Alhamdullillah.. I’ve safely delivered a beautiful baby girl who looks exactly like her father on Jan 19, 2013 at 1953H 🙂 Well, it wasn’t like a typical movie type story where my waterbag broke while I was shopping (eventhough I kinda hope it would turn out that way!! Hahah..)
It was actually an induced-labour. My ObGyn had to induced me because my blood pressure is high and my amniotic fluid is getting less which is not a good sign. So, I was given 2 options.. #1: straight for LSCS operation (Lower Segment Caeserian Section) OR #2: trial of vaginal delivery with close-fetal monitoring..
I have set my mind to go for vaginal delivery because it’s easier taking care of vaginal delivery wound rather than operation wound. Pain is much much more managable post vaginal delivery. (Paracetamol is enough, not need high tech medications..!!) and as much as possible, I don’t wanna have any surgery that will prevent me from having 10 kids!! AHhaha.. Yes, if you had previous LSCS, maximum amount of pregnancy you can do is only about 3 to 4 because of the risk having uterine rupture and many other health issues.
So, vaginal delivery it is.. I prayed to God for safety of the baby and myself during delivery. Only God knows whats best for me..
After being reviewed by my ObGyn, I got a green light saying I can proceed with vaginal delivery.. At around 11am, that Saturday morning, I was started on oxytocin, a medication that is given thru the intravenous drip to stimulate my uterus to contract. Every 30 minutes, the dosage of oxytocin will be increased until I have a regular contraction.
Slowly the contraction started and the pain builds up. No it wasn’t a waterbirth this time because of my high blood pressure. My BP needs to be monitored regularly and my baby also needs a regular monitoring. Pain was getting more intense over time. I was on Entonox gas as my pain killer.. It’s actually a 50:50 mixture of nitrous oxide and O2. And I can feel myself getting dizzy and lightheaded, but not for long. When the cervix opening was 7cm, I just don’t think the Entonox works anymore.. and I requested for some pain killer injections. Got it..! But somehow, the labour pain is much much stronger that the effect of the painkiller!! Hahaha… All I can do is just doa and bear the pain.. And my husband was in the labour room next to me all the time!! I guess he was my painkiller!!
Around maghrib time, I feel like pushing, I know her head is down there!! My husband went for maghrib prayer for a while.. The labour room staff nurse checked on me and told me, “Hmmm.. dah boleh push dah ni doctor, tp Prof (my ObGyn) dgn husband doctor gie sembahyang.. Tunggu kejap boleh?” and I was like… “WHAT????!!!” Hahhaha.. that’s the worst thing you can tell a woman in labour ok!!
After about 10 minutes of waiting.. huh!! Both of them arrived from surau hospital. My ObGyn gown up.. Hubby is back next to me.. and my ObGyn told me push.. After 2 pushes, alhamdullilah my baby is out! (Or was it three times? Can’t remember!!) She cried.. I, urrmm.. didn’t cry but feels sooooo relieved because she’s alright! Alhamdullillah 🙂
Hahhaha.. that’s the worst thing you can tell a woman in labour ok!!
adoi, tergelak baca ayat ni…sempat lagi tu…
tapi memanglah, bikin amarah jek dalam sakit2 suh kita tunggu lagi…hehehe
tarikh & waktu sama dgn saya 🙂 congrets doc!!
Congrats for Dr & family…take care
tahniah…lpas ni anak ketiga baby boy plak.. insyalla
Masin mulut sis ni…Alhamdulilah..anak ke 3 Dr Harlina dpt twin baby boy lg..kan…
As long as Mummy n baby ok, Alhamdulillah 🙂 Congrats !
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
wow fantastic experience Kakna…what’s the bby name?kat depan ada Sophea jugak ke Kakna?
Congrats and alhamdulillah,
How is your baby though, your earlier posting mentioned about her low weight condition.
Our prayers that she is well and healthy
Allah Bless u and ur family Dr. Halina 😀
berapa berat baby?
rasa nak nangis baca…besarnya pengorbanan seorang ibu…;D tahniah doc halina
good luck dr…happy berpantang…hehe
Congrats doc!
Tahniah, Dr…syukur Alhamdulillah
Congrats dr.. 🙂
haha…feels lil’bit funny when u said must wait… actually this is kinda usually for us doctor…. sometimes not for wait but delayed ….but what can do… lots doa… alhamdulilah..all save
Yaaayy, congratulations!! That sounds pretty easy. Just 2 or 3 pushes. HAHA. Nice. Would like to know the name tho 😉
bahagia ye… tahniah ye doc…bby dh ada nama ke???
tahniah dr harlina n dr sms for newborn. bella is no kakak…
congrats doctor!
tahniah! yeah bella dapat adik ppuan..boleh geng la pasneh..hee 😀
Hehe..nak tengok pic….:-)
tahniah dr.halina..
Alhamdulillah and congrats Doc. Looking forward to the pix of your new princess. Your husband will have to bear the squeals and shrieks of 3 pretty girls after this …. Hihihi.
welcome to world baby!
Congrate Dr Halina..she must be cute like bella right??
congratulation dr halina! now bella has a friend to play the make up things 🙂
Alhamdulillah, congratulations on your newborn baby girl. Same here, 2 girls :).
Moga menjadi anak2 solehah. Take care doc. Selamat berpantang!
Hahhahahh..tgelak i bc…comel jg ayat doktor ek….
welcome to the world lil baby!
On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:45 PM, nurul ashikin mohamed hassan wrote:
> welcome to world baby! > > > On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Barely Supermommy <
tahniah dr halina 🙂 nak tengok gambar baby. hehee
congratulation doctors… 🙂
bella comel.. hehehee. 😀
congratulation mommy.. bella dapat adik and she got a geng la pasni..
congrat Dr. halina and family! 2 down! 8 more to go!!! hehe xsabar nak tatap wajah adik bella. berapa berat princess no 2 ni? ritu baca Dr. cakap xcukup berat. alhamdulilah semuanya selamat. syukur.
congrats dr.harlina… mesti comel macam kakak bella kan… nak tgk pic adik bella pls…
MasyaAllah…tahniah Doc…. =) U did it!!
congrattulation dr halina…
congrates dr..smg baby girl terus membesardgn sihat n solehah.n for sure,go go BF:-) kakak bella dengki x dgn adik baru?hehe..
..that’s the precious moment for a woman..congrates Dr. Halina..may ALLAH bless you n ur family.. ^_^
Congrates doc….wow…bby girl again…bestnya…selamat berpantang doc…^_^
congratulation 2 booth of u…alhamdulillah slmt semua..xsbr nk tgk kwn bella…;)
nak tengok gambar adik bella doc!
Salam Dr. Harlina…syukur alhamdulillah…kerana Dr. dah selamat melahirkan….
Mcmana dgn berat baby? Nanti ceritakan ye…
tahniah dr halina and dr sheikh..cerita dr ni mengingatkan kisah my wife masa deliver our 1st son 5yrs back..the baby quite small and my wife hv to give birth to the baby 4weeks earlier.Kena induce drip, then as a pain killer she got the Entonox gas too. as the drip goes faster, makin sakit. Thank God, masa dia induce to, lepas isya’. so i can wait with her sampai 11pm she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, at 36weeks, our baby boy was only 2.01kg. kena monitor kejap je kat NICU, then, hari ni baby boy tu dah jd anak bujang dengan berat 22kg.. thanks dr, for sharing yr thought, and remind me back to our lovely memory 5yrs back.May Allah bless you and yr family..amin..
Congrat Doc!!
Haaa…dok..i pn penah alami situadi mcm ni masa anak ke3..nurse boleh ckp kt saya…kak..kakk..tunggu kejap ye kak..saya nnk pakai apron…arghhhhh…sedangkn kepala dh keluar…uhhhh….
Dr Halina…congrats yaaa!!!!…. hope u n baby sehat…..
dr halina…. sape name adik bella ni? kalu kakak die name ‘sophea isabella’, msti adik die pun sophea jugak kan? let me guess, ‘sophea issandra’ ke? 🙂
I guess its not Issandra kn doc? It is IssaDora…. am i rite? Kan… kan…. kan….? Pls reply this if im rite…..
Congrats doc
tahniah Dr.Halina..can’t wait to see new baby face..congrats Bella..dah jadi kakak laa..
Dr, I am still single, and I read your blog because I think motherhood is awesome. Mudah-mudahan dipertemukan jodoh yang baik dengan cepat and I could experience motherhood too.Btw, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! May Allah bless you.
Alhamdulillah….Tahniah dr.Halina dan famili 😀
alhamdulillah u and baby in good health.. same birth date as my child whcih turns 2 🙂
salam n congrats dr.halina..the baby must be small kan? tgk dr. rilex je leh ddk bersila lg heheh..hope mummy n baby are healthy n selamat berpantang 😉
Congaratess both Dr on your deliver to 2nd child…May Allah bless your family..=)
alhamdulillah..tahniah doc..saya suka tgk doc’s lifestyle & peaceful.. 🙂
moga doc & family sentiasa berada di bawah rahmatNYA..insyaAllah.
hahaha…. mmg lawak nurse suh tahan dr push..haha
tahniah DR.harlina….best nyee bella dapat adik!! 🙂
Congrat Dr. Halina. You are Big Sista now B! =)
I hope to see your newborn in the next post . Congrats to you and Dr Sheikh Muszaphar for the baby girl . Surely , I bet the baby will be as cute as you 🙂
Alhamdulilah….salatue to both of you “8 more go”…..huh…sure Rasulullah suka….kan
Congrats dr halina and the family for the new baby…
Wonderful . This is an easy delivery. Thank God.
congratulation..selamat berpantang dr..
Tahniah Doc….. baby girl lagi yeh! janji sihatkan….
Mana pic baby?
alhamdulillah semuanya selamat.. tahniah 🙂
alhamdulillah congrats Doc!! cant wait to c ur new princess :))
congratz doc…so happy for u
Beruntung dapat normal delivery….OKje 3 anak kena ceaser! … apa pun syukur!
Congratulations Dr.Harlina..
Bella, u are kakak now..
Alhamdulillah…tak sabar nak tgk adik Bella! selamat berpantang doc 🙂
Congrate Doc, husband and a cute little sister; Bella….Thanks to Allah semua selamat…I am waiting for my time which due on July (best la mengganti puasa yg byk nnt…huhu!)
Well, I am not sure that I can VBAC or not, last time saya kena c-ser sbb jalan tak terbuka even 7 hours been induced! Even people said labour pain if being induced is double than a normal pain in labour, but I’m lucky I didn’t felt any pain…rupanya kepala anak sy terbelit tali pusat which tali pusat tu clog the way out! huhu…but my Obgyn said, the case would happen again which decreased my percentage to try VBAC…
Congrat Dr Halina.
now Bella have little sister,. mesti cute like Bella and smart like you Doc.
Selamat berpantang… 🙂
congrat dr halina 🙂
Alhamdulillah.dah selamat semuanya.dah berakhirlah kerisauan dr.halina pd baby.seronok la Bella lepas ni sebab dah ada geng ! pssstt, apa nama baby baru ni ?
congrats dr…:)
tahniah dr…memsti kakak beli dah tak sabar nak jadi baby sitter
tak salah taip plak…”mesti kakak bella tak sabar nak jadi baby sitter”…hehehe
Congrats.. Deliver memang susah..tapi dalam pantang laaagiii me la. Tak cukup tido…
Tahniah Dr..
Nak tgok gambar baby baru..
Congrats again Dr…tak sabar nak nengok adik baru Bella
Congrates doctor =)
congrat’s doc ….
x sabar nak tengok bella junior 🙂
congratulations DR and husband! hopefully the mum and baby would be just fine. insyaALLAH.
congrats to mum & daddy and newborn too..same birthday date with my son Mohd Fareed
Congratulations doc.really excited with your story 🙂
Tahniah…kedua pasangan…Anak mengeratkan kasih sayang …dan pembawa rezeki.selamat berpantang
Upload la gambar baby… 😀
tahniah doc..n bella also…mti super duper cute beby..spatutnya jangkaan sy bsalin sama dgn nmpknya doc dh lega….sy pulok duk tgu je…bdebar ade gak even anak no.3…upload cpt2 pic doc….
Alhamdulillah,Tahniah Dr Halina n suami.
Barakallah! Waaaahh! Same birthdate as mine! Btw i kawan liyana. We’ve met at primanora. 😉
Tahniah doctor dan Alhamdulillah semuanya dipermudahkan…semoga ibu dan bb sihat selalu…:)
same like me lah haha.. time tu nurse nk tdo lg kul 4lebih xleh salah diaorg juga tp time tula sakit sesgt.. nurse leh smbg tdo kat meja rasa nak nangis je..mmg dah nangis pun masa tu haha..tula antara pengalaman yg xdapat dilupakan. Betul cakap dr. hsbd kita la ubat penenang kita masa tu. Dia masuk je saya terus merengek mcm bdk kecik hehe (~v^)
alhamdulillah and congrats doc! Bella is now a big sister.. can’t wait to hear the stories about how Bella will be with her little sis.. 😀 i’m assuming the baby is now in NICU?
Adoilaaa….boleh plak suruh tunggu, nasib baik baby sporting 😀
congrates doc and family… welcome to the world to the new family member…
Tahniah Doc Halina and Family… Hopefully this baby bring a lot of happiness to you and family…
Congrats Dr Halina, may ur recovery be a wonderful time with your new baby n family..
tahniah… tahniah…. seronoknya dapat baby lagi..
Congratulations doctor & family on the arrival of your 2nd daughter! Alhamdulillah…can’t wait to see the baby’s photos soon 🙂
congrates dr halina & family. Looking forward for more exciting stories. Although I am still single, reading your experience is really a joy & as what people said motherhood is awesome. What is the princess’s name?
Congrats Dr & family… Selamat berpantang…
makin meriah la rumah Dr. sekeluarga pasni.. =)
Alhamdulillah, selamat semuanya…moga jadi anak yg solehah, tahniah doc sekeluarga…
Congrats doc & family. Mesti baby comel mcm her sister. 😀
Congrat! When i heard someone is going to give birth…. I feel anxious juz like me in labour room last time. Only God knows the pain we woman have been thru for giving birth of His beautiful priceless gift! Subahanaallah!!
Tahniah ye. Semoga dua2 sihat. Utk 8 lg.
congrate for three of you… 😉
Assalamualaikum..tahniah doktor Halina n doktor SMS.
Seronok baca cerita baby n Bella dlm blog doktor ni.
Cepat2 kongsi nama n gambar baby ya 😉
tahniah dr Halina n fmly
Congratulation DR. Halina & family. =D
Birthday adik Bella same as my brother, 19 Jan. sure do I will remember this date for the rest of mylife. well..
If my Brother grow up to be a great & handsome engineer, I pray that ur baby, will grow up to be a beautiful and kind-hearted lady… InshaAllah…
p/s : can’t wait for the pictures of the baby. 🙂
same as my little bro birthday!! congrats Dr.!!
Alhamdulillah n tahniah….. Akhirnya 2nd bby dh ada dlm dakapan doc weeee~ doc nk tnya skit mana lebih sakit beranak dlm air atau beranak atas katil? 🙂 Saya teringin nk tau perbezaan nye….slmt berpantanggggg doc…..
ape jadi kalau high blood pressure in pregnant lady selain baby kecik?
why u need to be induced?
congrats dr Halina n husband..8 more to go!! hehe chaiyok..n selamat berpantang..seronok la Bella dpt adik ^_^
Congrates to both of you!!!!
yeayyy..alhamdullilah both of u selamat!!
Great news!Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah. Congrates Dr. Halina & Dr. SMS..and Bella too!:-)just can’t wait to see the photos of the newborn baby!what ‘s her name Dr.?
Mana ada cervix 7cm. OS 7 cm adala
congrates doc..nak tgk gambar baby plisss
Congrats Dr Halina. Looks like it’s 2 going 3 next. Hope to see u ‘hapload’ the pics of the newborn soon 😉
wow! Congrates! U do it well 🙂 Post la pic baby 🙂
i think your husband could just perform solat anywhere clean spot nearby
may Allah bless u n your family always =D
Alhamdulillah..mabruk! Tahniah..
Alhamdulillah doc..hope u n ur baby will b fine 😉 congratz!
Dr…Tahniah…1st atas kurniaan ke-2…2ng Tahniah sebab masih sempat fikir buat keputusan bersalin normal utk kuota 10…sggh besar pengorbanan mu ibu…sebab itulah “SYURGA DIBAWAH TAPAK KAKI IBU”..
Wahhhh baby girl again! Congrats doctor, Alhamdulillah selamat. Semoga menjadi anak yang solehah dan taat kpd kedua ibu-bapa. Ameen~ 😀
Later on mommy & daddy will be much more busy with these superfast growing princess.. Awesome!
May Allah brings more and more happiness to your family, and may your wish of having 10 children come true. 🙂
* Any guides to have a bb girl? I have 2 boys now, really wants a girl in the house . )
Tahniah doc. i hope that i sempat baca experience u in labour so that i takkan kena LSCS. Nak sangat bersalin normal. Anyway selamat berpantang dan take care.
Assalam. Alhamdulillah. Your story doc…make me feel like having another one. Dah ada 8 kids.
Congratulation doc! I love to experience normal delivery one first was on c-sec..looks like dr sheikh will be surronded by beautiful gugurls!
Kelakar la dr ni…….part hubby n obgyn g solat maghrib tu,boleh plak suruh tunggu kejap jgn pushhhhh lg……adoyai….funny2x. U make my day today.pg2 tsenyum baca artikal dr hi.anyway tahniah dr. ;))))
congrats doc..vava..gegirlll..nak satuuu hehe ;p
congrats doc!
tahniah dr halina.sama tarikh anak llki saya lahir thn lepas.saya pun induce jgk sbb air ketuban dh kurang
alhamdulillah……..8 more to go!!
congrats!! it was very togh times! im in your situation during gving birth to my daughter last may 2012! ehhehe… alhamdulillah semua dh selamat.. when you come home? selamat berpantang ye! 🙂 xoxo..
i hope i will get the same strenght when deliver my first newborn baby soon..just counting days now..huhuhuhu pray for me…i can’t wait to be a mum but the same time i quite nervous to facing with the pain..too many story i heard and it really annoying me..huhuhu
Alhamdulillah… berat baby berapa? hope that both of u healthy! juz want to share with u, anak saya juga pernah lahir sbagai baby x cukup berat badan. salah satu teknik yang boleh membantu menambah berat badan dia ialah dengan urutan. memang sangat berkesan. maybe u can try.
Salam Doc….tahniah selamat melahirkan. Nk tny sket kalau dah 2 kali melahirkan secara C-Sect yang ke-3 bleh ker melahirkan secara normal….
x boleh la zurashidi.. saya pun 2 anak c-sect. memang selepas ni x boleh branak normal sebab takut rahim pecah. sedih kan x dapat rasa mcm mana beranak normal ni. dgr mcm best je…
btol la munira…sedihhhhh….sy ni ada cecita nk beranak seploh (errr larat kewww..) mcm dr.halina tp rasanya terpaksa berpuashati takat 3 atau 4 jer….rezeki jgkkan…..
Tahniah Dr. Halina & Dr. Sheikh for the latest bundle of joy in the family. 2 sudah… 8 more to come! hehehe…Bella is a proud ‘kakak’ now 🙂
Tahniah Dr Halina dan Dr Sheikh. Bila nak tunjuk gambo princess yang baru ni. x sabar plak. Take care Dr dan selamat menjalani ibadah berpantang. Nanti pas pantang boleh makan cekelat Mars banyak2 ya.
Congratulations Doctor, another girl edition in house..:)
congratulations dr halina! wahhhh sempat lg update blog masa confinement ye. you’re truly adorable n inspired me to have more kids! haha
Tahniah Dr. Halina.. semoga dr dan bb ok..
i had the same experience like you doctor, 3 years ago..boy, i can still remember it clearly. anyway, congratulations on your 2nd baby. May she grow up to be the best muslimah xx
tahniah Dr Halina 🙂 You’re awesome !
Congratulation Dr, for your 2nd child!!!! Hope u will post your new baby pictures ASAP!! cant wait for the introduction!!
congrats mommy. selamat berpantang (^_^)
Kisah ibu pencen muda
Alhamdulillah Tahniah Dr
congrats doc on your new born. Your lil girl n i, share the same birth date… *wink wink*
congrats for Dr. and family ! another baby girl 😀 WEEE ~
woman conquered the house .
congrats Dr. and family ! post her photo soon !!
congrats Dr! Bella dah naik pangkat jadi Kak Long 😀
“and i think he is my painkiller!” bravo la dr…hehe..congrats!
Tahniah dengan kehadiran ahli keluarga yang baru..
Congrats to Dr & family. I wanna ask why you didn’t take the epidural to ease the pain? I just wonder why an anaes doctor did not choose epidural?
Hahha.. I did it just for fun 😉
Congrats Dr. and hubby..another baby girl. Alhamdulilah semuanya selamat.
Take care and hv a gd rest..xsbr nk tgok latest photo.
tahniah..Dr Datin Halina..i’ m proud of you…
Alhamdulillah .. 😀 Name baby ape doc ? upload la gmbr … 😉
salam doc! mana gambar baby ? btw tahniahhhh!
Tahniah Dr & family. Saya anak 1st dah kena induce. So, if orang tanya mana lagi sakit between bersalin normal and induced saya jawab same jerrr…hahaaa.even tak da experience bersalin normal lagi 🙂
Dr.. Congrats .. Thanks for sharing.. 🙂
Alhamdulillah..congrat for Dr. & family. Touching baca entry kali ni..:’)
Alhamdulillah..Mom & Baby selamat…Congratulation to Dr & Family….seronok baca blog Dr…a very nice story..
i was wondering what was the gestational age when you deliver the baby eh dr?
also, maybe you can compare water birth & normal birth experience in your next post 🙂
may Allah bless you & your family xx
congrates Dr!i’m now doing my obgyn postg before my final exam as medical,ur bp was not so high..just pih rite Dr?glad both of u are ok..Alhamdulillah~
alhamdulillah… semoga segala2nya dipermudahkan & dimurahkan rezeki sekeluarga hendaknya… pasni doakan dapat baby boy lak yerrr….. 🙂
tergelak saya bila nurse cakap camtu…hik3
salam.doc,mane lagi sakit?waterbirth @ vaginal delivery?
waterbirth is vaginal delivery too.. cuma dlm air.. mana lagi sakit? cuba awak try dual and bgtau saya 😉
comel 🙂
just notice, there is always 10 meaningful no. in your life. Bella 2+1+7 = 10, Tasha 1+9= 10. If add both date and month, Bella is 10, Tasha is 11, 3rd…12 maybe and so on until 19… Another 8 to come insyaAllah.
Omg!! You are too detail!! Haha.. Dont think too much 😉