I Miss You!!

Hi all!!

It has been awhile since my last ramblings… My goodness, how time flies. October was a really busy busy month for us. We are in the midst of moving house. Currently we are ‘stationed’ (hahhah…) at my in-laws place. My late father-in-law passed away last month so we have decided to stay with my mother-in-law for awhile until our new place is ready. Family support is crucial when you’re facing death in the family..

Then we travelled to Iran, tagging along with my husband who had to attend the Iranian Space Agency conference for almost a week. Then back at work… Huh, did I mentioned Bella contracted measles along the way? Alhamdullilah it wasn’t a full blown measles, the rashes only goes down to the belly button level then it stopped.. and resolved!! Fuhhh…

(Yes, mommies, measles rashes started from the hairline and goes downward to the legs.. fever, cough and runny nose will appear about 3 to 5 days before the rashes started!!)

Then back to work again, oncall, oncall and more oncall to replace for the days I was away from work..

Owh, and we celebrated our second wedding anniversary!! Alhamdullillah 🙂

And for those who has been tweeting me about my pregnancy.. I’m currently at 24 weeks +, and that is at about 6 month pregnant! Weight gain is never a problem for me!! Hahaha… *panting*

Bella has grown so fast, she’s now at 15 month old!! Talks a lot!! She seems to understand more nowadays and I just love to spend time with her.. She’s so manja.. I guess she knows her adik is coming soon..

For those who misses little B.. here she is!!

Please forgive me for my disappearance! 🙂 Hope life will be better once everything is sorted out. Gonna go continue my rounds! Yes, I’m oncall today 😉

Lots of Love,


47 thoughts on “I Miss You!!

  1. finally u update ur blog doc! thank you.. rindu nk dgr doc menceceh hehe okay lepas ni da bole tido lena lalala~

  2. u know i miss ur new post hot story bout ur little b… thanxs dr h…. hahah…. hope alwizzz update ur swettest blog ok… take car


  3. rindu to read your post as always..
    semoga dr,bella and baby in mommy’ tummy sihat2 sentiasa insyaAllah…

  4. Hi Dr! Been checking for your latest blog….like everyday! Hahahahaha! At last! I enjoyed reading your blog. All the best for your 2nd pregnancy. Semoga sihat selalu…. 🙂

    Salam dari Singapura,


  5. Yeah! new entry finally..pls don’t let us waiting too long Dr. he2, see everybody is missing ur post, anyway congrate on ur 2nd anniversary, wish u n ur family happiness n gd health. Be good Bella…Take care Dr.

    suhaila JB

  6. Salam perkenalan Doc…oh i just knew you are pregnant with the second, congratulations to that! 🙂 Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well, and my Bella says hi to your Bella too hihi.. Yours is so adorable too!

    I blog at Mommy Confessionals (https://yunayuni.blogspot.com), in case you find some time to drop by 🙂 Take care!

  7. Assalamu’alaikum Dr..

    I follow your blog since I am anak dara lg and now I’m around 3 weeks pregnant. Could u suggest me any good suitable health supplements that I can consume during my pregnancy? Thank you.! 😉

  8. She’s gorgeous!! Here’s many more good wishes for your 2nd pregnancy. And condolences for the loss of your FIL. Al-fatihah.

  9. miss you too and your updates as well….condolence to your in-laws….may arwah rest in peace…Al-Fatihah…true your mom in-law need full support…with Bella presence, she will heal faster….Happy belated 2nd anniversary to you…time really flies…Bella is so cute…is it not possible to upload video of her? dying to see her mumbling…xoxo for kakak bella…so the coming new baby is boy or girl? may it be a boy. Amin

  10. thanks dr…sbb dah muncul kembali… dan terima kasih sbb jwb pertanyaan saya (@sism_2127) di twitter about ur pregnancy….! smoga dr dlm keadaan sihat selalu… best wishes for u… 🙂

  11. Hai..enjoying read ur writing dr.halina…little b teeth also gud..how u teach her to brush her teeth??msy be u can share tips..tq..

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