Yes, that is true!!
Keep on moving!!
That’s why today, when I got some me-time in the washroom..
I showered, did some online shopping (I bought a handbag!!) and paid my bills from my iPad in the washroom!
Keep moving, people!!
Keep moving..
That’s great! 🙂
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
it is true doc. dulu masa saya dok berpantang.. moment yang paling best dan relax adalah masa nk shower. heaven giler dapat mandi air panas rase nak duk lama2 dalam tu.
best kan!!
Oh dear! i have a shirt written the exact image :))) yes we have to keep on moving hehehe
yesss! agreed..Always keep moving.. 😀 May Allah bless u…
Hahahhaa….nice one
Shower time is the best me-time for new mothers. Time to relax, unwind and think of things we need to do.
Just curious on how you purchased a handbag in the washroom, truly a supermommy! hi hi hi
Mama Haraz
i bought it on!! haha..
bila anak pun dah bertambah,masa pula semakin kurang untuk diri sendiri ya doc……apa2pun,hidup kena enjoy.nikmati segala apa yg kita punya.dan syukuri segalam nikmat-Nya….. 😀
yes!it’s true… ^_^
Nothing could come between a mommy and her handbag! LOL!
owh.. yeahh!!
wahhh…super duper mommy la Kakna ni…menyempat je ekh..handbag 2 yg xthn 2..haha…:)
very unpredictable of u la halina.. 😛
Dr halina ..if you looking a a healthy corset to gain back your body, do check out my site 🙂
Waaa…I really salute u….buy hbag in the w’room.??..mmg supermommy…!
Duit pun laju mcm air shower keluar hehe… 😀
Urban mum maaa….have urself dear Doc
kalau da perempuan plus shopaholic, anywhere blh shopping.. kite geng doc !!!
Thats cute, everything from the washroom. Hahah. Guess thats the only place you can spend your time alone. Ngee.
ohha deaabakkk
sharing too
Great! I’m missing my ‘me time’. Recently had my ‘me time’ last week. Sent my daughter to nursery and then I started to spring clean my house sesambil nangis2 layang cita korea. wuahaha….
Haha.. Memang btul me-time tu sbb sempat nangis skali!!
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
all yr words inspired me….happy2 during confinement…but now i’m also juggling with 2 time flies…
As salam doktor…cmner nk ajar ank berdikari n pndai b’ckp n m’baca sedari awal yg my boy dh setahun 8 bln tp xblh b’ckp sgt lg..
Boys memang lambat sket cakap as compared to girls..
agree doc coz my daugther memang cepat cakap compare ngan anak buah sy twin boy sampai skang da nk msk 3thn pn cakap xjelas lg….anak sy bulan 6, twin bln 3 nant 3 thn..tapi anak sy mmg da blh ajak berbual n plg best ada kwn g shopping…yehooooo
i got a t-shirt wit dis quot too… i bought dat t-shirt at jusco