We are leaving to Bali tomorrow morning to shoot for our Romantika episode in Astro Ria.
We will try to be as romantic as possible on the show with our children around 😉 Hahaha..
While we are away, I leave you with Tasha’s sleep smile photo..
Till then..
Love, X
wahh seronoknyaa pergi bali, have fun dr.. 🙂 btw chomelnya tgok tasha tidow sambil tersenyum ^_______^
Make sure romantic tau doc! Hehee..
dr… tasha memang x cukur rmbut lg ye?
Hv a great time doc n fam…don’t spoil this moment 🙂
Huhuhu, astro takde.. ini letak gambar sini ye…
Filem ke apa ni doc?ke banyak episod?
Muah.. muah… little Tasha.
tasha memang kopipes muka daddy la…
comelnyer..cant wait to watch romantika!!
Ala comel je Tasha tido. Have fun doc and take care. 😀
yeay!! finally..can’t wait..good luck dr.
Dr, mmg bagi tasha tido position cm tu ke? Coz sy pn bt kt baby sy cm tu.
How about bella dr…plz leave something too..bella oh bella
x saba nk tgk romantika nnti..huhu
hehe..bestnyer abis pantang terus jalan2…=p enjoy life! enjoy shooting =)
bali mali..mali bali..
X sabar rasanya nk tgk Romantika doc sekeluarga. ♥ the smile. Both of ur kids are really really cute.
OMG comel nyer tasha senyum sambil tidur, i wonder what she is dreaming about hehe
awwww comelnya!!
Tasha tido snyum la .. btw , cute .. 😉
enjoy yr. trip to Bali Doc…. Tasha duplicate muka Bella masa baby……………………..cute 🙂
alaaaaaaa……………….. nk tgok romantika yg episod dr. halina…. tp ada kt hostel !! mcm mna nk tgok nnt !!!! kesiannye saye… 😥
Comelnya Tasha senyum… Tak sabar nak nengok Romantika dr dgn hubby…
Have fun Doc..:)
safe journey dr..cant wait to c u all on tv..heheheh..:)
Alahai, tomeinye pic tasha tido.. Tersenyum lg.. Sama mcm muka daddy.. Nnt dh besar, mcm muka mummy pulak.. Slmt beromantika di Bali, doc!
Muka Daddy. mihmih 🙂
Wah….x sabo nk tngok episod romantika Dr…!! Msti romantik nih! Hihi…
enjoy yrself doc n i love her smile lah…
Melihat muka Tasha yang sedang tidur dalam senyuman…saling tak tumpah wajahnya mirip Adik Dr SM yang meninggal……Al-Fatihah !! Safe journey and enjoy the whole family…..
safe journey =) love tasya’s smile=)
oh, tak shoot lagi ke? ok, akan ku tunggu..btw, Tasha tido meniarap ke? ahaha..same with my 3m twins 🙂
take care ya.
cantiknya tasya senyum…nice girl^^…mesti tgh mmpi best..
oh God…manisnya wajah tasha…she’s so sweet …https://bilazuebukamulut.wordpress.com
Dr Halina, tasha x try swimming lesson mcm bella dulu ker? Hehe
Sent from my iPad
wow smile while asleep, mimpi manis 🙂
Memang tertungu2 bila giliran doc berdua dlm Romantika… sbb nak tgk bella dan tasya..
Have a good trip doc!!
yeay…. tak sabar tengok episod romantika brsama Dr & fmily…
Wahhhh enjoy ur holiday doc!!
yeahhhh finally! I going to watch it for real!
Hi doc!
Bole share tak how you handle your newborn baby dlm flights? Kalau betul kiraan me, she’s 57days today (17/3) kan? Well, my newborn baby will be 58days during our trip to Bandung in May. It’ll be my first time travelling with a newborn. So mcm risau jgk coz some friends keep telling me tak sesuai bwk baby kecik fly on board yadayada.. Hope you’ll share in your blog soon pasal ni kay! Thanks..
Btw, enjoy Bali & have fun! 😉
Tasha is being so cuteeee baby. Have a sofe journey there doc! 😉
Dr Halina, I’m not into this Astro Ria but let me know when is the show so that i wont miss it… 🙂
yeah, tak sabr nk tgk romantika nt..have a safe journey Dr Halina 🙂
comey sngat tasya… seronok pi bali smpai bawa ke tido… miss bella la plak…
Halina..did u realised that kat iklan promo Romantika tu.. your name is Halina Yusof instead of Yunos? Anak akak yang notice tau!
wahh..Romantika..ini kira honeymoon yg ke brapa yer..bestnyer..gonna miss bella n tasya..nnt jgn lupa load pic bebyk yer untuk tatapan we allz kt cni…
saya peminat tegar dr. finally, sampai juga hajat nk tgk romantika. selalu tunggu bila rancangan tv romantika artis lain trus tukar channel. saya hanya nk tgk dr dgn husband dr jer. thanks..
cutenyer tasha.. 🙂
wow bestnyaaaaa…https://bilazuebukamulut.wordpress.com
cho cute baby tasha…
Mesti romantic habis ni Doc…
DR, tasha will grow up pretty. Cantiknya anak2 DR.
dr. pls advice me how to tidokan bayi meniarap safely. 😉
Must be monitored. I dont leave my baby tido mlm meniarap. Only during day time. Takut kalu kepala tak tilted properly, nanti lemas. Siang hari we are around to check on them..
dr. nak tanya dr buat lakukan tak suntikan imunisasi untuk bayi dr.?
Yes, all up-to-date!
tasya!!! jom jadik menantu aunty hhahhaa!!! haishh bila nk dpt baby gurl…now dh ada 2 boys..same age wth bella n tasya
doc daj balik ? Bah, update la blog dr Bali ¡ 😉
happy family =)
Bila nak cukur botak rambut baby ikut sunnah. Timbang dan sedekahkan mengikut nilai emas
apalah agaknya baby tasha ni mimpi.. tgh mimpi main2 dgn kakaknya bella kot. main jonkang-jongket 😛