
I believe cancer awareness is important. The public should be educated and at least have basic knowledge about cancer..

Im writing this on behalf on my Surgical colleagues in Selayang Hospital. All of you are invited to a health public forum conducted by doctors and surgeons this coming December 10th, 2015! That is this coming Thursday!!

It’s open to all, please invite your family, friends, neighbours to come. If you have any health related question to ask, this is the best time!!

Yeah, I know sometimes we are a bit shy to talk about “the twins”. You know what I’m talking about..So, this is the best time to catch a lady doctor to help you with your “twins” problems.. Or you can also get your husband to come and learn how to do “twins” examination for your monthly home check up!! 😉

And if you are wondering what does “kolorektal” means.. It’s actually colorectal in English and that is all about the bowel. Cancer of the bowel.

If you think the cancer is rare. You are totally wrong! I can name you 5 persons in my life that has breast cancer and colon cancer. Each!!

So, Selayang Hospital Auditorium this coming Thursday, ok?


6 thoughts on “Cancer!!

  1. Good to know we got event like this~ my mom is newly diagnosed with breast cancer, now i think people should be more concern about their health and get to know about this too.

  2. Berminat nak join tapi bertugas di luar kawasan. Bagaimana saya boleh dapatkan maklumat (slaid, keterangan @ apa2 info) yang akan dibentangkan tersebut?

  3. surprising facts:

    95% of people have harmful substances in their bodies.
    Research conducted for Mapa Zdrowia in 2009 showed that 40% of people do not know that these harmful substances actually remain and accumulate in the body.
    People spend a fortune on ineffective supplements that give only shortlived improvements.
    Only about 10% of people lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo a detox. They’re the ones who live longest and healthiest.
    According to Mapa Zdrowia 90% of people do nothing to prevent serious ailments but wait until they’re ill to do something about it. Do you really want to wait till you’re really suffering before you act to counter long-term neglect of your physical health, unhealthy lifestyles and lack of exercise?
    “Efficient removal of toxins from the body supports the fight against obesity and being overweight.” - CEF Portal
    On average 50% of women and 25% men suffer constipation.
    One in two people aged over 40 has problems with bowel movements.

  4. People nearby should grab the opportunity to join the forum. Cancer really not rare anymore. Two of my uncles died because of colon cancer. I also got friends who need to operate to remove the lump on the breast at a young age. Agreed that our unhealthy diet one is one of the causes.

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