“The moment a child is born, a mother is also born”
Yes, it’s true, we women find the bond with our baby immediately. The moment baby was born, when she first held the baby, the bond is created. When a woman breastfeed her baby, a hormone called “oxytocin” released. It triggers more milk production. It also nicknamed as “love hormone” because it’s also produced during affectionate moment. It makes us feel good. Even just by gazing at your baby’s eyes while bottle feeding him/her, massaging your baby and snuggling also releases oxytocin.
That’s how easy for us mommies to bond with our child.
But it’s a different story with the daddies..
I remember when Tasha was only 1 week old, my husband said “I belum bond lagi lar dengan Tasha.” I tried very hard not to ask him every day whether he has bonded with our little girl or not!! Hahaha.. Kepoci :)
And finally, last week, when Tasha is about 6 weeks old, he told me “I rasa I dah bonding dgn Tasha dah!!” Yesss!!!! It took awhile for daddies to bond with their baby. I guess because most of the job dealing with infants are done by us, mommies.. From giving birth (isn’t it obvious!!) to breast feeding (duhh!), changing diapers.. Urrm.. yes, that’s all babies need I guess :)
What I did was I let my husband bottle feed Tasha especially at night, so I’ll get to sleep a little bit more ;) Don’t worry mommies, daddy and baby will do fine without you. I have some my friends who is scared to let their husband takes care of their baby. Just because they afraid something might happen. As far as I’m concern, the fact that daddy wants to help is enough to show that they care for their child. Let them spend time together, bottle-feed and some snuggling tome with the baby while we… rest!
And the result.. the bonding between them!!
And don’t forget your other children too!!
That’s Bella bonding with Tasha when she was just a few days old..
Love, X