It’s our day!! Despite us being a supermommy NOT.. Hahah.. I would like to wish all BarelySupermommy’s readers a Happy Mother’s Day!
A special shout out goes to my maa.. Pn Habibah Endan, maa I love you so much, not only today but everyday!
I was oncall last night, and this morning, I came home to this..
Sejuk hati, mommy..
Happy Mother’s Day, mommies!!
Happy Mother’s Day Dr. Halina : ) .
alhamdulillah, ustazah Bella! 🙂
subhanallah. She’s so cuteee!
comel nye bella pakai telekung 🙂
very sweet looking baby. Happy Mother’s Day to u too Dr Halina
alolo geram aih kt dak nih..teringin nak dukung!!!hehe
Itu telekong bella? Sweet sangat…
Happy mother’s day 😉
happy mother’s day dr..
next year boleh la dengar bella wish sendiri kat dr..
masyaAllah..cutenya bella..Alhamdulillah..
PS: Baby B looks so amazing with lil hijab. Aunty’s heart also sooooo sejukkkk see it.
happy mother’s day Dr Halina..
bella is soooo adorable and cute !!
Tomenyer B..
Hepy mother’s day
comelnye bella..tiap ari bkk fb msti tgk wall dr. halina dlu..ada x post dari barely supermommy..always waiting 4 story about bella..pernah ari 2 mimpi jmpe dr. halina n bella..dr. sgt peramah n kasi sy dukung bella..very excited..bgn tdo rupenye mimpi sgt epy 1 ari tu..=)
comey sangat nih..Bella sebaya je ngan anak saya, tapi nape ntah tengok gambar Bella macam lebih ‘matang’ je dari baby boy saya..hehe
hehe… comel! 🙂
Comel ye Bella. 😀
Soo cute lil ustazah B.
comei n cute lil B…
dr ijah preganant oredy!!
Doc, upload lah video Bella.. nak juga tengok aksi2 manja bella and mimik muka bella :):)
Baru la nampak gegirl Bella. heheh..
Epi mother’s day to you too dr harlina. Baby B so cute
Bella solat subuh yeaaa tunggu mommy balik keje ….
little bella looks so adorable with her telekung,,,,very nice,,)
good job mommy halina,,,)
Ya Allah..bella so cute…dh mcm budak beso!
watch this,it’s great how you can develop your child since baby..
hi dr, sume resepi for bella cam sgt best..dr download application dr iphone kan annabel karmel ni ke dia punye title Top 100 Baby Purees: 100 quick and easy meals for a healthy and happy baby?koz sy nak beli hardcopy..just nak confirmkan..
Dia ada byk buku.. Saya d/load dr iphone jer.. Essential Guide To feeding you baby and toddler..
hai son suspect hand, foot and mouth disease tp cuma naik kt kaki dgn kaki dlm mulut bwk g klinik doc bg antibiotik..Dr ada any advise x utk sy how 2 handle this disease.
Hppy mother”s day,DR !! especially also for my mom out there … May allah bless u n also mommies out there ! (semua mom !!) i luv u all…
Doctor .. so good,coz teching little B !! (pakai tdung) good luck , doc !!!! become the best mommy for your children … (^-^)
doc the best !
hye doc!!hepi mothers day..bella sgt cute=)
watched nona semalam. seronok tengok bella belajar swimming, clever girl 🙂