Wanna Be A Genie??

I am one!!

Hubsy’s new project is finally launch. It’s the www.aladdinstreet.com.my , the exclusive premium halal shopping portal where you can shop without worries. It is basically an online shopping portal for halal product with JAKIM approval.

They have all sorts of categories from electrical stuff to jewellery to healthcare and food. Yes, food like Brahim’s (in case of emergency!) and other cooking paste options, ready-to-eat stuff.. My kind of stuff 😝

AladdinStreet is still growing and more certified halal products from all over the world are joining them. It will be launch internationally by third quarter of this year for overseas customers.

For your convenience, Android app is already up and running. iOs mobile app will be available by May 2016, insyaAllah.

So, come and register at www.aladdinstreet.com.my to be a Genie yourself!!


6 thoughts on “Wanna Be A Genie??

  1. salam, hi hello dr. boleh tak nak request dr review the bagpack you bought yg post dekat snapchat tu? hehehehe.. because i am looking for good and stylish bagpack

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