Tomorrow, July 21 is B’s first birthday!! How time flies… She has grown up so quickly, and we tried very hard not to miss her first smile.. first word.. first step..
We have thousands of B’s pictures and videos just to capture all this precious moment. I believe many of you out there feels the same way too.
Today, Bella celebrated her first birthday with her friends at school. We celebrated earlier because her birthday falls on Saturday, no school on Saturday meh.. Nope, mommy and daddy wasn’t there. Only the kids!!
Can you imagine??!! We are not invited to her first party ever!! Hahahha..
But she had a blast at school!!
That’s B with her first birthday cake!! Yup, Red Angry Bird!! Hahahha.. We just thought it’s a nice decor, so we choose that cake 😀
Is she wishing for a big present?
Here’s Bella’s classmate.. all tiny little kids sitting together. So adorable! Thanks to B’s teacher who who help us with the small party and taking the pictures..
Happy 1st Birthday Sophea Isabella XOXO
she’s so cute….:)
happy birthday,baby b….
happy birthday baby B. u’ll always be mommy’s baby 🙂
happy birthday bella..may Allah bless you..
Happy birthday syg..smg sentiasa dlm lindungan dan kasih syg Allah..;)
happy 1st birthday to ur lil one! she’s sucha darl!god bless u & family
Happy birthday lil b!! Opss now lady b! Hehehe 🙂
esk 1 ramadhan.stat puase sm ngan bday bella.hapi birthday bella
Wow, B look so girly with the dress n ribbon on her hair..preety lady!
cute nye bella!.. happy birthday bella n to my lil prince to..;) tp jatuh pd 27 july. i pon bt brthdy party awal coz DOB ny jatuh bulan Ramdhan.. simple party! ;). birthday cake pon sama jgak masa i bt brthdy party my son.. hihihi.. myb sbb decor nye yg mncuit hati ibu2. knnnnn
Happy 1st Birthday Bella!!!!!!!
Happy birthday big B.
And selamat berpuasa to u doc.
happy birthday little b 🙂
Selamat Hari Lahir Bella, semoga menjadi anak yang solehah yang membanggakan kedua mummy and Daddy, selamat berpuasa to u sis Lina!
Happy BirthdaY BeLLa….
My AdeeNa 1st Birthday is on 23rd july…..
happy birthday bella semoga jadi anak yg solehah hari nie birthday sy 20 july =)
happy birthday bella
Happy birthday bella n happy ramadhan kareem to daddy n mommy bella…. Selamat berterawih mlm nih… <3<3<3
Happy birthday cute little Bella! Huggsss..
hppy fes bday bella…be gud girl ok…keep cute!
Happy Birthday dear Lady B!!! 😀
happy birthday bella…selamat berpuasa doc 🙂
Salam Sis, I’m from Singapore and i Luv all your blogs about Princess B…She is so adorable…Happy 1st Birthday to her dan Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa to u n hubby…
Assalamualaikum…lil B. happy birthday
Happy Birthday, Bella!!! You are so cute and adorable!!!
Happy 1st Birthday baby B… ur soooo adorable… jadilah anak yang solehah… Insya-Allah…
Happy b’day Sophea Isabella.
Bella look so cheerful even mommy and daddy not around…
Happy birthday Bella!!!kemian comot lg ye mkn kek…hehehe…sweet Lady B!luv U…
Happy Birthday sweet Bella…;-)
Happy Birthday Bella..=)
Salam doc. So, what FM is bella consuming? Or stil ebm?
hepi 1st besday, Bella syg.. semoga menjadi anak yg solehah buat mummy & daddy.. & slmt berpuasa to kak lina and family.. 🙂
Salam buat Datin and Baby B!!!
Happy Birthday Comelllll 🙂 Aunty Ela lupa bday Baby falls on first day ramadhan..I kept asking your mommy bila nak buat bday Baby B..since last year! My bad xtgk calender! Anyway, semoga Baby B membesar dlm keadaan yg serba ada InsyaAllah dipermudahkan segala urusan ibu dan ayah besarkan Baby B.Perhaps your 2nd year bday nanti company kecik Aunty ni blh sponsor Baby B! Kita buat kat Zoo! 😉 Hehe! (Mode:Berangan) Salam for u Dr.H! Stay fabulous and gorgeous coz that’s what u r. Love,Ela
happy besday bella…
happy belated birthday bella…dah cukup setahun….dah jadi big girl sekarang..takmo nakal2 tau…
Happy Birthday lil’B !!! 🙂
luv, hug and kisses!!! muah muah
happy birthday Bella…..i like the last picture together with her cute miut 🙂
happy belated birthday beloved sophea isabella … huhu dah baca dr entry on friday nak wish cam awal lagi, tiba hari sabtu terlupa lak, hari ni baru teringat ..Bella buat birthday party mommy & daddy not around? isk isk isk so proud bella is so independent baby at 1 years old, Dr tak buat celebration ngan family members & friends ke?
so proud to see Dr dah train bella to school, u tak amik maid ..semoga bella menjadi anak solehah .. emm i dah lama nak cakap this though it’s too late , congrat Dr dah berhijab skg,u look lovely , i pun baru je berhijrah ramadhan last year ..Dr beli tudung kat sugarscarff yeaa, i ada beli sehelai sangat best kan material dia … selamat berpuasa dr..
Assalamualaikum lil’ B and of coz for the Dr. Mommy too..its my 1st time here:)
Well, saje je nak share, last year we had the same month of delivering.hehe..
my expecting date supposedly on 20th July 2012 but but baby Dhia Medina tak ready nak keluar lagi..
Mase i dengar2 mcm2 story keluar pasal u dah bersalin i macam stress la, boleh?hehe..sebab wondering y my baby tak nak keluar2 lagi..lepas tu mcm excited la nk dgr update news from Moms to be on July kan. so with my other two girlfriend yg due on July jugak..but at that time, diorang dah awal2 bersalin both on 22nd July.
Tunggu punye tunggu, at last, 27th July 2011 baru la die nak keluar:)
Tapi, boleh tak kalau Dr. boleh tlg jawab lah, is it normal my baby nak reach her 1year old this Friday, tapi tak tumbuh2 gigi lagi..yes i saw la putih2 mmg dah nak keluar la. but just curious la.:)
Happy Belated Birthday Lil B, May Allah bless u:)
Salam Dr, happy belated bday Bella. Semuga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Nampak dia happy sangat. Especially bila dia angkat tangan tu. Comel sungguh. Agaknya apa lah dalam hati dia berkata ya. Maybe “Yeyy saya dah 1 tahun dan dah boleh jadi kakak pas ni boleh tolong Mummy masak”. Kak Rina
Happy Birthday Sophea Isabella 🙂
wee sama ar beshday kita… yeahhh
salam Bella & Dr…
so cute laaa….hope u will be anak solehah,Amin
B kasi speech hehehe
Helo Dr.H & baby bella..bella, me oso born on 21st July..samalahhh!!!…hope baby bella maintain cute & sihat2 sllu..
lmbtnye sy…ehehe…anyway…sukanya tengok picts bella..especially yg first n last pict tu…^^.,,happy birthday bella!
So cute…..