Last Weekend in PD

After Bali, we were in PD for a short while because my husband had to attend an event there. And again, this time he brought along his little entourage!! Hehe.. Mommy, Bella and Tasha and my parents. We stayed in a resort by the beach and our room in exactly above the sea water. Bella and Tasha doesn’t seem too excited about that somehow.. Haha.. Mommy yang over😀

There’s a small pet farm at the resort, which is good for children. Since in KL she only sees chicken as nuggets, I think it’s a good idea for her to get to know how a real chicken looks like!

That’s Bella impressed by the chicken. Babatok, her grandfather is in-charge of chasing the chicken since that seems to be his forte. Hehe..

Another Bella’s favorite toy-stuffed animal, now in real life!

She likes rabbit the most.. she kept chasing the rabbit round and round the pet farm..

and kept feeding them with long beans..

Owh.. and here is Tasha. Since she’s not yet running around chasing the animals.. Here’s her picture on the bed..

The next morning, daddy woke us up early in the morning to bring us on a boat ride. On our way to the jetty, we saw this…

Peacock’s butt!! Haha.. yup, we’ve seen the front too often.. now we change view😉

Here’s us on the boat with my mom and my youngest brother..

And Bella got to know another new sea creature..


So, in this trip, we have covered rabbit, chicken, turtle, peacock and crab!! Haha.. Good for Bella!!