Because People Live When You Give..

Are you free next weekend? ;)

There’s going to be a blood donation drive going on at the eCurve.. well, obviously to collect more blood for our Blood Bank.

The reason I’m advertising for this is because..

I like blood..? Haha..

No, that’s not what I meant.. It’s just closely related to my work.

I’ve seen bad polytrauma cases that needed 25 pints blood and blood products transfusion, pregnant mother that bled 12 litres while giving birth, dengue haemorrhagic fever that needed blood transfusion, liver transplant will have 30 pints pack cells and more blood products standby for transfusion. We drink blood here in the hospital, people!!

Seriously, your blood will save peoples life. Who knows today you help others, another day, someone else will help you, insyaAllah..

Lets donate some..

because people live when you give..