OK this is the last entry of my BaitulMaqdis trip series.. thank you for bearing with me 🙂
In Jerusalem, we also visited Nabi Daud A.S’s shrine. Nabi Daud is also knowned by the name of King David by the Jews..
Here’s Bella saying “Hello” to a stranger.. Her character is starting to emerge now, she’s very friendly and love to talk with her peers..
This is Nabi Daud A.S tomb. It is located at Mount of Zion. You only see half of it because behind the curtain, there’s another half part of it for women section. The Jews believed Nabi Daud A.S was one of their king. The tomb was previously in a mosque but now converted to one of Jew’s religious place since they took over Jerusalem. When we got there, both Jews and Muslims were praying for Nabi Daud A.S. Even his tomb is covered with Hebrew’s cloth..
Outside of Nabi Daud A.S. tomb’s area, there were more Muslims tombs but it was left dirty, not taken care off. This is because the Israeli doesn’t allow the local Muslims to clean up the tombs area. These tombs doesn’t have significant history for the Jews. So it’s left with rubbish and wild plants. Sad isn’t it?
After that we moved on to Hebron. Hebron is a Muslim area in West Bank. It is about 1 hour drive from Jerusalem. We have to pass through an Israeli check point first before entering West Bank.
Here’s the city centre of Hebron. You can really see the different between Jerusalem which is controlled by Israel and Hebron which is a 100% Muslim area. In Hebron, we went to visit Hebron University and to Nabi Ibrahim A.S mosque and shrine.
Here’s the entrance to Nabi Ibrahim A.S mosque. This mosque is actually build over the tomb of Nabi Ibrahim A.S and his family.
And this is how it looks like from inside. Do you see the two small hut inside the mosque? On your right hand side is the tomb of Nabi Ibrahim’s son, Nabi Ishak A.S.
Here’s our two girls with Support Palestine band. Lying on the floor in Nabi Ibrahim’s mosque.
Again, Bella trying to make friend with a Palestinian boy…
And Tasha carried by a beautiful Palestinian girl.
The tomb of Nabi Ibrahim A.S is located at the back of the mosque, inside this grilled area.
And this is the tomb of Nabi Ishak A.S in the praying area as I shown you above..
And this is us, in front of the tomb of Siti Sara, first wife of Nabi Ibrahim A.S, mother of Nabi Ishak A.S., also in a grilled area. Tasha is sleeping in the carrier, just in case if you’re wondering.. and daddy the cameraman must have said something funny.. look at Bella giggling..
Sisterly loving from Bella to Tasha.. Bella loves to shower her little sister with hugs and kisses.. Heheh..
We also went to a place in Mount of Zion where the footprint of Nabi Isa A.S. is..
The Christian believes that this is the place where Nabi Isa A.S (Jesus to them) came back after the crucification, that is resurrection of the dead.
And this small house is the birth place of Maryam, Nabi Isa A.S’s mother. This place is located inside the Al-Aqsa compound. And Nabi Isa was also born in Jerusalem but we didn’t go to his birth place. The Christians believe that Nabi Isa was born in Bethelam. The palm tree area where he was born in Bethelam is now converted to a church, named Church of Nativity.
And this is how our daughter’s look like after a long day spent in a bus travelling around town.. alhamdullilah we didn’t have any problem with them. They behaved like they should. We brought a stroller for Bella in case she got tired and Tasha was carried in a baby carrier.
Now I understand why BaitulMaqdis is called Land of Anbiya’.. Many prophets left their footprints there. From Nabi Ibrahim, to Nabi Ishak, Nabi Musa, Nabi Daud, Nabi Khaidir, Nabi Isa and even Nabi Muhammad S.A.W has been to BaitulMaqdis on his way to Isra’ Mikraj. The sad part is, the holy land is in the hand of the Jews. And we muslims can only come as tourist.. Even the entrance to Al-Aqsa is guarded with Israeli armed forces!!
It is also believe that Imam Mahadi will be from Damascus, Syria and travel to BaitulMaqdis before he prays with Nabi Isa A.S in Al-Aqsa before the judgement day. Wallahua’lam..
That’s all I have to share with all of you. At the very least, I hope you can benefit from our experiences in BaitulMaqdis. A big thank you to Gotz Tour & Tour for making this happen for us.
Me and my girls will be travelling to Dublin via Dubai this weekend for my brother’s graduation. This time daddy won’t be around due to work. Wish me luck!! Haha..
Thank you for sharing, Dr. Just being curious, what’s that blue lacy thing in your hand? (the one where Tasha is sleeping in the carrier on you)
Allah bless your family always!
thats Bella’s hat..!
Doc asben and wife senang dapat cuti ke. Jeles hehehe
supremely jealous with ur journey ^_^
ya me too.. so jealousy.. huhu.. anywayy thank you for sharing Dr..
dr..great journey, great experience, also great story telling..suke tgk dr handle anak2..the best part is, dr akan bw anak2 ke mana saje..amazed..
Salam Dr, thank you for sharing the story of your journey to Baitul Maqdis.. It is really an amazing history that many muslims should know. I cannot let my tears go down when reading some part that Israel did to Muslim. By the way, alhamdulillah you have pleasant trip. Good girl Bella & Tasha. They behave well. alhamdulillah.. It is not easy to bring a toddler as I also experienced same way when bring my kid outside. Maybe dr can share your tips & tricks to travel with kid.. Thanks in advance. We love to see your nice and clear picture.. Beautiful and it tell the story.
Alhamdulillah, thank you for taking us through the journey too (hyphothetically):-) Wish I can hv the same experience as yours. Keep us updated will ya.
Love to read your safe journey to BaitulMaqdis with your loves.. May 1 day i and family can be there too.. Btw, all the best for the next journey..hehe
MasyaALLAH. Thank you very much, Dr Halina!
Great journey with the two girls!!!!. TQ for sharing!!
Wow! After reading these 3 parts blog about your journey, i turned to my husband and told him that we are going to Baitul Maqdis for our next holiday……teruja sangat sangat ni…. :o)) Please take care Dr. All the best to you and your family!
yay!! you’ll have a great time there, insyaAllah..
COmelnya Bella bila berkenalan dengan orang… 🙂
Dr , how u bf with the jubah?
it’s a button up jubah.. quite easy.
Alhamdulillah..everything went well for all of you on your trips.. so good luck for your next trips and hope you can post some of your experience bawak baby and toddler.. i will also be travelling nearby with my 19mths old girl and baby in my belly! Owhh..hope i can cope just like you.. Ameen..
insyaAllah.. I went for umrah last year when Bella was 15 month old and I was 6 month pregnant with Tasha. everything went well, alhamdullilah,,
What an adorable family and great storytelling 🙂
Puas dapat baca .. tkasih Dr harlina.. dan suka tgk gelagat bella dan tasya.. pandai dr selit2 gambar bella dan tasya dgn gambar2 lain..suka..
terima kasih kerana berkongsi pengalaman..untungnya dapat ke sana
bella’s giggling face is sooo funny,hahaha
ok…tak tau nape..tapi me nangis lepas habis baca entry nie. emotional! hahaha i wanted to go and see too ;(
Omg dublin, all the best doc ..letak ur girls dlm stroller je habis citer…or u hire a babysitter…nice entry…lovin it….thx….
ya Allah…bestnya dr halina sekeluarga dapat jejak kaki dekat bumi anbiya’, Palestin. suka tgk gmbar2 dr halina satu kluarga. a happy family with two little cute girls. and i see tasha makin comel! 😀 same thing goes to bella. sy harap satu hari nnti sy dapat jmpak dr halina sekeluarga. hee~
n after this, dr halina will fly to Dublin? oh my god… bestnya~~ 😀
Tq for sharing
Thank you for the great story experience:)
Beautiful daughters! I hope i will have beauty children like them :). Dr, could u please story more about the progrssing of tasha’s growth. I just love to see and be amazed with babies’ dvlopmnt. Please3x 🙂
this word “It is also believe that Imam Mahadi will be from Damascus, Syria and travel to BaitulMaqdis before he prays with Nabi Isa A.S in Al-Aqsa before the judgement day. Wallahua’lam..”
make me cry dan sebak sgt….huhuhuh
love to hear ur vacations.. may Allah bless u with lots of happiness… amin
Great posts, its very nice of you to have shared your experienced and to fill it with awesome pictures and not forgetting to include the little girls and the people of palestine. It was an enjoyable read.
All the best flying to Dublin. I’m sure you’ll have some help 🙂
p/s: You’re looking great! Must be from all the working out. Really shows 🙂
uuuuu… *hugs* hahahahha…
Cutenye Bella!! Friendly sungguhhhh!! 😀
Oh btw, I wish I will be there too. Inshaallah.
Dr nk datang dublin ? Ahhhh nk jumpa bella and tasha ! Please come to Cork, pleaseeeeee 😉
doc,did u bring along your breastpump with u ? are u pumping milk while travelling..if yes…where did u keep your ebm’s?? and how often tasha BF perday..? hihi..too many question..
no i didnt do EBM mujahidah..
so tasha direct feeding only ya?
great journey! and happy see Bella & Tasha. they are very cute as always dr 🙂 dont forget to share entry to dublin ! 🙂
Salam dr.i need some advice from u.InshaAllah i will perform umrah with my parents this coming jun and now im 6 months pregnant. Isnt safe for pregnant lady travelling in long haul flight?Maybe u can share some tips?=) this will be my first umrah,i cant wait for that moment and i hope everything will be ok,inshaAllah 🙂
you’ll be fine insyaAllah. I performed umrah when Bella was already 15month old and pregnant with Tasha at 6 month. alhamdullilah everythinh was great. drink a lot of water. you really need to be well hydrated in Mecca. Temp is 43 degrees now. and do some leg exercise (move around) in the airplane. have enough rest while you can.. all the best!
Yay..done baitulmadqis!!..Enjoy your next trip to dublin!!..pls snap gmbar byk2 ok kat saner tuk sayer bcoz I impress about the country 😉 kim salam to DR Hamizah sekali say cgrat to her for her pregyy!!
Wah…wonderful trip…thanx 4 d great info doc.just wanna 2 know..how old bella now?dah 2 ys ke?nmpk mcm dah besar sgt.dah mcm 3 or 4 ys.one more thing…bole x doc share experience doc g umrah bw bella n at the same time you are pregnant too.i think it’s too challenging…
Bella is one year and 10 month now. Turning 2 this coming July, insyaAllah..
thank you,Dr Halina. You give me a lot of information via sharing your great experience and wonderful trip. I wish that my family & i will be there too.. Also,i wish… all the best for you to the next journey..
Dr.Halina please share your story traveling to Dublin pulak later on..hehe..safe journey !
salam Dr Halina.. saya cuma nk bertanya. tasya pakai barut tak? sebenarnya barut ni perlu / penting ke tuk baby? n lagi satu tasya ada tak menangis krn kepenatan selepas seharian berjln ? bkn apa anak saya klau berjalan jauh sikit je bila mlm tido mesti menangis2. mak saya kata sbb baby tu penat. betul ke? saya tgk ok jer tasya jln jauh. mintak sgt pandangan dari dr. tak tahu dah nk rujuk pada siapa lagi.
Dr, the weather is meant to be lovely in Dublin this weekend do visit Dublin Zoo, Phoenix Park or at the very least Stephen’s Green park. Dollymount strand pun menarik
make me jelly. huhu
follow up your twitter, facebook and blog make me see in this worlds there is great doctor, who success in love, family and carer.
if you plan to having 10 children mean this years we gonna heard a good news la doc, 🙂
Allah bless you and family. i’m your big fan.
TQ for sharing.Myself do hope one day can ziarah Al Aqsa too.Amin.
Salam Dr Halina…you are such an amazing mum and inspire me alot in bringing up your children. Bole tak dr share more on how you travel with your kids..especially Tasha yg masih BF. how often you feed her..dr express jugak ke or just direct feeding, then lagi satu everytime nak solat tu dr take turn dgn hubby ke jaga bella & Tasha? please share your experience 😉
I breastfeed in demand. Every prayer time at the mosque, Bella will be with my husband and I will take Tasha. I make sure both of them well fed and got their diaper changed before prayer so they wont cry. I put Tasha next to the pillar while I pray. She’ll just golek2 there..
Thank you for sharing Dr. You a joy to read, inspiring i would say & to have comfort after reading your entry . Heart & Hug for lovely Bella & Cutie Tasha….
Salam Dr.
Hehehe.. One question! Tasya naik flight tak nangis ke? Kadang2 telinga akan rasa pekak due to pressure kan. Even kita yang besar ni pun terasa pekak dan sakit telinga, ini kan pulak baby.. Please i really need your tips. Coz next week i’ll fly with my 9 months daughter to Sandakan. Risau kalau-kalau dia tak selesa atas flight.. 😦
I wrote abt this issue in my previous entry when Bella was a baby. Sorry I forgot the title..
Basically just breastfeed her whenever she feels uneasy. Especially during takeoff. Or if she is not a breastfed baby, kasi bottle susu or puting. Asalkan ada benda untuk dia hisap utk clear the air pressure in the ear. Hope this helps. Utk kita adult ni, hisap gula2.
Hi Dr. Halina! I was browsing for books online and came across this book called ‘The Astronaut Wives Club’ by Lily Koppel and it reminded me of you and your family! Seems like a good read 🙂
seronoknya. 🙂 i wish to go one day
Great sharing Dr!
Bella is a brave and frenly girl
Such wonderful journey! Readers may try visit here https://adf.ly/Qq1DQ
..what a great journey doc.. my dream to go there oneday….^_^
Thanks. May Allah reward you for this tower
thanks for sharing. i’m from Indonesia. I hope i can go to al aqsa someday.
Hello, i feel that i saw you visited my site thus i got here to return the want?.I
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Thanks for sharing. Looking at the photos hoping to visit there someday…many historical stuff. Hoping to see the tombs of the Prophets.
Greetings from Jerusalem Baitul makdis.
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