Thank You Notes

I received this parcel yesterday..

Somehow, every time my parcels arrived, it’s always my husband who received it. I always get caught!! Huh..

But this time, I’m innocent 😉 I didn’t buy anything yet this week and it’s already Friday

*pat on my back*

Hubby: Aper pulak you beli nih? Makin lama makin besar parcel you I tengok..

Me: No! No! I didn’t buy anything (yet this week!!) *innocent face*

I checked the slip on the box, it’s from SuperMak Shop.

Must be a gift!


Hamper for little Tasha and Bella! Yay!!

Cute stuffs they sent to my girls..

And this is my favourite..

Cute kan!! And it’s perfect size for Tasha and Bella!

Suka! Suka!

And this is really unexpected..

Cute little future bantal busuk!! Hahah.. so comfy, I’ve tried it myself!!

This is my little thank you note for SuperMak Shop.

Check out their cute baby stuff on FB: Supermak Shop

Thank you again!!

Love, X

64 thoughts on “Thank You Notes

  1. it is really funny when your hubby saying that “Aper pulak you beli nih? Makin lama makin besar parcel you I tengok”, hahahaha. lepas ni makin besar lagi la, 🙂

  2. cute gift for gurls…gurls are always adorable..baju2 pun byk choice kan…haha…btw got addicted to read n laf at doc halina writing plk nowadays….cute-2(geleng pala) i dunno u can b so funny n cumel describing things..thats wut makes u outstanding tu among others kat mata mr angkasawan kita…well love u doc halina n both of ur babies!!

  3. bestnya doc, it’s free! hehe. siap ada nama lagi, mesti diorang sangat teruja utk kasi hadiah nih kat doc.
    infact, semua org jeles sangat larh including me! haha. jeles yg baik xpe. how bertuah bella and tasha! alhamdulillah. comey sangat hamper dia, dengan bright kaler, kiuuuuuuuuuuuuut!

  4. Me too! I always get caught everytime i beli barang online… Daripada banyak2 masa from 8 to 5, i wonder kenapa lar encik posmen selalu ada chemistry dgn encik husband… Haha…

  5. i also used to get caught by my husband.. nak buat mcm mana kan, online shopping just so addictive.. haha so what i did, i address all items that i bought to my neighbours house.. Clever me! so far my husband not even notice…;)

  6. i pun kalau shopping online mmg parcel sampai hubby i yg ambil..i know how u feel dr heheh…but now i put my office add, but still he knows when i bring back the parcel at home..btw all the stuffs u got from supermak are so cute!

  7. Went to Supermak shop wangsa maju before brg2 sgt cantik tp agak kecewa dgn layanan sales girl. Tanya semua saiz xder…pastuh dgn muka mcm bengang ckp….”apa yg ada kt penyangkut tu jer”….that’s it… was my 1st & last visit to that shop…dunno abt others. Congratulations to u Dr Halina…. both daughter are so adorable. 😀

      1. Oo tue staff lama.. kami drnsupermak mntk maaf ats kekurangan itu..
        Sila la dtg lagi ke supermak..
        Insyaallah kami akan bg layanan yg selesa..

  8. Doc..somehow..your case almost similar to mine…Always “caught” by hubby on delivered parcel. heheh..anyway…lucky you on the gift given…! long live online shoppers like us…heheh…

  9. Hai Dr Halina..Ur r most welcome…Lucky u love it so much…Mama Aidil..that was before,that salesgirl already left us..our new staff will serve u better ye…tq again Dr. Halina…Really Appreciate..

  10. Banyaknye hadiah ! 🙂 seronok 😉 yg plg seronok adalah mommy sbb boleh pakaikan baby baju lawa2.. ehehe.. mommy xde new cloth pn xpe. ekeke.. (is it true?) lol

  11. dr halina, saya pernah nampak these baju dekat satu online shop kat fb. mereka buat printing baju.. bila nampak captions on the baju dah agak mesti astronaut’s daughter. ingat u yang beli.. hehehe.. cute!!

  12. Doktor we are same, like shopping via online. I always request from my friend’s address to borrow her address because worried if my parent noisy later.hahahahah.Before that,masa dekat Universiti senang sikit parcel sampai tak Ada orang nak bising.

  13. Doc, buat la entry pasal health care mcm skin product, supplement mcm vitamin utk kulit n energy yg doc makan n pakai.. Coz, ure doc rite, n u know what is the best product that can be trusted.
    #untungnyer jadi Bella N Tasha !!

  14. Doc, buat la entry pasal health care mcm skin product , supplements mcm vitamin utk kulit n energy yg doc makan n pakai.. Coz, ure doc rite, n u know what is the best product that can be trusted.
    #untungnyer jadi Bella N Tasha !!

    1. to ezzar,

      as a fren of nadiah, i think it’s improper and unfair to her for u to discuss on her court matter.. u might be didn’t know the true story of her case.. i know everything abt this matter since i used to be her partner before.. sometimes media just
      published what they think is correct without knowing of the true fact… u may attend to her trial to get a clear picture of this case… may Allah give u forgiveness and show u the truth.

      to nadiah, be strong yer kawan and may justice will prevail..


      1. Hi Waniriz,
        Actually I never thot my comment wud be published since the last time I comment it went thru moderation.

        OK so you’re the ex partner? You don’t know the truth, tell me what makes her a victim if the company money went straight to her and her husband’s accounts? And she lavishly spent them, online shopping, open up a boutique, parties and the list goes on!

        Yes, of course I will attend the trial since I will be the witness. You know, so many people are victimised by her conduct. Delayed pay, unpaid claims, delayed bonus dan mcm2 lagi. Some lecturers even resigned because they were NOT PAID. Her excuse as a payroll exec, was always the Directors did not signed the cheque, directors outstation and all sort of lies.
        And if u want to know, she took more than 500k, almost 1mil actually. The charges was only the 500k because it’s been too long, we can’t trace the records and document anymore.

        Doa org yang teraniaya didengar Allah. U better ask your friend to bertaubat.

        Thank you.


  15. salam doc… i always baca ur blog, bnyak pngetahuan yg saya dpt esp psl baby so interesting even i’m 22 years old, bruneian and blum kahwin.. but i love read ur blog:).. doc and family nada plan pergi Brunei, for holiday or exhibition?..

  16. Hi Waniriz,
    Actually I never thot my comment wud be published since the last time I comment it went thru moderation.

    OK so you’re the ex partner? You don’t know the truth, tell me what makes her a victim if the company money went straight to her and her husband’s accounts? And she lavishly spent them, online shopping, open up a boutique, parties and the list goes on!

    Yes, of course I will attend the trial since I will be the witness. You know, so many people are victimised by her conduct. Delayed pay, unpaid claims, delayed bonus dan mcm2 lagi. Some lecturers even resigned because they were NOT PAID. Her excuse as a payroll exec, was always the Directors did not signed the cheque, directors outstation and all sort of lies.
    And if u want to know, she took more than 500k, almost 1mil actually. The charges was only the 500k because it’s been too long, we can’t trace the records and document anymore.

    Doa org yang teraniaya didengar Allah. U better ask your friend to bertaubat.

    Thank you.

    1. salam to dear ezzar,

      firstly, thanks for ur previous info n comment regarding of nadiah trial and the connection of her case to the reason for delay of staff bonus and salary, staff resignation n so on… i believe u r an educated person… so logically, do u really believe all the staff problems happened as u said earlier due to nadiah fault? for ur information, as hr exec, nadiah is only being responsible to prepare all related docs and lists prior the salary staffs, bonus and claims.. she’s not in the position to approve all the matters as these were under the top management authority. plus, do u know that most of the illegal lecturers (without working permit) being paid their salary thru nadiah and her husband’s account as directed by her employer due to they couldnt opened their bank accounts without having working permit.. this thing had happened for long time.. i believe u must know abt the existence of these lecturers and u also can check with them how their salary being paid before..

      lastly, u can email me at this email address to discuss abt this matter in privacy as it is not proper to talk in other people blog.. tq.

      to dr harlina, sorry for this thing happen in ur blog.. hopefully this is the last from me n ezzar in your blog.. tq

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