..

And I can’t help but notice some of the comments were about my eye bags… Hahaha.. Yes, I don’t get enough sleep. Not many of us have the privilege to sleep 8 hours everyday. In my case, 4 hours uninterrupted sleep is considered luxury! Haha..

So, whoever is able to sleep for 8 hours everyday, enjoy! Whoever doesn’t… Haha.. Nasib lah! ;)

As far as I’m concerned..

*nak sedapkan hati*


His Next Book is Out!

For the past few months, my hubsy has been working on his new book.. He has been to many local and international schools, universities and colleges, and from his experience interacting with the students, he recognised common traits that makes an excellent student excel and relate it with his own experiences. Knowing him, always on the go, wanting to improve himself and others around him, he comes out with this book, hoping the students out there to learn from his experiences.

It comes in hard cover (Yay! No more buku kemek!!) for RM50.00. You can contact Miss Dewi at +60192811930 to get a copy of this book. As far as I know, this book will not be available at bookshop as yet. Whoever wants a signed copy, you can also inform Miss Dewi and she will sort it out for you.. ;) *Dewi darling, take note!! Hehe..*

What was my contribution for this book?

I choose the front cover picture!! Hahaha…

That’s my choice of picture, people!! *pat myself*

Tried to take some artsy-looking picture but I guess I’m not really a right brain person. Art is definitely not my forte. Haha..

Eh, go call Miss Dewi now!! ;)


They Wanted Daddy..!

Hi all..

My life has been upside down for the past two weeks. I spent so much time at work, had to do some readings.. and less time for family. By that, I mean my girls.. I only sent them to school in the morning while they are still sleeping and come back from work late.. sometimes until 10pm. When I reached home, I still need to do some reading and all.. I need to focus on my work and study right now.

My husband has always been supportive. He will pick up the girls from school, bathe them, feed them and all. MasyaAllah.. May Allah grant him Jannah for all his sacrifices.. No complaint. He loves the girls and loves spending time with them. They had so much fun together. They went out for dates.. Hahaha.. Yes, daddy and the girls at MooCow!

And where’s mommy?

At the hospital..

I was busy with my stuffs until two nights ago, I wanted to put my girls to sleep.. and they refused me!! Both Bella and Tasha wanted daddy!

I cried in my heart.

It’s only two weeks and they forgot their mommy?

I guess we can’t have everything in life. One way or another, if you want to achieve something, part of your life will be sacrifice. Salute to all ambitious mommies out there, juggling work and family. I have a friend who completed her post-graduate study with kids and NO maid! That’s unbelievable!! Salute to all husbands and daddies who sacrifies for their family, taking care of their children while their wives is struggling to achieve their ambitions.

In my case, I just need to do some adjustment.. like less sleeping time (hahahah.. and more coffee probably..) and finish my study at hospital and spend more quality time with my girls (I need a date with them too!!)

That night, when Bella and Tasha rejected me was like a slap in my face. I can’t take it..

I need to change.

Wish me luck, ok!