I have to admit I am not a perfect mother. Sometimes I refused to spend time with my kids because I was too tired, even when I tried, I fell asleep during our play time. Sometimes I raised my voice to them when they were making mess even when I knew it was part of their learning process. Sometimes I ignored them because they asked me “why mommy?” for the seventeenth time in a row. Sometimes I fell asleep before them when I was supposed to be reading their bedtime story.
I am guilty of not spending enough time with them. I am guilty of raising my voice to them. I am guilty of not being the angel for them like I was supposed to be.
I have a lot of flaws… but somehow my girls still think I am the best mommy in the world. My girls were the one who taught me how to be a mother. It is tough. It doesn’t come with manual instruction. I just have to learn to do it with my instinct. The instinct that every mothers were blessed with. That is the magic of being a mommy. After almost 5 years being a mommy, I am still learning and trying to be a better person for them. I believe that is motherhood.
Every time I want to do something, one person will come to my mind..
She is my mother. I always think “What would mama do if she was in my position..” She is just so inspiring. The more I think about her, the more I know how much she had sacrifice for us when we were growing up.
Today, I would like to wish my maa, umi and all mommies out there a Happy Mother’s Day.
I love you, maa..
And if you are asking me whether I am having breakfast in bed served by my girls today, the answer is no. I’m oncall. I am not even spending time with them at home. Guilty as charged. But I brought the cards that Bella and Tasha drew for me to work today! Less guilt now 😝
Enjoy your Mother’s Day!
This is so sweet dr. You are indeed supermommy to your kids. Despite of all, you are a great mom. Im wishing u and all mommies out there, happy mothers day !
Happy mother’s dear, your kids are proud of you, i can see 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day, Dr.Halina! You are such a beautiful & wonderful mom. ❤
You are now on duty, where you work hard for them. for both of your little angels. It's hard to juggle between work, study, being a mom & wife.
What a supermak you are! Wish Allah S.W.T ease you steps & journey. Insya'Allah.
happy mothers day Dr Halina..
saya suka baca coretan doc. setiap kali keluar di news feed fb mesti terus buka blog dr di pc..
belikan lah anak roller blade. saya bagi harga best untuk doc. di page fb ButikBabyIbuAmani
Sedih sgt nih
Happy Mother’s Day Dr. Halina.
We aren’t perfect. However we are great mother to our children. 😘
Hepi mothers day dr.halina. the kids forgive n forget. Saya pon sama sometimes i raised my voice to them n turn into angry lion 😂
happy mothers day Dr Halina
Same to mee Dr…lepas dh marah anak, baru rasa menyesal. sebabnya letih sgt, sampai pintu rumah je, dua-dua my princess bercakap tak henti-henti. tanya itu dan ini….Ya Allah, berikanlah kepada kami kesabaran untuk menjalankan amanah ini, aamiin.