Today, April 5, 2013 marked the 33rd year my parents were married. And yesterday was my mom’s birthday and this year is extra special. After more than 30 years of teaching, now she’s no more going to school!! (She’s a teacher, y’all) She’s officially a pensioner!! My dad is really happy he finally has my mom staying at home with him. I can see it from his eyes that he is genuinely happy about it. “Abah dah suruh maa berenti kerja laamer dah, finally pencen pun..” he told me yesterday.
I’m just plain happy for both of them.
Marriage is a lot of work..
Wedding is fun, honeymoon phase is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. but marriage is really a lot of work! You’re juggling your work, daily house chores, children and husband every single day. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you’re killing yourself slowly inside because you barely have time for yourself.
Whenever I see an old couple walking together holding hands, I really envy them. I want be like them. Even after soooo long, it’s still the same person they are walking with, same hand they are holding and they never get tired. Isn’t that sweet?
To me, marriage is about two people committed themselves to each other, sharing the same desire to spend their lifetime together, and willingness to be there for one another. In Al-Quran, it’s clearly stated “They are clothing for you and you’re clothing for them..” (Al-Baqarah, verse 187). Like our clothing that covers and protect our body, couples defend each other’s honour. They protect and enhance each other’s beauty while shielding that which must be hidden, according to Allah’s rules.
To maa and abah, Happy 33rd Wedding Anniversary. May Allah granted Jannah to both of you. Thank you for being there for each other. Thank you for giving us, the children a good example of what marriage is all about. We love you both!
woahh a teacher? what school? bet she’s teaching bio xD
lucky me. my mom’s suri rumah. xD
no, she was an English teacher 🙂
Explains your English 😉
Agree!that’s really explains your English:-D
Assalamualaikum..Dr.Halina..bleh sy dptkn contact cikgu habibah x??beliau adalah bekas guru sy di sekolah dhulu..rindu kt cikgu sy..012
Congrates…Happy 33rd Wedding Anniversary…
Congrates…Happy 33rd Wedding Anniversary…
thank you for your wishes 🙂
owh! so sweet doc.
Touched! Happy anniversary to doc’s mama n abah!
thank you for your wishes 🙂
Slmt ulangtahun perkahwinan ke 33 buat ibubapa Dr dan
slmt hari lahir ke 32 buat saya. Heeee nk juga menyelit tu
thank you for your wishes 🙂 and happy birthday to you!!
congrates to both of also anniversary for my SIL..
thank you and happy anniversary to your bro and SIL..
finally….pencen jugak….teacher habibah mmg seorang guru yg dedikasi..:)
hahah.. bukan nak puji but yes, she is a very dedicated teacher 😉
Happy 33rd Wedding Anniversary tu maa n abah Dr HAlina.. semoga berbahgia selalu…. also to my mak n abah.. selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan ke 28..always love my parents..
happy anniversary to your parents!!
Happy wedding anniversary to your parents doc.
thank you for your wishes 🙂
semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat dan dipanjangkan umurnya.Amin
insyaAllah.. Amin!
smlm birthday anak sy dan juga birthday mak saya….same birhtday dgn mommyDdr rupenye….
ha’ah!! happy birthday to them!!
muka abah doc dengan hubby ada iras lar 🙂
Happy 33rd wedding Anniversary…May Allah granted Jannah to both of you.
thank you for your wishes 🙂
happy anniversary, may Allah bless always 🙂 your mom is a techercareer mom, does she blog 🙂
hahha.. no she doesnt blog. i hope she doesnt start one!!
Our parents have the same wedding anniversary date except mine is for 29th year.
Anyway, congrats and happy wedding anniversary to your parents, doc! 🙂
happy anniversary to your parents!!
Happy 33rd wedding Anniversary…May Allah granted Jannah to both of you.
thank you for your wishes 🙂
happy wedding anniversary aunty n uncle….njoy ur moments alwayz…i’m really touched wiz what u have wrote dr halina…
thank you for your wishes 🙂
Happy anniversary utk kedua-duanye. 😉
thank you for your wishes 🙂
dr lina…abahnya mcm iras dr muzaffar laaaa…dr
awak baik gie check mata awak.. hehehe..
1st time mata i tgk pun terdetik macam Dato’ dr sheikh Muzaffar..
How very true…
ops doc,xkan sy pon nak kena g jumpa optician;P
Happy 33rd Anniversary to yr Mum & Dad, Doc. XOXO to U too…
thank you for your wishes 🙂
Dr, ur parent acaner? 4 of u sume jd doctor… Sejuk perut ibu ngandung..
semoga semua berbahagia dan terus bahagia hingga ke syurga..amiin.. selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan maa and abah Dr harlina =))..wahh pencen dah..saya berpuluh tahun lagi =p. nmpk dr mukanya, guru yang berdedikasi..=)
thanks a-tym 🙂
saye pon kena g check mate jgk ke? sbb saya pon rase cam ade iras2 dr SMS gitu… hahah
niway happy 33rd wedding anniversary to ur parents.. moga bahagia hingga akhir hayat 🙂
ha’ah.. gi check!
sorry muke sebelah nie xchome..xtau dtg dr mana.huhu
5 April-Selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan yang ke-33 buat kedua2 ibu bapa Dr dan selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan yang ke-26 untuk saya dan suami saya juga…….hehehe. Sama tarikh anniversary kami ya…dan tarikh samajuga merupakan hari lahir arwah emak saya yang telah pergi buat selama-lamanya pada tahun lalu(2012). Sedihkan…pada tarikh yang sama, 5 April setiap tahun saya akan meraikan ulangtahun perkahwinan saya dan suami malah akan turut mengenang tarikh lahir arwah emak saya. Sebab tu hari ini saya bawa pulut kuning dan nasi lemak ke sekolah untuk anak-anak murid dan rakan-rakan saya…
I’m sorry to hear that Kak Mi.. untung anak murid dpt pulut kuning!! 😉
You have the smile of your mother 🙂 Happy 33rd anniversary to your lovely parents 🙂
thanks Adilah.. 🙂
This is great. Today is my parents wedding anniversary too. Their 27th . Hehehe .. and whoa ! My mom is an english teacher too. Wish your parents will live happily and blessed until Jannah , insyaallah , ameen !
P/S : Cant wait to watch you on Romantika 🙂
happy anniversary to your parents!!
doc.. u lahir tahun yg sama dgn tahun perkahwinan parents u kan ?? 😀
happy anniversary to your parents!!
Love this post! Marriage is a lot of work. I totally agree with you. Unlike you, both my husband and I come from broken marriages so we sure hope we can give our kids what your parents gave you. InsyaAllah.
yeah me too kene g check mata kot? hehe.. but seriously i nampak ur dad’s face ade iras2 dgn your husband.. 😉 btw, congrats and happy anniversary to both your parents. semoga dirahmati selalu~~ 🙂
hahah.. ni lagi sorang!!
Terkesima sesaat dua .. Serious ada rupa Dr.Sheikh .. Teeehee .. btw .. happy anniversary to doc’s parents … kirim salam kat dey all .. May Allah bless your family .. amin … 🙂
ok.. awak org yg ke-empat cakap.. maybe saya yg kena check mata! 😀
Happy Anniversary to both of your parents!
thanks Amie!!
Hi there Dr! Pn Habibah used to be my English teacher! Such a small world and yes I love her so much as she’s a really caring and dedicated teacher during my primary school times 🙂 And I love your blog so so much that I would actually checks on it every single day! Haha! Your family is just lovely 🙂 Do send my regards to her and keep on writing Dr! Both of your girls are lovely and beautiful as you are 🙂
owh!! YOu’re one of her students!! HAhaha..
Nice post! I also see older married couples and hope my husband and I will be like them one day
same here!!
Happy Birthday Uncle & Aunty!!! May the Al-Mighty bless both of you always! Besy wishes! 🙂
thanks khairil!!
happy annivesary uncle & aunty..moga Allah memberkati kalian berdua amin
so sweet ur maa and abah…happy anniversary..sila simpan gmbar ni and compare with gambar u and dr SMS when ur 33rd anniversary nnti…konpem same..!!!!!! hehe
doc…seriously mmg betol your dad ade irs dgn dr SMS..heheh..btw.. Happy 33rd anniversary to your ma and abah. may Allah granted jannah for both of your parent..sejuk perut ibu mngandung tgk anak2 smua berjaya.. i hope i can be the one also..May Allah bless you and your family..=)
Congratulations and Happy 33rd Wedding Anniversary to your Mama and Daddy. Best wishes and may Allah bless both of them…….
May Allah bless both of them..Semoga berbahagia till Jannah! ^_________^
Thank you Dr. Halina.
You are so adorable !
Here, i am learning back English, which i left i for years for learning and practising Arabic.
And here, i got so many beneficial things to ponder and thank you again, with all your writings i will try my best to beautify my marriage - sooner.
* if i invite you to my wedding, hope to see you are coming !
Love, Nony Imtiyaz
MasyaAllah, congratulations Puan Habibah for her retirement & anniversary! Definitely a loss for students because she’s one of the best English teachers I’ve ever known! =p My salam to her & may Allah bless you & your family, Dr. Halina! =)
Selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan buat kedua ibubapa doc.. moga kekal bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat dan diberi kesihatan yang terbaik.. doc ikut muka ibu la..
Happy anniversary to your parents dr Halina,
Seriously i ingat ni parents Dr Sheikh, sbb your dad ada iras2 Dr Sheikh especially tang mata. maybe thats why u jatuh chenta dgn Dr Sheikh kot…sbb ada iras2 org yg kita sayang =)
Suka baca blog doctor 😉 selalu tunggu update, by the way…muka ayah Dr.Harlina ada iras iras Dr Sheikh la…wah !
Lovely post…