Toy For Mommy!

S bought me a new ‘toy’ today..

An audio baby monitor!!

This is mainly use to monitor Tasha whenever she’s awake from her sleep. So, after charging the set, my husband explained to me how to use this thing and then he said “OK, I dah letak satu kat Tasha.. and this one is for you. Make sure you have it with you all the time..”


That’s the trick!! I knew it.. It’s for me! So every time Tasha cries, I have to run to her because I have the monitor!! Sooo clever! Hahahah..


42 thoughts on “Toy For Mommy!

  1. Haha… clever kan ur hsbd. Dr.H naik pangkat as full time Tasha guardian… So, let him handle Bella… *winkwink

  2. We had these before. Tapi it’s so sharp sampai baby bernafas pun dengar! End up I ran to check on the baby every second sbb ingat dia bangun (padahal dia eek ekk sikiy je). Tapi bagus benda ni. Yang ada monitor lagi best. Leh nampak baby 24/7.

  3. hahhaaha…so clever la yr dr.sheikh…dr. halina..xaci le cmni..huhuhu..kena buat shift la sapa yg patut moniter Tasha..heeheh

  4. Teringat dulu mak saya kata masa saya baru lahir,
    abah saya pun ada belikan benda ni untuk mak
    saya.. Masa tu tahun 1988.. Abah kata kalau mak
    masak kat dapur dan saya tengah tidur kat living
    room, senang mak nak dengar kalau saya tiba-tiba
    nangis hehe… Saya anak sulung… Parents memang
    prepare macam-macam sebab baru 1st time jadi
    parents hehe..

  5. Hehe Dr, you dh terkena nampaknya. Those are all the tactic of daddy’s nowadays.. JK. He just wants to ensure you have all the necessary equipments..:)

  6. Lahai, mcm mana nk bby 10 nih, baru 2 drSheikh dh pass kt you..kesian you kan drHalina….tak aci,tak aci…drSheikh nk ngelat jaga lah tue..hehehee

    1. dont worry, he takes Bella.. i take Tasha.. fair and square.. tp kalu dah 10.. belum pk lagi cammaner nak divide 😀

  7. salam, doc…share lah cara doc mengajar bella mengenal huruf dan warna dalam usia dia setahun lebih.
    suke sgt tgk gelagat dia dlm keek.
    mcm anak sy dia cuma menghafal a to z saje. tp mengenal huruf masih x banyak.
    warna dia kenal cuma warna trafic light jer 🙂

    harap doc dpt share beberapa tip berguna kpd kami..tq. 🙂

  8. salam dr, boleh tak share mcm mana dr. and dato sheikh ajar bella alphabet, colors and stuff like that? because bella is so clever and a smart girl. salute dr. and dato!

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