She’s a Lady!!

Yay!! B is turning one in a few days time.. Daddy has a big plan for her. He really wanted to do this since B was 6 month old but I kept delaying it with one thousand and one reason not to.. Hahaha..

Guess what he wanted to do??

He wanted B to get her ear pierce!


For real???? Owh… yeah!!Image

So, today is my off day after on call last night. When I came home, he told me..

Daddy: Let’s get B a birthday present..

Mommy: OK.. *sambil pening2 lalat coz I didn’t sleep last night*

Daddy: I wanna pierce her ears.. (in a very cool tone)

Mommy: Hah??? *hilang, pening, penat, mengantuk dan sebagainya*

Daddy: *:)* Jom.. siap in 30 minutes..

Mommy: *i turned blue*

Daddy has actually done his homework.. He has been searching for places that do ear-piercing for babies. Not many place does that. None of jewelry shops in our neighborhood wants to do it for B. Finally, after asking around, he found one in Ampang.. But at this point, nothing stops him!! *double gulp*

At noon, we are already at that particular jewelry shop in Ampang. Daddy was so excited holding his daughter.. B looks cool and calm not knowing what’s gonna happen.. Mommy doa banyak2.. Hehehe..

The lady that pierced her ears was very good and professional. I guess she must have done this a thousand times.. before the piercing, she numbed B’s earlobes using ethyl-chloride, a very cool numbing agent. I know that thing works well coz we have that in the hospital. *legaaa*

I noticed B only cried loud after that lady sprayed the ethyl-chloride. It is icy cool. B must be really shock with that feeling. After that she was ok..Image

Check this out!! Who’s the laaady???

Little B has transformed into Lady B!!

51 thoughts on “She’s a Lady!!

  1. comel baby doc, dah besar mesti pandai..sapa parent busy tak boleh beri kasih sayang terbaik untuk anak. doc dah buktikan..hehe

  2. Hahaha so cute…totally transform to lady :0
    Lari topik nak tanya Dr. ada effect tak bila kita bf & wat baru 5 bulan.

  3. now semangat nak pierce my lil Hana but,.,…..i tink i wilk wait til she’s almost 1 yr old ..she’s only 8 mths now… hehehehehe….. ok lah…nak tanya Dr, my baby ne suka kacau segala apa yg aneh atau baru pada dirinya..dia suka tarik2.. i imagine kalau kami pierce, cana nak buat dia tak tarik? takut koyak ke telinga dia apa…whatever lah kan…anyway, kat Brunei, piercing mostly offered by private not sure jewellery shop willing to pierce baby yeah..blum pernah cari kat jewellery shop.. hehehehe..

  4. wah!!!!! ladies sgt bella…….anak saya semua tindik umur 6 months sbb semua muka macam boy org cakap….

  5. Ouh emm Geee… sure dup dap dup dap punyerrr!! Btw, happy birthday in advanced Lady B!! (and me too..) 😉

  6. saya nk bertindik pon siyes takut, asyik bg alasan je bila hubby nk belikan. inikan pula baby B, bravo baby B! u did it!

  7. Ouh emm Geee… sure dup dap dup dap punyerrr!! Btw, happy birthday in advanced Lady B!! (and me too..) we are sharing de date 😉

  8. Dr, if i were u, sure dlm hati ni menangis2 risau HAHAHAA. pastu bila dah settle semua, menangis lagi (kali ni menangis bangga pulak tengok anak relax je). ok nasib baik anakku lelaki. tp mak dia nih over drama je slalu. anak dah pandai naik turun slide sendiri kat playground pun boleh sedih rasa nk menangis. Lady B, u are sooo cool!

  9. Salam doc…happy for bby B….. Alhamdulillah 1year dah bby B…. Ops doc, just nak tanya…. Which kedai in Ampang yang boleh pierce bby?same like me dah delay tuk tindik bby hayfa…. hope doc sekeluarga berada dalam lindungan NYA.Ameen….

  10. Bella is not cute anymore, she has transformed into a very pretty lady! Congratulations & happy birthday lady B! (with hugs & kisses)

  11. sooo cutteee little B… my princess yg umur 7thn msa berusia 7 hari da tindik excited nye mommy,hehe…. teruja bila ada ank perempuan ni ;).

  12. I can imagine sis menganga sambil tutup muka sebab seram etc.

    Saya ni harap je ada lubang tindik tapi memang tak suka pakai subang. Tak di ajar sejak kecil kot.

    Dah anak dara ye cik B!!

  13. Teringat kenangan diri sendiri…bertindik masa umur 4-5 tahun, cara tradisional. Siap ada pulut kuning segala. hehe
    Masa tu rasa bangganyaaa sebab ada subang kat telinga 🙂

  14. so cute..aunt ni dah umur 28 tahun pun xpernah tindik telinga tau..hehehe serammm..lg dewasa lg liat la kulit mmg xder la nk tindik jwbnya..hahahha

  15. adoi la….daddy yang over eksaited ye doc…beselah tu anak perempuan…tak sabar tu mesti ada kan…by the way…little lady B…ihiks…

  16. for 1 fist week kena jaga jugak sbb takut tangan B mcm dok nak tarik2.. anak i pun i tindikkan dia around age baby B jugak.. after 1 month totally ok, then u dah boleh tukar2kan dia subang yg mcm2 pulak..

  17. i da bt wen my doter only 10mnths… nervous gilak.. but then, she’s look ‘lady’ also.. 🙂

  18. mata my lady B mcm. bekas nangis jer tu………….tapi she’s cute…tambah-tambah lagi cute lepas pakai earing.

  19. Good girl bella…sy sendiri pn smpai skrg xberani nk tindik telinga…..selamat menjadi lady n happy birthday lady bella…. <3<3<3

  20. eeeeeeeeeee… x sakit ke dik? ank sedara aunty kecoh nk pakai subang cam aunty la kan, tp aunty smpi umur dia dh 5thn pun x bagi dia tindik sn dulu aunty tindik pun masa dh besar msk darjah enam. Ni mesti dady cool nk adik jadik model aksesori fcbook nie..hehe..anyway, y you will look cool this raya la.. kan 🙂

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