Welcoming Another Doctor..

Dear BarelySupermommy readers..
I've been away for quite some time… Currently I'm in Dublin with Bella and Tasha attending my brother's graduation. Unfortunately my husband couldn't make it due to some work and he is currently in Riyadh. InsyaAllah we will be back in KL on June 13th..
This is my first time flying long haul flight with two children under two (yes, that's a big challenge and I survived on caffeine!!) and without my husband (more coffee please!!) My parents were with us but still some time both Bella and Tasha needed me at the same time! With all the screaming and lack of sleep and jetlagged.. it really tested me BIG time!!! And I miss my husband even more 😦
Anyway, will get back to my sad story (hehe..) once I'm back coz it really feels funny typing on the ipad and I'm superlousy with the Blogsy app too..
The happy moment is here.. Last Thursday was my brother's graduation!!! We are welcoming another doctor in the family.. A big congratulation to Dr Amirul Arif Mohd Yunos!! Hard work paid off!! Alhamdullilah 🙂
In the picture, (L-R): my dad, my mom holding Tasha), Dr Amirul Arif (must call him Dr lar after all the hard work..!!), me holding sleeping Bella, my sister (Dr Hamizah who is currently 6month pregnant..) and my brother-in-law (Dr Ruzaimi)
Congratulations again to Arif.. We are very proud of you!!

60 thoughts on “Welcoming Another Doctor..

  1. er….another Dr. in da family? hehehehe…. pls inche dr. muda, break the tradition by carik partner selain doktor… hehehehe…
    omedetoo gozaimasu…(congrats).
    n congrats 2 u 2 Dr. halina sebab berjaya menempuh perjalanan jauh dengan 2 sicomel itew…. u rock lah Doc… (*_*)

  2. Salam…

    Wah..Another doctor from overseas will return to serve the country?? Congratulation..Welcome back.. hee =)

  3. Alhamdulillah..tahniah! Semuanya doktor…tahniah buat ibu dan ayah Dr. Halina juga sbab mmbesarkn semua anak hingga berjaya..:)

    1. Yes he is but he couldnt attend the graduation last week coz he was sitting for his exam. He just arrived here last night..

  4. Dr.. I have a question.. Breastfeeding mommies boleh minum coffee ke? Ragu2 nak minum takut effect kat baby.. But i loveeee coffee huhu

    Congratulation to your brother on his graduation 🙂

    1. Tak elok sbnrnyer. The limit is 400mg per day. Thats abt 3 cups of coffee a day.. But better if you can avoid. In my case, i cant help it.. Haha..

  5. waahhhh, tahniah2.. nanti bella ngan tasha pun jadilah Doktor jugak.. satu family Doktor. hihihi.. 🙂

  6. Tahniah! Dr. Amirul.
    Semua Dr dlm family. Bestnye.
    Tahniah juga pd yr parents. Mesti mereka bangga. Anak2 berjaya.
    Anak saya lg 4 tahun. Skrg di TCD, Ireland. InsyaAllah. 😉

  7. i tot he is doing postgrad study… rupenyer bru grad ajer.. he looks matured… like late 20s/early30 haha 😛

  8. Congratulations to your brother doc halina! Wah semuanya doctors ni. Selamat berbakti pd masyarakat! 😀

  9. salam dr Halina,

    Congratulations to your brother Arif and your parents.. Mak ayah mesti sejuk hati tengok anak2 berjaya dlm pendidikan. Boleh Dr. kongsi tips or pengalaman mak ayah mendidik adik beradik Dr. sehingga berjaya semuanya menjadi Dr. termasuk yg bongsu tgh study medic. Teringin saya nak jumpa mak ayah Dr. nak berkongsi pengalaman dlm mendidik anak2. Org lama ni..banyak pengalaman. Anak2 sy masih kecik2 lagi..3 boys..asyik nak bergomol sesama mereka.. ; )

  10. Salam Dr. Halina
    Many congrats to your family, Dr Halina. Soon Bella & Tasha .. Makes me wonder how all of your family members inspired and inclined to medical pathway eh. Semua pulak tu. Any secrets doc? My boy aspires to be a surgeon one, Insha Allah:)

  11. wahh! suma adik bradik Dr Halina keja dlm bidang medik. i feel very proud n feel inspired. 😀 btw, a very big congratulation to Dr Amirul Arif for his graduation. 😀

  12. as usual i keep waiting for your entry…always makes me smile…and feel happy to read and see you as quiet a perfect woman in career, marriage n life..and of course as a caffeine lover like me..(psst : would you share with me n others on your fav coffee brand?..)

  13. Wow..doctors family…

    ye setuju dengan Eyma, dr Harlina seorang wanita, isteri, ibu dan doktor yang hebat, menjadi inspirasi kepada seluruh wanita muda.

    anyway congratulation to you and family!

  14. congratulation to ur brother n family doc!
    wahh!! i just knew u were a doctor family..superb!! haha
    hope your kids will become a doctor too..
    behind every successful children stands great a parent..ur parent did a great job in raising their kids..salute!!
    u’re a such a good inspiration to all of us doc! 😉

  15. You go mama! Surviving the journey with one toddler and one baby!! I salute you. Coz I know hws it feels when they’re start clinging to us. huhu.. Btw, congratz to your bro. 🙂

  16. why is your brother look like prince william doc?..he’s so tall…he’s right on the middle right?…in my view…skali imbas .ehhh “mcm muke prince william…ekekekek” ….

  17. Congrats Dr!! BTW i read your twitter at the right of your blog and saw someone asking about child vaccination..currently, a friend of mine is very obsess about AEFI(if not mistaken)..i don’t know what it is but when i read thru the article she uploaded in her FB, it said about the -ve effect of vaccination to the child..actually it frighten me reading about the case that happen to this lady&her child 2 yrs ago, she said she willl never let her other child go thru it again & also said that doctors did not explain anything about this AEFI..and seeing my friend status in FB, it seems that she rejected the vaccination schedule for baby..(not all maybe…her daughter must have been vaccine on the 1st or 2nd day she’s born unless she told the doc not to)..now i’m curious & anxious becoz i have a 1yr3mth son of my own who will get another vaccine on his 18mth & it’s freaking me out reading this kind of thing,so i hope that when your BFF write about it, she could explain too about this AEFI just to have us well inform & not just listen to other people story…can;t wait for that article..thanx!

  18. tahniah abg arif..ble plak turn amir nk grad?teacher habibah xnk ke dtg2 melawat sri petaling ni huhuhu

  19. Congrat to your parent at first..this is really amazing! 😉 kakna,please pujuk your mom/dad buat blog to share with us how their teach/cara didikan to their son/daughter..really want to know..

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