Bella and the Refrigerator

Bella has recently discover the wonders of the fridge!!

Here’s how she uses the refrigerator..

1) When she feels hungry..

Open door.. climb the refrigerator and scream.. “a-wannn ….”. That means “I want …. (insert gyep ~grapes OR papaya OR orn~oranges OR tuuu (pointing to whatever box she can see)

2) When she feels hot!!

Open door and sit at the edge of the refrigerator.. and smile 🙂

Until now, we couldn’t find a suitable child safety lock for the fridge. So we just keep the bottom part of the fridge empty..

No more junk food can be seen in the fridge..

Kepimpinan melalui teladan!! Heheh..

93 thoughts on “Bella and the Refrigerator

  1. glad to see doctors drink canned nescafe too! lol. Bella is such a brilliant. know what to do when she feels hot. haha..dont be like my youngest sister when she was small ok Bella. she placed her bantal busuk and her baby shoes in the fridge. sakit jantung bila bukak fridge.

  2. Ala tomel2..teringat my niece and nephew pun suka buat mcm ni - yg jadi mangsa bukan brg2 kat dalam tapi magnet yg dilekat kat pintu fridge..

  3. hehe comel2..
    sikit hari lagi nanti mesti Bella akan buat eksperimen mcm masa kita kanak2 dulu..
    nak tahu masa bila lampu fridge akan terpadam …
    slow2 tutup pintu fridge..
    hikhikhik.. luv Bella..

  4. makcik sy ada beli lock utk peti ais sbb anak dia pun kecik lg…mcm bella la dah pandai buka peti ais, duduk depan peti ais…ok la lock tu…anak dia xpandai nak bukak pun benda tu…tp xtanya plak mana dia beli…

  5. Your fridge 2 door side by side izzit? If I were u, I ikat je both doors dgn tali/ribbon. That’s what I did to all out bottom cabinets. Old school style!! LOL!

  6. bella so cute..mcm saya dulu suka explore apa yg ada dlm fridge..n bila panas buka peti ais..ckp sejuknya..bella so cute,dia jelous x dgn adik dia..

  7. setakat ni anak sy 3 org lum pernah buka peti sdri,,,pantanggggg haha,,tp bila umi buka peti depa mari ramai-ramai (ramai la sgt….!!! ) 😉 btw peti ice doc mcm tu mmg idaman sy..

  8. Comelnya Bella .. Masa anak2 saya kecil dulu tingkat paling atas adalah tmpat saya simpan semua stok yogurt, cheese dsb so diorg tak nampak .. Kalau tak satu hari je blh habis semuanya hehe

  9. haha…cute bella ! xpyh ckp masa kecik doc…sy yg da bsr umur 20-an ni pun nak admit kalau panas, bukak fridge mmg rasa nikmat…

  10. As salam. Jangan dia masuk dan tutup pintu. Ada kes budak yg main sorok sorok masuk dalam peti lama. Kerana peti tidak boleh dibuka dari dalam.

  11. Bella memang seorang anak yang bijak…..Dia tahu di mana nak cari makanan dan juga mencari keselesaan diri apabila badan terasa panas….he!he!he! Bijak! Bijak! Bijak!

  12. Kat ikea ada la jual Child safety lock utk fridge pun blh,mmg Klu dah pasang budak2 susah nak buka,even My parents pun kdg2 surrender.:-)

  13. Heheheh doc Halina, anak saya pun suka jenguk n lepak2 kt peti ais. Skrg saya dh jumpa safety lock utk peti ais jenis 2 pintu ni. Suami saya order kt Murah sgt2 n mudah utk digunakan….

  14. hehe.. cute little son last time pun put his toy car in the fridge..btw ikea tak de ke jual safety lock for fridge..

  15. So cute bella..yup..kt ikea ada jual lock tu..but sumetime leceh jgk if kita nk cpt amik pape time tgh msk2 tu coz lock dia agak susah nk daughter pun sebaya bella suka bkak fridge then main masak2 dlm tu..abis smua sayur dipotong2..mmg child around this age love to explore apa yg kita slalu buat kn..

  16. well i buy dari ikea safety lock for children for fridge.murah je, budak2memang susah nak buka.u should about rm20 utk 3biji.

  17. doc boleh google fridge child safety lock kat website peekaboo or bbstore. Ikea xde fridge lock. Masa saya ada first child dulu, satu umah child proof. Have fun surfing. mmg bnyk child proof item in the market.

    1. yup..moden2 jugak, but bab2 agama kne jaga juga…mayb doc x prasan n terbeli..( just to remind myself, be aware n xtra careful when pick for my kids)

  18. bella sebiji macam saya masa kecik-kecik dulu. Pas main berpeluh-peluh masuk umah buka fridge berdiri lama sikit, sampai mak cakap, “dah la tu nim…busuk peti sejuk tu kang” hehehehe…kenangan :). Btw,anak doc cute!

  19. pandang bella macam pandang anak mama jugak, dak sakinah..bell, karen laju nak..hihi..kanak-kanak suka mencari sesuatu yang dia suka..satu perkembangan biasa tapi harus dikawal..nak cool ler tuh yer bell 😉

  20. So sweet kakak Bella:)BTW doc, my fren pernah nmpk the fridge safety lock 2 dekat kedai Daiso.N it was located somewhere in pavi.pavi?haaa i’m a bit shock kt pavi ade daiso shop.btw, u may drop by n try 2 find shaa Allah ade kan…

  21. bella is so cute. tengok bila terus saya teringat baby yg saya jaga after spm, lincah macam bella. i wish that bella will become anak yg baik & solehah suatu hari nnti 🙂

  22. ala comelnya…peti ais lagi besar dari tuannya….good girl..lapar pandai cari sendiri ye…hehehhe

    dr, klu safety lock tue selalu boleh cari kat daiso…murah dan anak2 memang susah nak buka….

  23. Doc kt cosway ade jual.. mmg ok utk lock fridge n cabiner. Can use my cosway id setakat nk beli lock yah ar jadi ahli kan..(VPM013257-Hartini)

  24. kenapa doc tak pernah reply satu pun comment kami ye? i tengok if ade reader yang tak berapa puas hati posted on ur blog then baru doc nak reply. Kesian kepada mereka2 yang selalu bg komen. Don’t u tink so? ur not responsive at all.

  25. B is so cute….doc boleh cuba beli online dari mothercare UK. They have up to date design…price wise…you can afford it darling….

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