Mommy Likes: Beaba Multi-portions Storage

Yes, this is my current favourite baby product!! It is Beaba’s multiportions storage for Bella’s semi-solid food!! I love the colour options.. It makes my freezer looks lively!! Heheheh.. Knowing me and my husband, both of us have this obsession about lime green colour 😉 It is just our favourite hue at the moment, and of course we bought the lime green one *wink*

Why I like this storage container besides the beautiful design and colour..? It is made of silicone, Bisphenol-A free ( and that is BPA-free..) and very practical if you cook baby’s food in batches.. It comes with 7 small portion compartments, 2-ounce each.. Just nice for baby’s food portion.

This is Bella’s food, it’s actually frozen puree of sweet potato and broccoli. The colour is very uninviting but somehow Bella loves this one very much!! Because it is made of silicone, it is easy to push out the content.. You can just squeeze from below until the frozen food pop out from it..

Senang kan!! So you don’t have to thaw the whole portions.. Haaaaa… I loike!!

43 thoughts on “Mommy Likes: Beaba Multi-portions Storage

      1. Bole x Dr. or anyone kasi link or nama kdai or mall in kl/sgor that sells food storage ni..please..benda ni nmpak sgt smart nyusahkn..huhuhu

  1. same la doc ! i pon suke sgt beaba pny product..comel2 design die..doc masak makanan bella gune baby food maker beaba ke ?

  2. assalamualaikum…Dr halina…

    very d like ur blog…..n for ur info everyday lia tgg Dr halina update….but sgt suka dgn itu tempat solid food..kat ne leh dapat?

  3. i lioke this multi-portion….
    its very cute…
    i xpnh dgr yg babies food kita boleh frozen kan dia…
    it is very interesting la..
    Dr. u ni very creative la..
    i loike ur style….

  4. tak boleh nak buat cmni kat Anazs sebab dia makan dalam portion yang banyak. Hohoho. Bekukan terus dalam bekas tupperware biasa and biasanya 2 kali makan jer habis laaaa… :).

  5. Dr..really need this..can’t cope cooking iqmal’s fud every night..ade org dh start bising xtahan I kat dpr msk lame2 tiap mlm :(..really make me down after all the effort I made :(..kalau dr xkeberatan, share lah kat mane dr beli sbb sy try crk xjumpe pon huhuhu..

  6. When i 1st made frozen food for my baby, ramai yang kata not good la etc. we are working mothers and mmg la tak leh nak masak everytime nak feed. i think overseas ppl been doing this for so long. cuma our ‘people’ tak amalkan. its the same mcm we freeze our ebm la kan ? 😉
    this frozen homemade food is much much better than those processed food in the box or jar that we can get off the rack. So say YES for homemade food!! 😀

    1. hi betty. i tried open the link u’ve mentioned. unfortunately the storage is not available. only some other beaba products. could u pls give detail link which can direct me exactly to this storage? tqvm 🙂

      1. Doc, i did searched in babyloft side but apparently none are avaible for that multi storage. Only can find jar storage 😦

  7. Hi Dr.
    I’m ur new reader..nice mommyhood blog u have..keep on writing doc;)

    cantek food storage tu..i loike!
    lepas ni boleh buat stock homemade food for baby B lagi…

    my 1st baby, I pun bagi Heinz jar food till 10months before fully bagi homemade.Now 2nd baby, I fully intro him homemade baby food. As u said,walau rupa tak cantek yg pasti taste dia sedap kan..

    lets promote homemade baby food for our lil ones 😉

  8. hi doctor! truly love reading ur blog! want to share, if u guys really want beaba product, go to the curve, 2nd floor near the kids playground, shop named FIRST FEW YEARS. Various beaba’s product u can choose from! 😉

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