SubhanAllah,comelnya anak doc 🙂 I can’t imagine the moment when we wake up and see the smiles of the apple of our eyes.What a wonderful moment! *macam tak sabar nak kawen 😉 *
a very perfect combination! your daughters are super duper cute doc. it’s like a blessing to have them in your life. i love to read your blog. really inspiring. 🙂
Assalamualaikum ..dah lama membaca blog dr tapi hari ni rasa nak komen..gambar kali ini mencetuskan rasa ya Allah comelnya dua-dua anak ni..bagi jiwa rasa tenang 🙂 ..nutella pun nutella lar 🙂 ..saya doakan doktor dan suami berjaya dan diberi rezeki untuk memperolehi anak seramai 10 orang..saya membayangkan mereka kecil-kecil , agak-agak sebaya je nanti dan dah macam taska masa tu 😉 good luck
doktor halina… boleh doktor share pasal female circumcision… since anak doktor pun both perempuan… nak tahu umur berapa yg sesuai utk buat dan apa2 yg berkaitan tentang female circumcision… my 1 year old girl masih belum buat… huhu…
BTW, DR kenapa la.. muka Dr cute sgt =)..tengok gmbar DR senyum saja..rasa bahagiaaaa sgt..alhamdulillah, Allah berikan DR such a wonderful smile ..tengok profile pic DR Halina aje pun..tenang rasa, happy rasa mcm nk senyum juga…I luv u all..luv BARELY SUPERMOMMY !!!!
salam..dr.. nnti try letak gmbar dr dan suami masa bby n bella n tasha masa bby.. boleh tgk persamaan.. ari2 bukak BARELY SUPERMOMMY… mcm ketagih plak kalo tak tgk gmbar atau cerita terkini.. happy family… 🙂
Hi Dr.. congrats! i really love nama tasha n my baby pun i named her natasha..hihi..anyway, do u mind sharing ur schedule bf and pumping milk for tasha? i wonder how mothers out there manage to buat stok susu at the same time bf their baby..thank you doc ^_^ big hugs to “Nutella”..
Ini baru 2 anak..if dah ada 10 anak nanti,agaknya combination nama pun pjg berjela..’Natellaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’…hehe.anyway,both of them are super duper cute.
helo natella!!
Maaf nak bertanya.. Anak doc dibela oleh siapa sewaktu doc bertugas… Dibela oleh bik or nursery
Bella goes to school, then half day her daddy will pick her up. She has been taken care by us at home, not our maid.
Ahahahahaha… logik!
Haha… Mana dapat idea ni? Intagram CTDK, perhaps? Haha…
hahaha love bellatasha !!!
sekarang baru sy nampak yg bella nampak mcm muka dr,tasha mcm muka dr sms.
cute name 🙂
salam dr…leh tanye x? sy xpenah nmpk tasha bedung kalu org tua dlu2 suka bedung.. tp xpeke kita xbedung anak kita… maaf ye bertanya
we dont bedung our children. medically there’s no issue with that..
Dr. my mom says kaki saya bengkok mungkin berpunca dari dibedung masa kecik.
then adik2 mak tak bedung dah. tak tahu betul ke tak?
Salam doc!!! u r so funny!tp betul jugak Natella lbh kurang Nutella ^^ luv to c ur kids together, kirim cium buat mereka ummmuahhh !
hahahahaha…. !!!! good morning halina !!!
hehee, chomelss je diorang ni..geram tgokk.. 😀 me love natella eyh nutella too..hee
Adorable nye both natella 🙂
Sgt geram!
haha…good one…pandai buat lawak jugak mommy natella nih…hihi
how cute they are~
SubhanAllah,comelnya anak doc 🙂 I can’t imagine the moment when we wake up and see the smiles of the apple of our eyes.What a wonderful moment! *macam tak sabar nak kawen 😉 *
Suka suka mak dia je. hehe…
Hahaha…so comel..
haha… nnt Dr. boleh buat product sendiri nama Natella…
Haha so sweet 🙂
Pretty girls.. :))
Luv em both,,XOXO,,;)
alamak comelnye!
Sweet both of isabella
dah nampak persamaan wajah both of them 🙂
a very perfect combination! your daughters are super duper cute doc. it’s like a blessing to have them in your life. i love to read your blog. really inspiring. 🙂
The princesses..
hah!!my fav nutella..natella pun my fav jugak Kakna…pendek je post Kakna pg ni tp wat sy gelak guling2 tau!so sweet both of them..muahmuahmuah….
you are awesome..reading your thoughts really light up my day
LoL you are hilarious!
you’ll do so well when you have boys 😉
Assalamualaikum ..dah lama membaca blog dr tapi hari ni rasa nak komen..gambar kali ini mencetuskan rasa ya Allah comelnya dua-dua anak ni..bagi jiwa rasa tenang 🙂 ..nutella pun nutella lar 🙂 ..saya doakan doktor dan suami berjaya dan diberi rezeki untuk memperolehi anak seramai 10 orang..saya membayangkan mereka kecil-kecil , agak-agak sebaya je nanti dan dah macam taska masa tu 😉 good luck
both sweetttt… mcm nak gomol…
so cute. both of them…
Hi Dr Halina, every week I wait for both of u to come out in Romantika 😉
ala tomel-tomel… ^_^
doktor halina… boleh doktor share pasal female circumcision… since anak doktor pun both perempuan… nak tahu umur berapa yg sesuai utk buat dan apa2 yg berkaitan tentang female circumcision… my 1 year old girl masih belum buat… huhu…
Hahaha! True enough. Super duper cute anak u hv doc. Allah bless ur family. Yummy, me too luv Natella (Nutella). Hihihi!
Ha ha ok la tu, natella… Just you wait doc. In a few months time i bet you’ll be doing all the silat gayong, cekak etc etc everyday.
ha ha ha so creative…. i like…
OMG! those gurls sooo yummmmyyy!! can’t wait to read more, more, and more about this little cute angel!
and both will make you go nats (nuts)…..cute…cute…cute….
salam..saja nak tanya dr.helina.. kakak lebih manja dengan sapa erk skg nie?? maklum la dah ada adik..
This two kids are soooo adorable, cute lagi. Gerrraaammm. I’m waiting for the other!! *wink*
Loving and caring Bella……So lucky for little Tasha….!!!
hehe..i found out this is tooo cute..heheh..=) all your daughter’s name..suke2..hehe
please put more more moreeee Bella’s photo…. pleaseeee……. xpuas tgk la…
natella pun boleyy.. sodap and comeyyy
Doc, bella suka cabut rambut eh? Hehe
Perfect photo!like it!nway nutella is my fav hehe:-)yummmmy
adorable natella!!!
BTW, DR kenapa la.. muka Dr cute sgt =)..tengok gmbar DR senyum saja..rasa bahagiaaaa sgt..alhamdulillah, Allah berikan DR such a wonderful smile ..tengok profile pic DR Halina aje pun..tenang rasa, happy rasa mcm nk senyum juga…I luv u all..luv BARELY SUPERMOMMY !!!!
tasha is getting bigger. she’s growing up so fast! good job dear natella’s mommy 😉
where is the mommy’s pic??
salam..dr.. nnti try letak gmbar dr dan suami masa bby n bella n tasha masa bby.. boleh tgk persamaan.. ari2 bukak BARELY SUPERMOMMY… mcm ketagih plak kalo tak tgk gmbar atau cerita terkini.. happy family… 🙂
they are so sweet as nutella dr….u’re brilliant
hehe… Natella Supermommy! 🙂
Hi Dr.. congrats! i really love nama tasha n my baby pun i named her natasha..hihi..anyway, do u mind sharing ur schedule bf and pumping milk for tasha? i wonder how mothers out there manage to buat stok susu at the same time bf their baby..thank you doc ^_^ big hugs to “Nutella”..
Bella ikut muka DR HALINA and Tasha ikut muka DR SMS. Ya Allah, comel sangat :3
hahaha nice combo!!
cute sangat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ini baru 2 anak..if dah ada 10 anak nanti,agaknya combination nama pun pjg berjela..’Natellaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’…hehe.anyway,both of them are super duper cute.