Away For A While..

We are leaving to Bali tomorrow morning to shoot for our Romantika episode in Astro Ria.

We will try to be as romantic as possible on the show with our children around 😉 Hahaha..

While we are away, I leave you with Tasha’s sleep smile photo..

Till then..

Love, X

65 thoughts on “Away For A While..

  1. hehe..bestnyer abis pantang terus jalan2…=p enjoy life! enjoy shooting =)
    bali mali..mali bali..

  2. X sabar rasanya nk tgk Romantika doc sekeluarga. ♥ the smile. Both of ur kids are really really cute.

  3. alaaaaaaa……………….. nk tgok romantika yg episod dr. halina…. tp ada kt hostel !! mcm mna nk tgok nnt !!!! kesiannye saye… 😥

  4. Melihat muka Tasha yang sedang tidur dalam senyuman…saling tak tumpah wajahnya mirip Adik Dr SM yang meninggal……Al-Fatihah !! Safe journey and enjoy the whole family…..

  5. Hi doc!

    Bole share tak how you handle your newborn baby dlm flights? Kalau betul kiraan me, she’s 57days today (17/3) kan? Well, my newborn baby will be 58days during our trip to Bandung in May. It’ll be my first time travelling with a newborn. So mcm risau jgk coz some friends keep telling me tak sesuai bwk baby kecik fly on board yadayada.. Hope you’ll share in your blog soon pasal ni kay! Thanks..

    Btw, enjoy Bali & have fun! 😉

  6. Dr Halina, I’m not into this Astro Ria but let me know when is the show so that i wont miss it… 🙂

  7. wahh..Romantika..ini kira honeymoon yg ke brapa yer..bestnyer..gonna miss bella n tasya..nnt jgn lupa load pic bebyk yer untuk tatapan we allz kt cni…

  8. saya peminat tegar dr. finally, sampai juga hajat nk tgk romantika. selalu tunggu bila rancangan tv romantika artis lain trus tukar channel. saya hanya nk tgk dr dgn husband dr jer. thanks..

    1. Must be monitored. I dont leave my baby tido mlm meniarap. Only during day time. Takut kalu kepala tak tilted properly, nanti lemas. Siang hari we are around to check on them..

  9. tasya!!! jom jadik menantu aunty hhahhaa!!! haishh bila nk dpt baby gurl…now dh ada 2 boys..same age wth bella n tasya

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