Tomorrow we are going on a cruise!! Yay!! From Penang to Phuket than Krabi.. together with B’s daddy’s fans and supporters!! 🙂 Time to get up, close and personal!
The cruise passengers are gonna go to Penang by flight from KL, but we are gonna drive up to Penang! Roadtrip.. hooray!!! Having our own transportation in Penang means we can go detour makan2 in Penang for a while before boarding.. We are sooo looking forward to see the beauty of Phuket and Krabi. Heard the beach there is heavenly!!
The activities arranged on board are fun and entertaining. There will be prizes sponsored by Empire Gallery Furniture (expect a big prize since it’s a furniture shop!!) for these categories…
1) Winner for fanatic fans of Dr SMS2) Winner for sporting fans of Dr SMS3) Winner of trendy and fashionable reporter4) Best attire during trip/ dinnerand TOP MEDIA keep updating our programme through twitter with hashtag #CruiseWithAngkasawan
Bella is so cute . I follow up every post in your blog as I am a big fan of Dr SMS since standard four . I am now a university student 🙂 May Allah bless you and family
thank you for your supporting my husband, Fairuz. Best wishes to you!!
Nak pi tapi tak mampu 😦 baru habis SPM :’)
whaaa, naik cruise 😀
esok pun nak balik penang dah, new semester. uitm penang, here I come =)
i’m one of the big fan of DR SMS..i love to see ur happy family,doc halina..n eager to see ur newborn soon..:D..kerap2 lah update entry ea..hee..:)
Dr and Bella;)
Have a safe journey
Enjoy your trip 😉
i really admired you dr. halina 🙂
you are such an inspirational mum,and supportive wife,,
doakan i final exam ni 🙂
Enjoy ur trip doc! Always amaze that u can fit travel with ur husband even though a resident at a hospital. U seem to have such a great n well balanced life. Wishing u well!
awesome!! i wish i could go
Takde Winner For Barelysupermommy’s Reader ke? 😛
I’m sure Bella is Mommy’s Biggest Fan as well…
That sounds awesome! Phuket is nice but you need to go to the lookout point (Promthep cape) to see the beautiful scenery. Krabi is just amazing! Have fun!
im bigger fan of u doc compare to dr sms??so how HAHAHA
Sorry no cruise lar imah!! Hehe..
nice one…love your daddy ok bella 🙂
salam dr…being ur silent reader but today speak out just because that amazing package…wow!wow!wow! triple wow because huhu!!!never try cruising before (rugi dulu pernah hubby offer tapi mcm xbest sbb kononya boring dlm kapal). 2nd wow because never been to Krabi (and yet we+hubby family supposed to have our trip last year end but end up cancel - my SIL yg in charge last2 xjadi). 3rd wow & the most WOW…..all that with malaysian superHERO. alahai!!!!!bestnye kalau dpt jmp face to face not only with superhero but of course super mommy & super sis to be, BELLA….. next time klau ada pakej2 vacation dgn u al bgt le awal2, NAK ITUT!!!!!!
wahhh!! anyway Bella and her mommy of coz are the two biggest fans and two biggest supporter all the time 🙂 No one can beat that! 🙂
Have a save journey Dr Halina and family. I wish that someday fan of barelysupermommy can join Bella for a cruise too. As Im a biggest fan of Dr Halina and Bella. :-*
-MommY HannaH-
Thank you for your suppory Mommy Hannah!! X
Insyallah,some day I will met your family in person.I am a sarawakian n only go to kl during school holidays.really hope to join your family one day.have a safe journey and take care
have a save journey 🙂
I’ve been there, Krabi Island. Love it so much.. I made perwakilan tour for a week at Thailand. and Krabi, I stay for 3 days. 🙂 Never try cruising before. Eager to meet you supermommy and lil B rather than superdaddy.. haha met him already. Read yr blog, inspired me to be a good wife in hectic life. hee OK fine, I’m 22yrs old.!! hahaa long way to go..
Dr.. I suggest you to add up some “icon to login in” for blogspot in comment box below. hehee..
just a suggestion.. 🙂
I dunno how to do that!!! Im such a blunder, you know!!!
Dr, Bella ok x dalam cruise tu? Xde mabuk2 kan? Doa byk2! Semoga selamat pergi dan tiba! Looking forward more pics since byk event dlm u. hehe.
p/s; Agree with other readers, haha.. I am also big fan of Dr Halina and Bella.. ekeke.. 😉
Have a safe journey….:)
I teringin sangat nak naik cruise. Please share your experience naik cruise nie, when you get back.
Thank you….:)
Hahaha. Yang last paling mantap.
Salam Dr, i think ur blog really inspiring me….before this i tot x nak kawen but then after read ur happy love-dovey after life marriage, rs rugi sgt x kawen….. hehehhe keep blogging yea…….
Salam Dr,
ur blog really inspiring me…..b4 this i’m not into marriage thing but after read ur happy lovey dovey after life marriage, rs rugi plak klu x kawen…keep blogging ye doc… 😉
I rs Dr SMS sgt different before and after he got married (jumpa ms die bg talk at my university). And I think You, Bella and Marriage brings lots of happiness to him … really shows on his face hehehe…semoga Allah sentiasa dan selalu memberi perlindungan, rahmat dan kebahagiaan buat Dr sekeluarga…. 🙂
P/S: Dr, u sgt cantik pakai tudung….. 🙂
I am a big fan of Dr SMS since standard six. Now, I am one of the SPM Candidates for 95 batch… Have a save journey.
mmg nak pergi sgt2…but clashed with my convocation..i’m being dr sms fans since form 4..
i’m biggest fan of little B and both of you!!!….parents B…hehehe……hope next yea buat cruise with new bby k…..nak kumpul money dulu….lot of love!…..dun forget upload picture yeaa
selamat datang ke pulau pinang 🙂
sy hari2 tgk cruise park kat port penang 🙂
selamat bergembira have a safe journey
Salam Dr halina, i’m on of your silent readers. You are really inspiring me…Love you =D..and i wish i can meet you and your little Bella one day. I am pharmacy student and if you have some free time, can you share the secrets of your success…thank you. May Allah bless you..
sempoinye dr ni..hehe..
saya suka baca setiap entry dr. sangat-sangat menarik. hope, lepas saya habis study nanti, saya boleh jadi macam dr. a great housewife, a good teacher(i’m a teacher to -be) insyaallah, and an amazing mommy…amin… 🙂
Dr.,next time kalau ada lagi trip mcm ni can u please update here earlier?? I wanna join this too…..but as one of a healthcare worker too,i need to rearrange my schedule and request my holiday in advance….hope to be a part of holiday trip soon…insyaAllah…just watched on Nona, Bella looks very cute! (^__^)V