Stretch Marks?

Nope, I dont have any from my previous pregnancy despite gaining 30kg and looking like a whale 😀

I just wanna share with mommies out there what works for me..

Earth Mama Angle Baby’s Natural Stretch Oil works wonder for me!!

Well, previously, as a new expectant mommy, I don’t know what to choose because there are soooo many stretch marks products available in the market. The reason I choose this one is because it’s a plant-based oil, mostly from organic herbs, and contains zero-toxins! I tried my best to avoid all this unnecessary chemicals to be absorb into my body as I’m carrying a baby inside me. Obsessive? Maybe 😉 To my surprise, it really works well until the end of my previous pregnancy!

I’m reaching 16 weeks pregnant right now and I’m back to applying this oil as my daily routine after shower since I’m slowly expending now 😉

Don’t worry mommies, this is not a sponsored post nor do I have any shares with the company. It’s just a pure honest opinion from me to share with all of your out there. I just think it is worth trying in our battle against stretch marks.. cheewahh! Good luck!

38 thoughts on “Stretch Marks?

  1. Thank you so much Doc for your recommendations. My baby is 1 year old now but I still have to battle with some stubborn stretch marks at my hips :-/

  2. wow … I’ve finally found a solution to what has been shared with required dr .. thank you so much whatever my stomach for the second time has very dead right scars and I will immediately restore her .. still not too late right dr? now I have 3 months of maternity 😦

  3. Agree! Brand Earth Mama Angel Baby ni sangat recommended. Have you tried their Baby Bottom Balm? Works wonder on my kids’ nappy rash and gigit nyamuk.

    Online banyak jual..just google..Fabulous Mom, TheBabyLoft, OneBabyWorld. In store susah sikit nak cari. But I recommend OneBabyWorld or Fabulous Mom, BabyJaya.

  4. mommy bela….i baru lpas baby 5 bulan…lau gune nie..hilang x kesan stretch marks ni..sgt teruk stretch marks nie..huhuhu

  5. seriously i pun nak tahu kat mane ade jual.. memg dah byk sgt stretch marks ni.. hope laa yg lama punye tu pun boleh hilang jugak… kat mane ade jual ye Doc? price??

  6. Hi, I guna same brand utk my baby bum….very good. kejap aje merah2 kat nappy area hilang. Sesuai juga kalu kena gigit nyamuk. cuba la..

  7. thanks for sharing! memang kebetulan tengah cari Stretch Oil… 1st baby dulu mmg ada byk stretch mark… 😦 dah cuba mcm2 tak bekesan pun…
    now nk try yang doc recomend ni.. kat mana ada jual ya? semua farmasi ada ke? rasanya tak semua farmasi ada jual kan?

    1. I memang guna ni dengan istiqamah jye,without fail sapu dari awal tau pregnant sampai la nak beranak 1st baby but ada stretch mark jugak!so sad.:( so i buat kesimpulan xde 1 produk pon kat pasaran yg boleh prevent stretch mark sbb stretch mark lebih pada genetik..but i still keep using it sampai baby i 5 bulan.what i can say is ia sangat helpful to reduce, bukan prevent.huhu~~

  8. First pregnancy mmg ramai tak dpt stretch marks. Second onwards….ada but to minimize I use good old natural cocoa butter 🙂

  9. yeay!! doc pun guna product ni.
    saya nak tumpang iklan jap, boleh lah ye doc 🙂

    hello mommies,
    i do sell this Natural Strech Oil, Earth mama angle Baby product in my online shop FB/Rock a bye Baby and it’s cheaper than Malaysia retail price.
    so for those who looking for this product, or other Earth Mama Angle Baby product, you can also find it right here,

    thanks all.

    and special thanks to you doc! emmuah!!

  10. There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things .If you didn’t try StriaFade [] to effectively remove the appearance of stretch marks then try it just now .I have tried it and got good result in short time.

  11. Dear dr.harlina…
    Im a mommy to be n nw my pregnancy is almost 5mnths.n

    I am searching for the stretch marks oil..where did you bought that “Earth Mama Angle Baby’s Natural Stretch Oil” ?

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