Will & Kate

Gosh.. when my husband asked me the other day.. "Wanna go see Kate Middleton?" I immediately squeaked like a little girl, "Naaakkkkkkk". Hehe.. We were at Istana Negara just now for a royal dinner celebrating Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Malaysia. Not that we get to see them up, close … Continue reading Will & Kate

Barely Supermommy is in the mag!!

Yes we are!! Yay!! We are in InTrend March issue!! Categorized under Si Cilik Manja category.. I know it's tiny but hey.. we made it!! Thank you all for supporting 😉

Ade ke patut…

Ade ke patut lupa buat visa??!! WTH?? Hahahhahah.. Dok India 7 tahun, lupa jugak nak buat visa.. Haih.. terdiam saya tadik biler dia cakap dia lupa buat visa!! Errk... biar benar.. tak kelakar ok.. bag dah packing dah, tinggal nak kuar umah jer.. memang tak kelakar.. Saya tatau nak gelak ke nak nanges.. Saya jugak … Continue reading Ade ke patut…

My Own Domain!!

Yay!! Finally I have my own domain!! 🙂 Yes, I'm still learning how to use WordPress (damn its hard!) but knowing me.. I LOVE CHALLENGES!! 🙂 Nope, I'm not gonna change to blogspot.. I am sticking to WordPress.. From now on, my blog address, instead of https://www.barelysupermommy.wordpress.com.. Its now officially https://www.barelysupermommy.com. That is a lot … Continue reading My Own Domain!!

My First Time Here..

Hi blog.. This is my first time writing here. First, before I proceed with more stories or mishaps or whatever things going on around me.. I would like to tell you a few things about me.. #1 I am a left-brain person. Meaning, I deal with math, logical thinking, facts and rules better than my … Continue reading My First Time Here..