Come & Meet Us!!

Hi Barely Supermommy readers!!

I wanna personally invite you to this Wyeth event in Alamanda Putrajaya on the August 31, 2013, this coming Saturday. There will be a lot of activities for your children like colouring contest, rocket making contest, face painting and a lot more. Healthy check up will be provided from Hospital An-Nur for free!!

This is one of the doctor from Hospital An-Nur, she’s gonna be there too!! Hehe..

There will also be a session with Malaysia’s first astronaut.. errrr, that’s my husband!! 😀 Wanna hear space stories? Come and meet him!!

Owh.. and guess what??! Bella and Tasha will be there too!! And of course, mommy has to come along to change diaper, make susu (susu S26 by Wyeth, of course!!), feed and jaga them.. Haha..

We will be there from 2 until 4pm. If you’re around, drop by to Alamanda in Putrajaya! We are gonna have a super fun day!!

See you there!! 😉


53 thoughts on “Come & Meet Us!!

  1. helooo doctor! sounds great fun and it’ll be great if i can take my 2 yr old boy there..tpi adik die schedule for inguinal op later la..weeknd at home je..sighh

  2. Alahai… sayangnye saya tak dpt la nk join. 31 ogos ni terlampau full with kenduri sana-sini and open house… - feeling sad 😦

  3. HUWAAaaaaa…jelesnyer x dapat join. Harap dapat buat lagi event cm ni ye di masa akan dtg (Objective: Just nak jupa “barely supermommy” , little bam bam n Kak Bella..) .

  4. wahhh!! harini doc halina reply most of the feedback!! suke!! nak gelak..:p datang JB plis!! buat roadtour kat town JB ye doc! **kenyet2!

  5. Aduyaaaiiii…dekat tp jauh. Ade gathering vs raye plk time tu. Doc jgn lupe update gambar2 peminat Bella & Tasha for barely supermommy readers ok…

  6. mmm apa kata dier org tour Kuching, Sarawak sekali. leh jumpa ure doter Bella yg sama umo my boy, born Nov 2011 😉 (still remember pic bella baby dlm utusan i buat screen saver bcos so cute rambut pacak) hehehehe

  7. Salam Dr.. Nak tnye skit. Check up tu untuk children je ker? Adult buat check up.,bole? And event ni start pkul brapa ye?

  8. dr…saye teringin Dr.SMS n Dr Halina and beloves princesses datang penang….KL tu jauh nak pergi…

  9. Wow…im sure mesti ramai yg datang to see urself and family in person…surely gonna be a fun day…enjoy!!!!

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