Remember I told you about my baby is small when I did the scan about 2 weeks ago..?
So, yesterday I went again for my check up. I’m currently at my 35 weeks and hoping that my baby will grow some more.
2 weeks ago, the baby was only about 1.5kg
*insert loud mommy cry here*
In about 2 weeks, the baby only grew about 100g. That makes 1.6kg as off yesterday..
When I was pregnant with Bella, she was already 3.0kg at 35 weeks!! How can I catch up with so much weight gain with sooo little time!!
I’m so depressed because if this baby is born less than 1.8kg, she/he will be admitted to NICU for weight gain monitoring.
Too small baby is difficult to handle. I don’t want my baby to drink milk via tiny tubes in NICU
*louder mommy cry here!!*
In my case, there are many causes that could contribute to my small baby..
1) Stress
2) Not enough rest
3) Not eating well
4) Placenta insuffuciency due to mommy’s high-ish BP most likely secondary to (1) and (2)
And somehow, despite my baby is so small, I’m so big.. I retained so much water in my body thanks to the progestrogen!!
My husband said I reminded him of puffer fish!! Hahaha.. How sweet😉
Guess what my ObGyn did??
She put me off from work from now on!! She prescribed me enough rest and high calorie intake (sounds heaven to me!!)
Well, of course that means healthy food, not just ice-cream
So, I’m on MC till my next visit to see her next week..
Till then, gotta go get my rest and elevate my super swollen legs, peeps..
Can’t be puffer fish forever.. I miss my 3-inch heels already!!
And that’s B enjoying her visit to IKEA. She was so amazed with the star lights and canopy and just refused to leave the bed.. Adoihhh… X
P/S: NICU = Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It’s like ICU for infants and babies..