How To Survive a Long Haul Flight with Your Baby?

No, it’s not a statement.. it is a question for all of you.. Hehhehe.. Tomorrow we are leaving for Istanbul. Bella’s daddy is giving a talk there.. Mommy and Little B will tag along 😉 But what frightens me is the long haul flight.. its gonna be more than 10 hours of limited space and toys for Bella. And no place to go jalan-jalan also in the flight except to the back and front again..

When we went to Maldives, Bella was only 3 month old. She slept a lot more than now. Quite easy back then. My mom was right, it is a lot easier to travel with small babies rather than the older ones.. wait until they can run and keep poking all the flight passengers.. laaaagi susah!! Hhahhaha..

Here’s my baby traveling bag checklist:

  • disposable diapers
  • extra clothes - her sweater and stuff.. it is 0 degree Celcius there..
  • baby lotion
  • minyak yu yee cap limau - panas, good for cold weather . I’m so kampung but who cares 😀
  • baby wipes
  • baby powder
  • teether - or otherwise Bella will chew my fingers
  • ipad - I found this app, Baby Fingers, quite good to kill time for babies around Bella’s age where she can bang the her tiny hands on the ipad screen and cute, colourful picture and sound will appear and she will bang more and more picture will come out and she gets distracted.. heheheheh.. it will take a while before she gets bored 😉 and I also like a few baby song apps. Takkan I nak nyanyi dlm airplane kan.. hahaha.. malu lar suara tak sedap 😀

  • That’s Bella at 3 months plus when we discovered the ipad app. Nope, we don’t leave her with the ipad for too long.. We don’t want her to get addicted to it.. susah jugak nanti.
  • I am glad Bella is still breastfeeding. Otherwise, I have to have another whole lot of stuff to carry like her bottles, milk, warm water, sterilizer.. haih.. leceh jugak tuh.. In our case, I just have to bring a few sachet of 3-in-1 Horlicks and I am done. Easy right?!!
So mommies, did I miss anything in my baby traveling bag?? *nervous*

69 thoughts on “How To Survive a Long Haul Flight with Your Baby?

      1. Doc,
        I’m a mum with 4 girls :-)) and youngest is 2+ years, been travelling with them several times.
        One thing that I cant do without is
        Ängel Baby balm
        picture is through the link.
        It is such a great balm,and multipurpose too, you can use it after each diaper change, one jar can last several months.
        It can be used for wound,cut,bites even bumps etc. Extremely useful…its also great to treat diaper rash.

        Since you are travelling tomorrow, you can also get this balm at Bangsar Village (old building), there is a baby shop on the same floor as the book store there, I think it’s MPH

        alternatively you can go to AmCorp.

        But seriously if you dont have time to get it, do call me at 019-3853989, I have extra jar that I always keep and I can give it to you.

      2. Omg!! You are a big fan of angel baby stuffs!! Haha.. Guess what.. Same here!! I pun suka.. I have one too 😉 thanks for the offer anyway 😉

      3. Owh, okay great!
        I discovered Angel baby’s stuff when I was carrying my 3rd (after 9 years gap).It was a “God’s sent” my no 3 and 4 were very happy babies coz they didnt suffer from rash as well as fever etc.

        Am glad you are a fan too, enjoy your trip 🙂

  1. Dr…i heard from my sisters..they stopped using minyak yuyee cap limau as they discovered that it’s not halal….she wanted to buy it at pharmacy which is owned by a chienese lady but she advised my sister that its not halal for muslim..( ada smthing from babi or apa i tak ingat ..)

    just sharing also no so sure whether it is true or not but at least we are aware about that.

      1. that’s y i pun mcm tkejut becoz all this while memang minyak tu yg selalu orang guna. Wallahualam..

        Anyway Dr, have a safe journey and your baby Bella is sooo cute! 😉

    1. is it?? never heard that b4 pn? I pn pkai since my daughter bby ntill nw,da 4thn. rajin jugak bukak web halal jakim,bt so far x pernah jumpe minyak yu yi tu dlm list. 🙂

  2. Salam…
    Hi dr….just droppin here n want to say that, u’re my idol dr…
    U inspired me a lots….
    Dream to be like u n ade family yg sngt bahagia….
    May ALLAH bless u drhalina,dsms, n the cute baby ever, bella yg mirip boyish…..

  3. My children lg worst… Dari infant smpai skrg dah umur 8 & 12yrs ,our handlugage stil berat … Additional things we brought ( tempreture, ubat demam,selsema,sakit perut,batuk,allergic n antibiotics incase kalau perlu … Espcially istanbul .. We been there more than 10 times .. Espcly winter time my child slalu get sick kat sana …
    P/s : mother care kat sana byk yg cantik2 for babyً…:)

    1. Can i hv your emaill add?im going to istanbul february nxt yr,so i need tips from u since im bringing my 2yo son:-)

  4. Jgn lupa bwk ubat2 bella doc,my experience bwk my baby 7 mo ms pi Sabah mmg mencabar itupun just 2hrs flight…true easy to handle small baby compared to yg dah pandai sbb dulu pi Sarawak my baby just 3 mo n he slept a lot…one more thing food for bella,kalo dia full n tak lapar then dia akan ok

  5. hello dr,

    Ubat-ubatan utk bella jangan lupa ya. Di negara orang kita tak tau tiba-tiba bella demam ker kan?! temperature berubah….so siap awal2 yer…stroller or carrier tak bring along ke?

    Love you and bella! 🙂

  6. dr halina.. hv a good trip 🙂
    btw pinjam pix bella as my twitter pix profile ok 😉
    suke sgtttt la pix tu~ weeee!

    **twitter name : dr arish

    tq so muchhh lahh! hehe 🙂

  7. I’m not a mom, but from my family’s experience, bring more than one toy because babies seem to get bored really fast with the same thing after some times.

    Don’t forget camera because you don’t want to miss capturing Bella’s first time in Istanbul. Have a safe journey. We’ll pray for all of you. InsyaAllah, everything will be fine 🙂

  8. I suggest bring extra diapers and clothes. Takut kalau tetiba dia muntah/diarrhea on the flight, hopefully not! kene bawa extra clothes for mommy and daddy also. dont forget plastic bag to put dirty/wet clothes.
    Toys tu can bring a few, just give her one at a time so that she won’t be easily bored. How old is Bella now?
    Oh ya, kalau nak safe better bring a bottle and formula milk also. Last time bawak Alyssa gi London breastmik x cukup, sbb dry kot:( I dont know… try to drink plenty of water. Maybe your Horlicks will help. Have fun:)

    1. Bella doesnt drink formula milk at all, Shyma.. I have to drink loads and loads and loads of water lar nampaknyer.. hehehe…

  9. Dr, kalau u still was was pasal minyak yu yee tu, try pakai minyak kayu putih. ok utk baby sbb my mom uses that minyak for all my siblings since we were babies lagi.. selalu ada gambar parrot kat sticker botol tu 🙂

    1. haha.. sm la kite.. dl sll panggil minyak burung kakak tua.. skang brand da tukar… minyak kangaroo… hr tu pegi kdai ckp nk cr minyak brg kakak tua, dia ckp lm dah xde, tukar brand, kangaroo… hehe.

  10. JusT a suggestion, thermometer? But then both y n hubby r dr so shud b ok..i always my thermometer ard..hahaha..

  11. Dr halina, one important thing to bring along is breast pump! I have faced when my B engorged. Esp when u r abroad, u tend to be busy, then bfeed pon timing lari sikit esp B pon dah makan. Waaaa, sakit woo.just bring if anything happen,nanti bengkak2 takde mood nak enjoy the trip.hehehe

  12. Have a safe journey doc! Hopefully visa/ immigration-thingy is settled already, hihihi. Looking fwd to read about ur istanbul journey later 😉

  13. hi halina. My daughter dulu pakai yu yee for kembung but i read one of the comment below yg yu yee tak halal. Why don’t u try minyak telon (indonesian).kedai2 jamu kat chow kit tu banyak kot. Lebih sesuai for cold weather sbb dia tak berangin mcm yu yee but dia memanaskan badan baby.. Anyways, enjoy istanbul 😉

  14. Salam dr,im afizal. I’ve been following ur writings n i found it very useful,in term of,your writings is ‘sempoi’ n easy to understand. I hope me n my future wife can apply some of the useful tips. Btw,my future wife now in aussie,she is your sister’s class mate at KMB. bye

  15. Hi dear, kalau long haul flights i bring along minyak aroda. Sounds kampung but that minyak is an essential when travelling.Alternative minyak aside fm yu ee oil. Light weight stroller frm mothercare a must. Ipad i think necessary at time when baby tak tahu duduk diam & melalak. Some baby tit-bits for munchie. Mummy pun boleh sekaki. Have a safe journey!

  16. salam doc.. i think everything was done..

    most important things is ubat Bella.. baby nie kite xtau sgt mcm mane rite… sakit pening diorang..

    lucky doc sharing bout this coz insyaallah im going to London.. my baby dh 1yr.. lg la pening coz dier dh start walking.. mcm mane la nnti agaknyer.. baby nie kn cpt boring..

    any advice doc for me ?? worried jgk coz this is my first time bring him flight more than 10hrs… before this dier kecik lg so tdo je la plus flight not more than 10hrs.. heheheh

    can share this for my own checklist travelling ?

    thanks doc.. kirim slm to doc SMS & hug,kisses to baby B..

    have a safe journey !!

  17. Hi Dr Halina. Geez, reading ur post makes me nervous too. planning to bring our baby to jakarta in april. x jauh pun but i cant imagine if he gets cranky or melalak kuat2 dlm flight. hehe. maluuu nya! eventho it’s 2 months away from our trip, i dh start buat checklist dah. yelah, now baby dah start solids lagi kena fikir bawak his feeding accessories, warmer, breastpump in case engorge tgh2 mlm, the food… (i ingat nak bawak food yg xyah masak like banana n avocado ke or oats ke). what about u? what do u plan to bring to istanbul for bella’s meal? can u share? i stress jugak fikir ni hehe….

    1. I bawak food yg beli kat kedai jer.. Susah la kalu nak buat and bawak sindri.. Nak kena frozen lagi.. Leceh.. For the next one week, i will cheat 😉

  18. Dr halina.. saya pernah bawa baby naik flight untuk 14jam buat pertama kali.. sebenarnye xde la susah sgt.. masa tu baby umur 6 bulan.. dan menyusu badan.. sepanjang perjalanan die tido sehingga sampai destinasi.. alhamdulillah x meragam sebab senang nangis bagi susu..heheheh,. tu anak saye laa. kalu baby lain x tahu la.. bab makanan baby rasenye dlm flight die kenyang minun susu kite jer.. sampai2 pun dah buleh masak bubur untuk baby( tu pun sebab ikut hubby. kat sana dah ade rumah, brg dah ada untuk memasak).. xpun beli je kat mcd bubur nasi @ potato whip kfc..( kalau negara islam la)

  19. salam dr halina….cube try minyak kayu putih from indonesia…minyak 2 bgus…bau dia pon ok…my family sume gune minyak 2…saya sampai sekarg still guna…lau kat semenanjung nie maybe tak femes lau kat sabah..minyak 2 mang selalu kite sister pon yg dh tinggal kat sini gune minyak 2 for her baby…just for sharing.:)

  20. Dear readers, I glad I wrote this entry.. Banyak yg saya belajar dr pengalaman dan urrmm.. kesilapan *wink* org lain.. Thank you for sharing. We are leaving in a while.. till we meet again!! InsyaAllah..

    Lots of love, xoxo

  21. ‘I missed ur flight’ I guess..hahaha..
    Don’t forget to bfeed B masa nak take off & touch down..
    BTW, Dr., ada book bassinet? Kalo ada easier for u. Bigger space for B to play around. 🙂 -Certain airlines kena request kat stewardess br diaorg nak pasang.
    My experience masa bw doter i ke Jeju last Dec. (temp: -5 darjah celcius). Tiap kali nak keluar i sapu palmer’s skin theraphy oil kat kulit & calit mois. lip balm kat doter i . After 3 days kat sana kulit i & hubby dah start super dry. But alhamdulillah my doter’s skin were fine smpi balik M’sia after almost 5 day’s there.
    Njoy ur holiday Dr.!

  22. Salam Dr Halina,
    Ini baru sorang, kalau dah 2,3,4 till10 nanti camne ye nak bawak travelling? hehe 🙂 lagi2 kalau kena setahun sorang (nak sampai 10 kan?). Anyway have fun in Istanbul, my dream place tu… nanti citer ye.

  23. I have travelled with my baby twice to abu dhabi (3mth, and 5 mth). Yes at 3 mth tido je! So much easier and bole tido in the bassinet. At 5 mth, dia nak main, and bassinet dah sempit so had to let him sleep on me and hubby. The thing that wajib for me is breast pump!! Hehehe even on board, I had to pump coz rasa penuh sgt for a 7 hour journey (nite flite).

  24. Terima kasih sbb Doc.sudi share penglaman menjga bby Bella dgn teman2 Fb.Well saya suke cerita2 yg Doc.kongsikn bersama kami.Saya doakan semoga dipermudahkn segala urusan semasa Doc.bercuti nnti.Have Funn!!jgn uploudkn gambar2 yg menarik di sana.

  25. i selalu guna minyak telon for mu baby…bgus dr minyak yuyi…i think u should try bcoz my mother said minyak yuyi too hot for baby..dunno…just suggest…wink wink…

  26. better get the thermawear for baby once you landed. Its far more better than 3-4 layers of clothing as thermal wear stick to body and no trapped wing.

  27. wear thermal wear inside and another layer of clothing and jacket. Dont’ forget gloves. Have a great holiday!!!

  28. afraid of the cold winds there, i think is better for you to get Buds Frost Defence Cream , i just went back from istanbul last weeks with my 6 months old baby ,it’s quiet cold . kalau tak nanti merah lah cheeks princess tu.. =)

  29. salaam Dr, nak tanya, whats the safe age nak bwk baby naik plane and what r the safety measures klu bwk diorg naik flight. lets say sy deliver tempat asal and plan nak bwk balik baby balik lepas pantang, safe tak, tq doc~

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