Barely Supermommy is in the mag!!

Yes we are!! Yay!! We are in InTrend March issue!! Categorized under Si Cilik Manja category.. I know it’s tiny but hey.. we made it!! Thank you all for supporting 😉

22 thoughts on “Barely Supermommy is in the mag!!

  1. congrats lil B..(and of cos her mom too)…dr.halina…keep sharing ilmu with us..and may Allah bless u and the whole family..

    1. agree with u azie. dr halina’s blog makes me feel to marry with a doctor & have babies so soon.. haizzz…

  2. Congrats Doc !!
    I always adore wat u wrote in ur blog n it inspire me a lot. Not to forget to congrats Little B , the main role n daddy also 🙂
    ***hug n kisses***

  3. yeeayy!
    me also sokong what EDREENA ED kat atas tu said! 🙂
    your blog inspired me a lot even im not married yet! yang penting….bila baca your blog…confident came along and enjoyyy!! ahaaaa!
    keep writing doc….:) 🙂 🙂
    happy! happy! 😀

  4. Salam Dr. Halina!
    I just love reading your blog soooo much!!!! It has become my hobby. Eerytine after I get back from faculty, I will check your update. As a medical student and am wanting to become an anesthetist like you, lagi-lagi laaa saya suka baca. Everything written on this blog, about Bella, your tiny and cute family and everything lah saya suka baca. Hehehehe. 😀

    Actually, lepas baca entry pasal Dr mintak suggestion untuk baby (dah lupa suggestion untuk apa, but for sure pasal baby lah..heheh), saya nak rekemen Dr untuk baca blog ni.

    She’s a mom who lives in the US, tapi dah lupa which state. I think it’s Midland kot. Haha. Blog dia memang pasal baby. Her baby is a one year old little girl. Maybe untuk Dr, you should check out her older entries yang pasal dia baru bersalin. It’s a highly recommended suggestion.. (I think so.) Haha.

    So, harap Dr boleh update blog selalu whwenever Dr free. I juts love reading ypur blog!! Sooo much! Like seriouly~ 😀

    Lots of love for cutie Bella!!! �?� �?� �?� �?�

  5. Hi Dr Halina, nice blog! 🙂
    I found out my blog ( was featured in the mag through this post of yours, since it directed a lot of traffic to my site.
    So, thanks!
    I probably wouldn’t have known otherwise.

    Am definitely gonna start hopping by here a lot. May I link your blog to mine, please?
    Our daughters’ first names are almost identical too 😉
    Looking forward to ‘watching’ your Sophea grow up here.
    take care!

    p/s: couldn’t find your email address anywhere on your blog so decided to comment here instead

  6. Hello Dr….
    Ur blow add is in my fav bar… everytime im online, urs in one of the first i open… u wanna know y?…. urs is the most simplest blog ive ever browsed thru…. veerrryyy user friendly…. seriously, not like other blog, toooo much ad… too much that…. too much this…. mcm syok sendiri la plak….. rimaassss….. ok?…. so, as always, keep up the gud job… my advice, nak make up ur blog, ok jer….. but not too much plsss????….. pls keep it simple, just like u…. kan?
    lots of love, hugs and kisses to u and baby B.. of course!!

    1. *blow = blog… sorry.. typo error, excited sgt to let u know… tu yg smpai tersilap tu….hehehehee… 😉

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