Lazy Mommy Recipe!

Hi all!! Gosh, my husband is not around this week. He's currently attending a United Nation workshop in Beijing for a week. So, I'm left with my two girls running around like a circus. Haha.. Tiring but I'm having fun.. a mommy-kinda-fun. Yes, I miss having him around. It makes me feel more appreciative towards … Continue reading Lazy Mommy Recipe!

B’s Fav Sh-oup

I haven't been writing about B's favourite food for quite some times.. that is mainly because she eats less of baby more and more adult food nowadays. No, I'm not talking about masak lemak cili api or even chicken curry here. She eats mainly soups, spaghetti, chicken rice, tosei, nasi lemak (minus the sambal) and … Continue reading B’s Fav Sh-oup

Oven-baked Potato Wedges

I just finished making home-made oven-baked potato wedges for Bella. I know it is so much easier to just buy french fries from McD and feed B but all this MSG and stuff.. haih.. Tak elok lar.. So, found this super easy recipe on the internet to make my own fries.. and gave it a … Continue reading Oven-baked Potato Wedges

Baby Bolognese for Little B :)

This is a 'must-share' with all mommies out there.. Baby Bolognese, another yummy recipe from Annabel Karmel 🙂 These are the basic ingredients and together with minced beef!! Let's start our cooking lesson... First, heat up the olive olive in the saucepan, add the onion and fry for 2-3minutes.. Then you add the minced beef … Continue reading Baby Bolognese for Little B 🙂

Fish with Carrot and Orange!!

B has been eating a lot of chicken and beef lately... and very little of fishes family. Hahaha.. Mommy lar malas masak! But recently I found another easy fish recipe from Annabel Karmel's cookbook, so I decided to give it a try.. It's called Fish with Carrot and Orange! Yes, orange 😉 First, steam the … Continue reading Fish with Carrot and Orange!!

Chicken, Sweet Potato and Apricot :)

This time I'm gonna share another of B's favourite food.. As usual, I like to try Annabel Karmel's recipe. It's easy to make and super yummy!! 🙂 You gotta have boneless chicken, diced sweet potato, dried apricot, carrot, chicken stock and tomato puree.. Simple and quick.. promised! First, heat up your cooking olive oil, saute … Continue reading Chicken, Sweet Potato and Apricot 🙂

Beef Casserole and Butternut Squash for Little B!!

I just tried this recipe last night.. For the first time, I'm introducing red meat to Little B! 🙂 and she loves it!! I just wanna share the recipes with mommy out there.. I got this one from Annabel Karmel Cooking Book.. So, tried and tested.. approved yummy!! It's very easy.. You just need minced … Continue reading Beef Casserole and Butternut Squash for Little B!!

B’s Fish Meal!!

Hi all! Many have wrote to me that they have tried the chicken recipe and they (and their baby of course!) Love it!! Nom! Nom! Nom! Now I would like to share another recipe from Annabel Karmel's Baby & Toddler Recipes. This time it's fish meal... Salmon & Broccoli Puree!! Easy one.. well, actually all … Continue reading B’s Fish Meal!!

Little B’s Fav: Chicken & Apple Puree

This is Sophea Isabella's favourite food so far.. Do you know how I know that ? Easy.. no war involves during meal time. Hahha.. She just simply open her mouth every time I shoved her the spoon.. Hahhaha.. Jamin sedap!! It's very easy to do.. Siap in less than 30 mins.. First, you heat oil … Continue reading Little B’s Fav: Chicken & Apple Puree